Questions tagged [bug]

Indicates a reproducible problem on the site that you believe is due to a mistake, malfunction, or programming error.

336 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Latex not rendering regardless of browser

As the title says the math formatting doesn't show regardless of the browser or device I'm using. However changing the network with Vpn or mobile network solves the problem for some browsers so I the ...
progares's user avatar
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Simultaneous editing

Sometimes I see a question on the main site which I feel could be improved on and when I click the edit button it says something along the lines of "this question is already being edited by someone ...
lioness99a's user avatar
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Why does it take longer to click "$x$ questions with new activity" than to click "Questions" on the left?

I have a pretty stable and fast enough internet connection, so I rule this out. I use Firefox 63.0 on a Ubuntu machine. When I click "$x$ questions with new activity" and the $x$ happens to be some ...
SAJW's user avatar
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MathJax broken by font clash in Related Questions and Hot Meta questions under new responsive design

We used to ren­der the Re­lat­ed Ques­tions and the Hot Me­ta Ques­tion lists in Geor­gia so that they looked right when com­bined with Math­Jax. Now we don’t, and it looks... sub­op­ti­mal (i.e., ...
tchrist's user avatar
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Accidently flagged a post

I was using math exchange from my mobile and accidently flagged the last answer in this question Can every Riemannian manifold be embedded in a sphere? I accidently did this while scrolling down on ...
Amr's user avatar
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Bug when editing question: "Body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 0."

Sometimes, after editing a question, I get the Oops! Your answer couldn't be submitted because: Body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 0. This has only occured on the mobile site and the ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Why is this edit shown as just me?

I made this edit, and it was approved, however the final change included edits I didn't make The edits I didn't make were the removing of a tag and noise at the end of the post. I recognize I ...
Travis's user avatar
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Ugly MathJax alignment on Zoomed pages (possibly Chrome specific)

I just noticed in passing that MathJax alignment in this answer has become very ugly - see the excerpt below. The string of $x$'s is wavering up and down. I don't recall seeing this when the answer ...
Bill Dubuque's user avatar
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The feature that gives notifications of new questions, new answers, new comments is not working

I noticed that the feature that gives notifications of new questions, new answers, new comments is not working in my computer. Can you suggest how I can start getting those notifications again? Has ...
SchrodingersCat's user avatar
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Newest questions start 4 hours ago

I have this weird bug: When I clicked newest questions it starts with questions that were posted four hours ago. Two hours ago, I had the same problem, although then it started with questions that ...
wythagoras's user avatar
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Vertical lines in array not appearing (Chrome)

On the main site, in Google Chrome, the vertical lines of an array made in $\LaTeX$ do not appear. They appear in meta, but not on the main site. Here is a latex array: $$\left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} ...
ahorn's user avatar
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Swype within Stackexchange loses some function.

I communicate with Stackexchange via my telephone (Galaxy S5 / Verizon). I use a virtual-keyboard facilitator called Swype (a product of Nuance). Swype works fine for me -- except when I use it in the ...
Senex Ægypti Parvi's user avatar
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Reopening questions, possible bug

In the review queue I was asked to decide whether to reopen this question or not. Some times I click to reopen because after doing so I'm asked if I really want to do it and I gain access to the ...
Git Gud's user avatar
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Empty queues are not empty...sometimes!

I think I saw the message: This queue has been cleared!... for the first time today. For fun, I clicked on another queue with 0 pending review tasks and surprisingly found one. I tried some other ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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A migration flag, active since 2 days, is it a bug?

Two days ago, I flagged my post: "Double coset relation for unique intermediate subgroup (with homogeneity)" for a migration on MO, but the flag is still active. Is it a bug? Else what is the normal ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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After F5 it loads indefinitely

When I press F5 in Firefox 24.3.0 (for Linux) while browsing a question, the rotating circle indicating loading of the page continues to rotate for an extended period of time. When I just open URL, ...
porton's user avatar
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math exchange switches me to wrong link

When I click on "complete list of questions" I am sent to "unanswered questions". I did once click on "unanswered questions", and it seems to have upset something in the links
Betty Mock's user avatar
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Bounty Display Bug

I just realized a display bug when putting a bounty: I'm using Firefox 24.0 and Windows 7. Could this be fixed somehow?
draks ...'s user avatar
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Bug in timer when trying to post an answer

I clicked on "Post your answer" and got a notice saying I can do this only once every 60 seconds. I had not done it in the preceding 60 seconds. A bug.
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Image does not appear

At least for me and some other users an image that did not appear in my answer in Why the $\nabla f(x)$ in the direction orthogonal to $f(x)$?. What could it be? Update for some reason I can already ...
Elias Costa's user avatar
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Mathematical formula cause google chrome to hang?

I'm using mac, previously everything it's ok. Just recently I noticed that if I open a post with mathematical formula, or if I try to write one in "ask question" , Google Chrome browser hangs. my ...
athos's user avatar
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About the Ordering of Answers

I found this question "A question about hyperbolic functions", where the OP accepted his own answer with no upvotes (so far). The strange thing is that the accepted answer doesn't show up on top, no ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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MathJax on questions display page

The MathJax only renders correctly for some of my questions on my profile page, but when I click through to the question, it will render correctly.
bobobobo's user avatar
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Difficulties with displaying set signs

In the following question I recently asked, I wasn't able to the display the symbols denoting sets in mathematics: {, and }. Usually, I write them by putting ...
Max Muller's user avatar
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Mathjax integrals displaying incorrectly

On my display the integral display too small and too far down. I see this on every integral displayed on the site. $$ \int f(x) dx $$ which is rendered to $$ \int ...
Ingolifs's user avatar
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Tag synonyms unable to display right quantity of questions

I'm new here and I've just found a small bug in tag synonyms. This bug appears in both main and meta Math Stackexchange. Some tags have synonyms, such as, in Math Stackexchange, tag span is a synonym ...
Alex-Github-Programmer's user avatar
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If your network is slow and you keep trying to upvote one of your answers just continuously clicking on it again and again your answer get upvoted

So I have discovered a bug or hack whatever you may call it. So today morning my network was bit slow ($<5$ MBPS). So I answered a question and I wanted to answer more question but slow network ...
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Mistake done by MSE in calculating score.

In my profile of Mathematics SE, it shows that I've score of $7$ in algebra-precalculus tag. However, if you manually count the scores of all the questions ...
SarGe's user avatar
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Live preview is not available

A few minutes ago, I posted a question on MSE and noticed that live preview is not available when writing a question. I would like to ask if other users have encountered this problem too. Thanks!
Akira's user avatar
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Bounty question not visible on *Featured* tab

I offered bounty on one of my own questions. I was expecting it to be on the Fetaured tab. But it fails to show up there. As per the FAQ a question with a bounty is supposed to be visible there. Here ...
Avrana's user avatar
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Solved. Dark theme flair not being updated while the others are.

I noticed that the dark flair theme is the only one that has not been updated, as shown in this picture from my profile: It must be emphasized that this dark theme flair is the one I display on my ...
C. Falcon's user avatar
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time stamp puzzle

At 9:27 AM (EDT) this question Is there another way to solve this problem? appears on the page as having been asked 6 minutes ago. The question itself is ...
Ethan Bolker's user avatar
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Issue uploading images

I encountered an issue today while uploading an image related to my answer to this question. $\pi$ from the unit circle, $\sqrt 2$ from the unit square but what about $e$? When I clicked on the icon ...
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LaTeX jumbled up when printing

when printing pages on math.stackexchange, often the LaTeX equations become jumbled up. Sometimes the error is minor misalignment, sometimes it is more serious. For me, this occurs both on IE and ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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intermittent [Math Processing Error] in and around comment

I started getting [Math Processing Error] in the comments under this answer after WimC posted the comment that begins with "@joriki: Err, actually I started with the pdf". The errors occur roughly ...
joriki's user avatar
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comment with line-filling equation gets garbled, with signature on top of text

The display of this comment is badly corrupted in my browser (Firefox 11.0 on Mac OS 10.6.8). The signature gets displayed on top of the end of the text. Since the comment contains an equation that ...
joriki's user avatar
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