Sometimes, one comes across questions on the main site that facilitate very easy answers. For example, "Is this solution correct?" or "Is my understanding of definition X correct?", but also questions facilitating obvious, easy hints ("What if you differentiate $f(x)$?"). An example.
Some people dislike the reputation gain that these answers can generate for them, or fear coming off to other users as (overly) focussed on gaining reputation.
I always thought that it was accepted to use the Community Wiki feature for answers as a means to accommodate for these preferences. But as @GitGud just pointed out here, there seems to be no "official" information on this (I've searched for it, but to no avail).
Hence (TL;DR) : Is it acceptable to post "trivial" answers as CW?
Also, are there other options available? (I don't consider answering in a comment a solution, because it can keep the question bumping up, and comments are simply not intended for answering.)