Questions tagged [closed-questions]

For talking about questions which have been closed.

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16 votes
2 answers

Full solution in comments after question was closed.

Recently, there has been some users who post a significant amount of things in the comments to questions of low-quality questions. To me what they put in the comments is really a full solution of the ...
0 votes
0 answers

"Applications of intuitionistic logic" [duplicate]

This my question was closed today, and I don't understand why. Can anybody explain to me what was wrong with this question and why it was closed?
2 votes
0 answers

Can I improve this question?

This question of mine was closed as I need to "provide additional context". I'm struggling to think of what context exactly I could add - there is no external motivation of the question ...
7 votes
2 answers

Should I delete my answer to a downvoted and closed question?

I've recently answered two questions (here and here) that were subsequently closed and downvoted to -5 (one for being opinion-based and the other for not meeting the MSE guidelines). Though the ...
22 votes
2 answers

What can be used for checking on posts you downvoted/closed?

I have seen discussions where some users explicitly mentioned that they tend to go back to questions and answers they downvoted (or voted to close) and if they were sufficiently improved, they retract ...
2 votes
0 answers

Recover closed question on math.stackexchange?

Is there a way to recover a question (talking about Veblen ordinal hierarchies and tetration) on math.stackexchange that has been closed time ago? Need to archive its contents on my webpage and I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Closing of a question about an unexpected behavior of a math software

Compare these two questions. Question 4011197 4009941 title Why is there a difference between MATLAB and manual calculation for eigenvectors Linear Programming in R using lpSolve dismisses ...
5 votes
0 answers

One of the best questions (in my opinion) that I have asked has been deleted

Recently, folks have downvoted, closed, and now deleted a question which I feel is a great question. I suspect that either I will get a fantastic answer here why this is really a terrible question (in ...
-3 votes
1 answer

People behavior in math.stackexchange [duplicate]

I was struggling with a math problem and just went to send it to math.stackexchange in order to check my answer. but I see tsunami of condescension and arrogance. some people targeting the question ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why was my duplicate and deleted post reopened and undeleted?

My question was correctly closed as a duplicate of this one. I deleted the question after it was closed, but 7 hours after (13 minutes ago at the time of writing), the post was reopened and undeleted ...
-11 votes
1 answer

Unsure over why Question was closed

I had a recent question closed (link below) and the reason given was that it lacked detail... Not exactly sure how anyone can read this as lacking detail? Applications of Vector Spaces that are not ...
12 votes
1 answer

Should I 'recuse' myself on reopen votes for questions I voted to close?

If a question that I voted to close comes around in the Reopen queue, is there a community standard for voting on it? Most of the time if the question is fatally flawed (lower-quality duplicate, clear ...
5 votes
1 answer

The "Private feedback for you" message.

Some of my questions have been closed. A box appears with the title "Closed". In it the message "Private feedback for you" appears. In my email box no message from Stack Overflow ...
2 votes
0 answers

Closing question when asking an advice

So, recently I asked on the main Mathematics site about interesting subjects for my thesis. And it was closed as opinion-based. Btw this is my question: My question Then, I tried to looking for ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why was specific mathSE posting closed?

I am referring to this posting: Prove that square of all primes greater than 3 can be shown in the form of 12k+1 and similar 2 question. The subsequent explanation was that the question was not "...
3 votes
0 answers

"Improve this question" button on deleted posts goes to a page which says "This post is deleted and cannot be edited."

I went into my "recently deleted answers" tab and found this question (which is now deleted, so you cannot see it if you have <10k rep) which I answered. I can't normally see deleted ...
1 vote
2 answers

I want to view recently closed (not so recently asked) questions of mine

Five months ago I asked Conjecture: Any odd integer $k>1$ has a partition $m+n,\,m,n>0,$ such that $m^2+n$ > is a prime. and a few days ago it was closed, which I noticed only because there ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How can I fix my question? [duplicate]

Question in consideration: Mathematics as several Type-0 Grammars I've asked the question above because I've been trying to understand the way mathematicians do mathematics from a formalist ...
7 votes
1 answer

Same question format, but one question gets a good response, while the other gets closed. Why is that happening?

I'm speaking with reference to this question. When I read through the question, it immediately struck me as a low-effort question. It did not include an attempt to solve the problem. Nevertheless, it ...
-6 votes
1 answer

My question got closed though it was not completely identical. [closed]

I recently asked this question: "Find the number of ordered pairs of integers $(x,y)$ such that $x^2+y^2-xy=37$" on the Math SE. My question got closed as a duplicate of this question: "...
16 votes
1 answer

Why is the number of required close votes constant?

How do high traffic questions survive without any system in place to prevent them from being closed too easily? It seems strange to me that the number of votes required to close a question is a ...
9 votes
0 answers

Are questions about ideas in preprints off-topic?

Another note: (Since the first one wasn’t heeded...) OK, so the question was closed again. My appeal below was to both sides of the issue, so even though five people sought fit to do otherwise, ...
1 vote
1 answer

What does "ask a new one" mean?

In this question it it written that: This question already has answers here: Sets. Classes. …? (4 answers) Your post has been associated with a similar question. If this question doesn’t ...
1 vote
0 answers

Did I make a mistake in my edit? (specific question)

I recently posted this question. It was closed shortly after posting for being opinion based. I tried to edit the question to make it clear exactly what I was asking, and the question was downvoted ...
2 votes
0 answers

Question that is clearly not a duplicate linked to my question, marking it as duplicate. [duplicate]

I asked a question yesterday: Coupon collector's problem: mean and variance in number of coupons to be collected to complete a set This asks for the mean and variance of the coupon collector's ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Should perfectly fine questions that have been closed and have an answer be re-opened?

I just came across a question that had been closed by votes. The question itself seems perfectly fine to me, and I don't see any reason to close it. The question also received an excellent answer, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Closed question after several months.

I was browsing through some of my answers. Then I've found this question. It has been closed after more than 7 months. Now my question: Is there a reason why such questions can be closed after such ...
8 votes
1 answer

We have three question pairs closed as the dupes of each other

Digging in the SEDE, I've found 3 question pairs being each other's dupe. Namely: this and this, this and this, and this and this. Today we can't close a question as a dupe, if it would create such ...
13 votes
1 answer

What should I do if I think I have an answer to an on-hold question?

The Specific Problem I saw this question a couple days ago and started writing an answer, but didn't finish. When I came back to it, I reloaded the page to check if anyone else had answered and found ...
2 votes
1 answer

Wrongly closed question needs a better answer.

This question, more precisely this version, was closed on not-clear-what-you're-asking grounds. That's simply wrong; it's perfectly clear what he's asking. He "defines" two Hilbert spaces, $H_1=L^2$ ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Robotic comments. [duplicate]

Many times I have seen a question put on hold where the stated reason has no relation to the question. It looks like a formula statement. "" put on hold as off-topic by StubbornAtom, Leucippus, ...
5 votes
0 answers

Does this question deserve to be closed? [duplicate]

Here is a question A property of the tangent line that I asked where I was confused on the matter "what is the property that characterises a tangent line" and I thought that this property is that the ...
15 votes
1 answer

Why was this duplicate question deleted?

When does a function NOT have an antiderivative? This question was closed as a duplicate. I agree that the question was a duplicate (although I would have also added a second link, one to some post ...
4 votes
0 answers

What happens if I change my mind on a vote to close/reopen?

In reviewing questions in regard to closure or reopening, I voted to reopen a question (which had been closed for reasons other than duplication), because it seemed a reasonable question. Later, I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Indication on why a question is closed should be more specific

I believe notices such as "closed as unclear what you're asking", "closed as off-topic", etc. on a closed/deleted/flagged question should be more specific. Closing questions with the one-line generic ...
0 votes
2 answers

Reason of closing a question with good answers

Let us look at the question Evaluate $\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x^2\log^2{(\sin{x})}}{\sin^2x}dx$ I understand, that the formulation is rather short, but we have at least two precise, large answers. I ...
2 votes
0 answers

How is it possible to answer a question after closure? [duplicate]

This question, as of writing, was closed 1 hour ago. However, an answer was given 51 minutes ago. After the question was closed, I could not see an 'Answer' button, yet, a user managed to overcome ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Does the overall closing questions policy too procrastinating? [closed]

I find that when asking e.g. slightly cunning DEs, some corps will make those questions close quite quickly, but reopening those questions are often very difficult, influence greatly the image of MSE ...
14 votes
0 answers

Should a closed question be reopened if it gets a duplicate?

This question How do you prove that $n^2-1$ is composite when $n>2$? was closed as a duplicate. That was the right outcome, as opposed to, you know, "off-topic." But the question it's a duplicate ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why has the Batman question been closed?

I just noticed that the Batman question was closed this past February, which seems a sad fate to befall such a historic and beloved question on this site. I understand there were always concerns about ...
0 votes
2 answers

Closing a question because it contains an error

I asked a short time ago whether there is a policy the following: If a question contains a mathematical error that could be pointed out in a posted answer, or is ill-formulated for reasons that could ...
18 votes
0 answers

Is closure a prelude to deletion?

When I was particularly active on meta, the topic of debate was about whether we should close low quality questions. If and when to delete questions didn't really come up. I've recently gotten the ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to explain this string of downvotes?

This is the first time I met such phenomenon. At the same time two old questions Is there a $2 \times 2$ real matrix $A$ such that $A^2=-4I$?
-4 votes
2 answers

Poor treatment of new users - especially those asking interesting questions

Have others noticed a tendency for new users of mathSE to be treated poorly by existing users? The worst cases remind of some low-brow college fraternity where new users are expected to show they have ...
-5 votes
1 answer

How to ask a question to the topic? [duplicate]

Many of my questions are marked off topic. This was extremely hard question and supposed to be done without any graphic calculator. It was voted off topic. It appears to me if I can't move at least ...
13 votes
1 answer

Reopening closed questions with good answers

I often come by questions that are closed because of lack of context, but that still have good answers. It can be questions that contain nothing more than What is this integral $\int \ldots dx$? ...
-3 votes
2 answers

What does users mean by voting as off-topic? [duplicate]

I have seen too many questions, more than hundred, marked as off-topic; but I am sure that we can not put most of them in this category: This question does not appear to be about math within the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why this question was closed?

Why this was closed as "unclear what you're asking" ? The comments indicates that all but two person could perfectly understand the question, and two persons even found the question to be interesting....
-10 votes
2 answers

On the irrelevancy of putting good questions on hold and later closing them

There is a great problem on this site. I have posted many good mathematics problems on this site but they are usually put on hold and then later closed and now I have reached my question limit not ...
3 votes
2 answers

Do close-voters automatically see my revisions to reconsider their votes [duplicate]

If I fix and hopefully rectify what I think might be the source of Close Votes do the voters automatically see my edits to reconsider their votes, or do they have to take the initiative?