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Questions tagged [closed-questions]

For talking about questions which have been closed.

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-2 votes
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Arbitrary closure of question [duplicate]

I asked for examples of a particular construction which is well-known to be poorly covered in the literature. I stated that I have read the portion of a known textbook dedicated to this topic, but ...
baltazar's user avatar
  • 1,581
5 votes
1 answer

Was this question closed for being about an ambiguity rather than being ambiguous?

This question was just asked and quickly closed and downvoted, with 'lack of clarity' given as the reason. However I think the question is about as clear as it can be when it's asking about maths from ...
Zoe Allen's user avatar
  • 6,256
2 votes
0 answers

Why was this question closed (too niche?) [duplicate]

I asked this question of general topology a day or two ago. Admittedly it is a "niche" topic, which will attract people interested in general topology and maybe not many people outside of ...
PatrickR's user avatar
  • 5,334
34 votes
2 answers

An almost 8 years old question was closed just after I added a new answer to it

This old question recently got closed. Just some days ago, I added a new answer to it. Perhaps my action caused the closure of the question (e.g. draw close-voters' attention). I am interested in many ...
River Li's user avatar
  • 41.2k
0 votes
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What is the issue with my question?

A question of mine recently got closed for "needs details or clarity". I don't see what I could change to make it clearer and the person(s) who closed didn't provide any insight. What can be ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why was my post closed when I gave clear reasons that did not conflict wtih question posting guidelines?

I recently created the following post. It was a split of an earlier post. Someone asked if it was a duplicate and I explained in the comment that it is a split of a previous post because that post ...
Seth's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

My experience with closed questions

As a high schooler, I understand that the vast majority of users on MSE have attained a higher level of math education than me. I have seen a few high level questions that have been very short, with ...
Problem_Solving's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is my question being closed for not explaining "why the question is interesting or important"? [duplicate]

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: A right-angled triangle has sides of integer length. Its area (in square metres) is twice its perimeter (in metres). What are the lengths of ...
didlidoo's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What is the reason behind my question getting closed? [closed]

The following question was asked by me on Math StackExchange. I was trying to evaluate this integral: this integral $$ \int_{0}^{1} \frac{\ln (x) \ln^{2}(1+x) \ln(1-x)}{x} \ dx $$ I was stuck at the ...
user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Was this question closed by a human or a bot? what more details could be added?

This question was closed because This question needs details or clarity. "can there be an infinite set S whose elements all contain S? [closed]" However, ...
arod's user avatar
  • 123
-6 votes
1 answer

Query about question closed for "Needs Details or Clarity"

I had posted a question Query on reducts and core algorithm in Rough Sets [closed], where I was trying to understand a ppt example in Computational Intelligence subject. I gave the example, I gave the ...
Jaideep Shekhar's user avatar
11 votes
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Why was this question closed/deleted for lacking context?

This question was closed, and the reason was lack of context. While I understand that an attempt doesn't equal context, I am confused as to what exactly was wrong with the post. The OP had made some ...
D S's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Closed Question Despite 8 Upvotes and Detailed Attempts – Seeking Clarification

I joined Math Stack Exchange about 15-17 days ago, so I might not know all the rules for asking questions. One of my early questions got closed, but it had 8 upvotes, and I mentioned what I tried. I’m ...
user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Why was this question closed for lacking focus?

I posted a question that, in retrospect, was too broad, and it received two votes to close with comments telling me why. I edited it to substantially restrict its scope, and it was upvoted and ...
Lawton's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can you explain me why my question was closed?

This question was closed for being "opinion-based". I honestly don't see how this relates to any opinion. The answer is actually written in the comments and was here pretty much from the ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I get my question deleted?

I cannot delete this question because "it has an answer", even when the "answer" does not even attempt to answer the question at all. It only repeats what I wrote in the question, ...
tutizeri's user avatar
  • 166
1 vote
2 answers

Why was my question closed AFTER editing to make it more clear

What is this boolean pattern? This seems a bit frustrating and confusing. From my perspective yes it started unclear when D.W. may have first looked at it, but I believe that the intent to know how I ...
micsthepick's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What should I do if I am asked to close an old question that does not meet current standards?

I now realize that many of the closure proposals I was voting for are from posts that date back several years (in this case I received a report from someone who flagged a post from 2016 but I can't ...
Math Attack's user avatar
15 votes
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Why was my question down voted and deleted, even though I mentioned my level (learning on my own in the Internet) and showed source and my reasoning?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Can a residue class $(a \textrm{ mod } n)$ have a negative $n$? My question is: could someone provide me feedback on why this question was ...
Gandalf The Manifold's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What can I do about my question being deleted?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Riemann integrability of a function with infinite points of discontinuity I am a new user on mathematics stack exchange and my experience ...
112120's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes
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Why are there so many Close votes in the Review queues in Math Stack Exchange?

Currently there are over 300 Close votes in the Review queues in Math Stack Exchange. Why so many?
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why was my question about complex exponentiation closed?

I asked a question about a generic form of complex exponentiation, and it got closed on the grounds that "I need more context". I'm happy to oblige, but I don't know exactly what I need to ...
Jme's user avatar
  • 85
-2 votes
2 answers

What's the deal with closing "What are some conjectures of your own"?

A few days ago I posted the following question, What are some conjectures of your own? [closed] Which you may have seen on the Hot Network Questions. Clearly, people enjoyed it. It's fun, and ...
Graviton's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Why is the question about topic modelling book for math student off-topic?

The question Is there any book about topic modelling in machine learning for math student? is closed with the reason that it's not about mathematics. Reading What topics can I ask about here? - Help ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Can I re-ask a closed question? [duplicate]

I am talking about this question. This seems to be OP's first question, and OP didn't show any of their work. This is why the question got closed. However, I find the question itself very interesting ...
aqualubix's user avatar
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52 votes
6 answers

Are we closing short questions too hastily?

I refer to this question, which I was spending a couple hours preparing the answer for only to find it already closed by the time I could post it. This is not the only instance in recent memory – I ...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
  • 91.2k
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to remove questions closed from my feed?

On the front page of MSE, I often see a large number of closed questions. Is there a way to make the front page show only questions which are still open?
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is my question closed? [duplicate]

Recently, I posted a question but end up being closed. It states for the reason to be closed is that it is similar to this question. The exercise cited in both posts clear indicated that it has two ...
Seth's user avatar
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7 votes
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Text in “Closed“ box goes beyond right boundary (on mobile devices)

On mobile devices, the text in a “Closed” box may extend beyond the right boundary of the box. Up to now, I observed this only on the Mathematics Meta site, and only for questions which are closed ...
Martin R's user avatar
  • 119k
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Why did my question about Lie algebra software get closed?

I asked a question about mathematics software here, and the question was closed as "this question is not about mathematics." But there are numerous questions on this site asking for ...
baharampuri's user avatar
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11 votes
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Closure of a question about terminology

Yesterday I asked a question about terminology and to my surprise it was closed and downvoted. I would like to understand why. Here is my reasoning: Usually there are good reasons for the choices of ...
Filippo's user avatar
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Please help me to get some feedback on why my question is closed [duplicate]

Question: Cases when iteration preserves commutativity I don't necessarily object, but I cannot understand why it was downvoted and then closed. This question is really specific. I tried to provide ...
Konstantin Vladimirov's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

What context is needed?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: How to prove that the surface of sphere is measure zero. I posted the question with context, but it is said that additional context is ...
user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Question asked for how to carry out a computation and all the respondents tried to answer as "how to prove"

Hi I dont think this is a particularly high quality question: How to expand $\frac{x^n-1}{x-1}$? but the asker very clearly had trouble with how to perform a computation/carry out an algorithm/know ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
7 votes
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How do we handle a chain of "duplicate" questions that are linked to a "missing context or other details" question?

The following chain questions are currently all closed: Proving that $\langle x, y \rangle$ is a not principal ideal of $\mathbb{Q}[x, y]$ Non-principal ideal in $K[x,y]$? The ideal $I= \langle x,y \...
user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

"Post Answer" option for those mid-way writing despite "Closed" post

When the post is closed, no longer answers are accepted as: the answer box gets removed. if you were writing something, the post answer option is no longer available. In the latter case, I am ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should the following question be closed?

The top half of this posting is a response to the issue of whether this posting is itself a duplicate of a pre-existing MathSE Meta posting. The issue was raised whether this posting is a duplicate of ...
user2661923's user avatar
2 votes
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How did this closed question gain a new answer?

I closed a question (“ Transposing matrices by multiplication ”) some hours ago as a dupe, but someone gave it a new answer two hours later. Looking at the revision history, the question had not been ...
user1551's user avatar
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Close as duplicate when the "duplicate" appeared several years later [duplicate]

It does not make sense to me that you get your question closed when the duplicate causing it to be closed has appeared many years later. And the question being closed already has a satisfactory and ...
Richard Collins's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Why can't I edit a new question in place of a duplicate?

I have $5$ or so duplicate/closed questions, which is hurting my "positive question record" statistic. So, I edited a useless duplicate question and asked a new question, which I was told &...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
1 vote
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Why was this question on planar graphs closed like this? I see no comments on it telling OP to improve something, nor do I see any issues with it except ...
user110391's user avatar
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Are questions about (problems with) specific approaches duplicates?

Recently this question about a classic contest problem was closed as a duplicate of another about the same problem. The closed question asks about a specific approach to the problem, though, and how ...
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Statistics of fraction of questions closed per month (posted that month itself)

Is there any way I can access the data of what fraction of questions are being closed as dupes per month. So, for example, I want to compare how many Qs posted in January this year was closed that ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
-10 votes
2 answers

Why are questions closed?

I would like to know why questions can be closed in general; it just occurred to me that even if the question does not make sense to you, there is no reason to close it and prevent it from ever being ...
AmoebaProteus's user avatar
3 votes
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When in doubt, don't ask [duplicate]

In the help about "on-topic" it reads: Understanding mathematical concepts and theorems. However, this question: Why is a curve that intersects itself not a manifold? was closed as "off-...
Leandro Caniglia's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Instead of closing questions first specify what needs to be improved

Final update: Apologies to mods, it was frustrating to always trying to help and not even get a hint of what is needed to fix the question, It has been emotionally draining to get any hints of what ...
jimjim's user avatar
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What to do if I like the question in a post but the post is presented in a bad quality. [duplicate]

I have been wondering about this question for the last week. It is really pointed out to everyone at all times that whenever you ask a question, you must include details, motivation, thoughts, or some ...
Rounak Sarkar's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Should I delete my questions?

I am not concerned about reputation. I would like to be a useful contributor, and gain knowledge from interacting with mathematicians. I have no formal training. I posted 2 questions, learned a lot, ...
ToMath's user avatar
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18 votes
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A question quickly closed and deleted

I've been trying to stay off meta recently, but I did want to talk about the following question: Why is this proof of the collatz conjecture wrong The question is now deleted, so here is a quote of ...
Theo Bendit's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is this question about functions off-topic

Why is the following question off-topic? Why is every continuous function on the reals determined by its value on rationals?
sno's user avatar
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