Linked Questions

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Constructing a good title for some question categories

This seems quite difficult for me especially that I am interested for questions related to series and integration. Usually you want your question to be easily discovered by search engines but this is ...
Zaid Alyafeai's user avatar
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Make new users feel a bit more involved when they first submit a question [duplicate]

Very simple thought triggered by the overwhelming amount of new users who clearly haven't read the excellent threads how-to-ask-a-good-question and how-to-ask-a-homework-question: it would perhaps be ...
Arnaud Mortier's user avatar
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Button for "First Posts" MathJax-based review

When I review "First Posts" questions, a lot of reviews consist of pointing out new users on using MathJax by leaving a comment. Can't we establish a button which automatically creates a ...
mag's user avatar
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List of popular links in the review queues

Recently I have started participating in the review queues on the main site more often, and frequently I find myself wanting to link new people to places, such as the Mathjax tutorial, 'How to ask a ...
lioness99a's user avatar
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