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Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. Accepting is encouraged but never required. This tag is for *discussing* issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that the tagged question *has* an accepted answer.

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0 votes
0 answers

What exactly does 'using artificial intelligence.. not allowed ' or something like that on the math website rules mean?

It is a bit unclear as to what is meant in the math section by using artificial intelligence ... is not allowed. For example does that include using symbolic math tools such as Maple, Maxima and many ...
user158293's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Accepting an answer that doesn't solve the question

I recently asked a question on MSE and got this answer. It doesn't actually provide a solution to the mathematical problem posed but rather gives a practical workaround to use interpolation and ...
A P's user avatar
  • 266
24 votes
1 answer

Found an incorrect yet accepted and upvoted answer

This answer claims that eigenvalues of a matrix are preserved under elementary row operations. It has two upvotes and it is an accepted answer. I came across it while searching related topics on ...
Nothing special's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Should I ask my doubt and later answer it on my own?

So I was studying numerical methods from my class notes and got this doubt which I had asked here. My notes are short and quick so they skip over a lot of detail. Later, I followed a textbook and my ...
Nothing special's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

Someone's answer is completely copied and pasted from my answer, and their answer got accepted.

Someone's answer to a question is completely copied and pasted from my answer (except they didn't use Mathjax), and their answer got accepted. I don't mind, but I just think it's strange behavior, for ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 26.1k
1 vote
2 answers

Why is the answer not accepted?

I was trying to understand if it was true for the Dowker notation that every crossing gets an even and an odd number. The question was asked by somebody else. I think the answer is satisfactory but it ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Accepted/Unaccepted filter for Answers/Questions in our Profile Menu

For Questions and Answers in our Profile Menu we have the option to filter them on the basis of Score/Activity/Newest/Views but more than often feel the need for a Accepted/Unaccepted filter for both ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Timeline of an answer; acceptance

Can we see when an answer has been accepted in the timeline of that answer? (I've tried it, but to no avail.) If not, where can I see this?
user26857's user avatar
  • 52.4k
22 votes
4 answers

What do I do if I got two equally good answers for a question that say basically the same thing, and I don't know which one to accept?

Here is the post for context: Is "today is Presidents' Day" a proposition, propositional function, or neither? Both the answers are really great and thorough, and they basically say the ...
blakedylanmusic's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

My activity summary shows an answer is accepted, when it isn't. [duplicate]

My latest answer is showing up as accepted in my activity summary, when it isn't (and never was). Just thought I'd let you know. In case anything changes, here is my unaccepted answer (and actually ...
Theo Bendit's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Answer pretends to be accepted but actually not.

The following answer is currently not accepted, but after enabling full site it is shown to be accepted. (on Android, Google chrome) Consider: Mobile view- Activity page: Mobile view- Profile page: ...
ACB's user avatar
  • 3,848
0 votes
0 answers

What does this mean 'Have you considered accepting an answer or starting a bounty for this question?' [duplicate]

Can anyone help me in informing how can I accept an answer? Also can anyone tell how can I start a bounty? I think I have no control about it but please help.
user158293's user avatar
35 votes
5 answers

Do we want accepted answers unpinned on Math.SE?

Stack Overflow changed the way they sort answers: We no longer pin the accepted answer (with the green checkmark) to the top of the list of answers. By default, we now sort strictly by votes (...
Martin R's user avatar
  • 119k
2 votes
1 answer

Accepting own answer if there are other, good answers that don't answer the question as intented.

I recently posted the following reference request: click The question got two very good answers and both answeres made an effort to explain things well. But, in the question I asked for a reference of ...
Guenterino's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What kind of answer to accept if I posted a problem asking to check my answer and the problem was ultimately wrong?

Recently I posted a question Four numbers are in AP such that the sum of numbers is $32$ and the greatest number is $3$ times the least. What is the product of the numbers? . In this I asked what was ...
user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

When do we upvote or accept an answer?

So I posted my first question here on the math stack exchange here: Choosing functions so $p'(r) = g(r) \cdot (1- \frac{p(r)}{k(r)})$ is solvable And I am wondering how I should vote on the answer,...
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Should I feel upset because I have accepted few answers over the years? [duplicate]

First off, I want to make clear that I have read this question beforehand thus to avoid duplicating the question. I changed it in such a way that it describes best my current feeling about this ...
Chris Steinbeck Bell's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

There should be a badge for sufficient number of accepted answers

Just the other day I was counting my answers which are accepted with great enthusiasm and with a belief that there is a badge for 10 accepted answers or 30 accepted answers. But unfortunately there ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Answers being unaccepted

I'm fairly new to (Math) Stack Exchange, so I am hoping the community could shed some light on this: I answered a user's question, in a comprehensive manner, and the user up-voted and accepted my ...
ccroth's user avatar
  • 916
1 vote
1 answer

Why does the acceptance of an answer not imply an upvote?

It happens to see accepted answers that don't get any upvote. I am struggling understanding the meaning of this. According to Help Center, accepting an answer simply means that the author received ...
Taroccoesbrocco's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What can we do about answered questions with no accepted answers if user has left the site

Today I ran into this question which has an upvoted answer and judging from the comment by the asker, it helped them and answered the question. Unfortunately the answer wasn't accepted and the user ...
ViktorStein's user avatar
  • 4,918
1 vote
1 answer

points for answers

I recently answered a question and the answer was awarded $35$ points. A few days later $15$ points were deducted. What sort of mechanism determines the number of points in the first place and where ...
herb steinberg's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Can we have a partial answer checkbox?

I recently posted a partial answer to this question. It was too long to post as a comment. Would it be a good idea to have a 'this is a partial answer' checkbox underneath the 'post your answer' ...
Angela Pretorius's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Should MSE send reminders to users listing questions with no selected answer?

Many, many questions have good answers, ignored or forgotten by the OP. A significant part of the issue comes from users unfamiliar with the site and the basics of accepting an answer. Could MSE ...
dantopa's user avatar
  • 10.5k
25 votes
1 answer

Accepted answer was wrong

I posted a question not long ago. A similar question was posted years ago, with an accepted answer (Edit: now deleted) and a second answer. But the accepted answer was wrong, although it received ...
Robert Shore's user avatar
  • 24.6k
21 votes
1 answer

showing gratitude for a very helpful / detailed answer?

I know that this is a Q&A forum, but sometimes there are answers, where I feel like it takes a lot of effort and work(?) to write a detailed answer, especially if there is confusion which needs ...
Pink Panther's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Accepting an answer although I did not understand the solution, is it ok?

I sometimes have lost interest in the question or do not want to think through every Detail of an answer of somebody. Since I don't want to be rude I accept an answer so other People do not waste ...
RM777's user avatar
  • 1,007
4 votes
1 answer

Is it good practice to edit an answer which has been accepted?

Sometimes after posting an answer I want to edit it—for example to correct typos, word something better, or plug some gap. Usually I just go ahead and edit, but I'm never quite sure what to do if the ...
timtfj's user avatar
  • 2,952
1 vote
0 answers

Accidently flagged a post

I was using math exchange from my mobile and accidently flagged the last answer in this question Can every Riemannian manifold be embedded in a sphere? I accidently did this while scrolling down on ...
Amr's user avatar
  • 20.2k
3 votes
0 answers

Delete my old (and wrong) accepted answer [duplicate]

How do I delete this old answer of mine? Not only it's wrong but there's also a way better (and correct) answer below. Note: That answer is now moderator deleted. The OP of the Question involved ...
Aristu's user avatar
  • 245
7 votes
1 answer

A comment provides an answer and later answer is provided

I have got a short answer to my question in a comment, which was correct as here. Later, another user provided an answer, which was the same as the comment but with some additional details which were ...
Green.H's user avatar
  • 1,231
17 votes
1 answer

How should I share new understandings following an answered question

Suppose I've asked a question on this site, and one of the answers has been so helpful that not only did it answer the question, but has also helped me gain greater understanding and clarity as to: ...
Bar Alon's user avatar
  • 1,309
3 votes
1 answer

want other person to receive credit for their answer

Someone answered my math question, re zero area of a graph. I think their answer is brilliant and should be given points. However, after I "accepted" the answer, I found that my reputation was ...
user2661923's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Can (why if not) moderators accept answers?

I am relatively new to the MSE community. I wanted to know that if a person asks a question and then doesn't care to accept any particular answer, can a moderator accept an appropriate answer? This ...
Aditya Pratap Singh's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

When to raise flag above 5k reputation?

I have a 5k reputation and so what are the cases where I should use flag because I have some of my flags declined. Secondly, there are some answers where the questioner didn't accept my answer in ...
Ri-Li's user avatar
  • 9,226
3 votes
0 answers

Unaccepting an answer

I had accepted an answer which preceded another answer by about 1/2 hour. At the time, the answer I accepted seemed quite acceptable. Subsequently reviewing both answers weeks later, I can ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Which answer to approve?

If I ask a question and get some answers for it of which all are equally correct and use a different method to solve the problem then how to decide which answer to approve?
vishal mishra's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How to get my answer accepted.

The question Let $ \ n_1 , \ n_2 , \ n_3 , \ ............., \ n_k \ $ be positive numbers. was posted a week ago. I answered it on the same day, i.e., a week ago. There are no other answers. There is ...
Stephen Meskin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Who can accept answers and what about downvotes on deleted content?

Can someone other than the OP accept an answer to the question? Can the OP find out who accepted the answer? If the answer to 1, is yes, and the OP disagrees, does the OP have any recourse? If I ...
Stephen Meskin's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Accepting one answer if several answers form a partition of a full answer

How would you attribute your acceptance tick if two or more good, but partial answers were given, i.e., none is complete, but their union is? Do you have valuable experiences you'd like to share? I'...
Hanno's user avatar
  • 6,582
2 votes
1 answer

Comments that should be answers [duplicate]

I have seen again and again cases in which a comment consists of a perfectly valid answer, something that has already been discussed here. In my opinion, no matter how simple an answer is, the person ...
José Carlos Santos's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Etiquette Question: OP answers based on the answers of others

If OP gets a very brief if not incomplete answer, and then adds their own answer which is a more complete version, who should be marked as Answering the Question. On one hand, the original answer ...
CluelessButCurious's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Requesting for like or best answer

I have received "polite" requests on 2 questions to accept the posted answer as best by the answerer claiming it will give them a badge. Is it OK, tolerated or objectionable practice?
user12345's user avatar
  • 589
20 votes
2 answers

Is it the best to post an answer to my own question and accept it?

Recently I posted two answers to my own questions An integral of rational function with third power of cosine hyperbolic function A closed form for a triple integral with sines and cosines ...
Zaid Alyafeai's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Accepting answers

Someone recently commented on a question I posted "Please accept this answer so it doesn't add back to the queue"? How do I do this? I already gave a up vote for the answer.
user278039's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Feature Request: Display Users Open Questions?

I have asked over 300 questions on the main site; however, for various I have failed to accept an answer for all of them. I would like to clean up my record, but when I wanted to filter my questions ...
Ovi's user avatar
  • 24k
2 votes
1 answer

Editing another person's answer to raise it to an acceptable level

Not to meta-effect anyone, but I was curious about the intended user experience and community standards of answers that "don't quite" make it to acceptance. As a concrete example, here's this ...
bright-star's user avatar
  • 1,161
14 votes
0 answers

Two of my answers from June both got accepted within one minute -- coincidence?

I am not sure if this is a spooky coincidence or a bug, but I am intrigued as to what caused this! I have been away for a week and came back today to +30 rep, coming from two answers which were both ...
Szmagpie's user avatar
  • 2,489
27 votes
5 answers

How to make users follow a better etiquette?

We've all seen it. A question of a new user, copied from a problem book, 5 people answering it with one-liners within 10 minutes, the user saying maybe a "thankx" and either picking a best answer ...
The Vee's user avatar
  • 3,111
4 votes
1 answer

What do the green boxes mean?

Some posts have their vote count highlighted green, while others do not. What does this mean? Does it just mean that that post has a high amount of upvotes? Does it mean the post does not have a ...
suomynonA's user avatar
  • 6,925