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Questions tagged [community-wiki]

A tag for questions about the community wiki feature (regardless of whether or not the questions themselves are community wiki).

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16 votes
0 answers

Authorship in Citation of Community Wiki Answers

I recently posted a question which was answered in the comments. I asked the author of the comment if they would like to post it as an answer, but since they didn't after several days I paraphrased ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 1,383
0 votes
2 answers

Deleting a community wiki answer to repost it as a normal post?

I have accidentally tapped on the community wiki button in one of my answers. I want it to be deleted and I will repost the answer. The link to that answer is this
James Moriarty's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A post once made community wiki cannot be changed?

I answered a question and by mistake while editing the answer it became community wiki. Now I want to undo the action but there is no such option even if by rolling back it. Cannot it be changed ever? ...
user avatar
0 votes
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Was I right in making this answer community wiki?

I have recently answered this question, which according to MSE guidelines, would be considered a poorly phrased problem. Have I made the right decision in answering the question community-wiki style? ...
sai-kartik's user avatar
  • 2,120
-6 votes
1 answer

Why was my question made Community Wiki?

A question of mine was made Community Wiki without my permission and without so much as informing me. As I understand it, how Community Wiki posts work is that any reputation from them does not go to ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Answering a Low-Quality Question with a Community Wiki Answer?

As I'm sure we're all aware, answering a low quality/low effort question that, according to the community standards, ought to be closed, is frowned upon. Reasons cited tend to include It encourages ...
Theo Bendit's user avatar
  • 53.2k
2 votes
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Are questions asking for various applications of some theory Community Wiki?

I've asked a question here that does not admit a concrete answer. I will add the tag soft to it as well. For questions regarding applications of certain topics, for example this question, should they ...
Andres Mejia's user avatar
  • 21.2k
10 votes
1 answer

Wiki and non-wiki posts

What is the difference between a wiki post and a non-wiki post? I'm not too old member of stack exchange so I don't know much about this. So someone please give an answer regarding the question.
sgrmshrsm7's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I make this question community wiki?

This question seems really controversial for some reason, but I don't understand why (most of the time every upvote has been balanced out by some determined downvoter, now it's in the negatives). ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
  • 21.6k
10 votes
1 answer

Should I mark my answer to my own question as community wiki and accept it?

I recently asked a soft question on MSE that garnered a variety of informative answers. After reading through the answers, as well as discovering some information from answers to other questions, I ...
justin's user avatar
  • 4,865
0 votes
1 answer

There should be an option to see Community Wiki questions/answers in your profile.

There should be a sorting option for 'Community Wiki' questions/answers in your profile. This would be helpful, since you don't get notified by the upvotes you get for them.
user26486's user avatar
  • 11.5k
7 votes
1 answer

What makes an answer community wiki, and when can this be undone?

My answer here was made into community wiki. I have 2 questions about it: Question 1: Who made my answer into community wiki? Question 2: I flagged for moderator attention to undo it, but I ...
user 1's user avatar
  • 7,562
5 votes
1 answer

Bounty on a "Community wiki" question - what will happen?

I set a bounty for this question. However, the question and all answers are marked as "community wiki". (I suppose this marking happened in an automatic way, once the number of answers reached 30) ...
VividD's user avatar
  • 16.1k
5 votes
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Who gets badges for Community Wiki posts?

I just got a couple badges for this answer (made Community Wiki because I'm just expanding on a deleted answer, so I don't think I deserve the rep). I'm the only person who ever touched this ...
Micah's user avatar
  • 38.4k
1 vote
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Can a moderator just decide to transfer the ownership of my question to the community?

Okay an hour my question: Do mathematicians, in the end, always agree? was made community wiki. I didn't know what community wiki meant, and why my post should have made community wiki, so I googled ...
Kasper's user avatar
  • 13.8k
1 vote
1 answer

Percentage of contribution on community wiki posts

If I read: 63 revs, 12 users 21% Committing to a name What is it referring to? Number of edits, character count etc...?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple edits and community wiki

If I remember well, in the past a post edited more than 10 times became automatically community wiki. Nowadays I've seen a post edited 15 times and nothing happened. Should I deduce that the rule was ...
user26857's user avatar
  • 52.8k
3 votes
1 answer

Will an edit to a community wiki bump the question?

I've had no luck finding an answer to the title question, sad to say. Here, briefly, is the situation. I happened to look at an answer I gave eighteen months ago and discovered that I had written '-' ...
Rick Decker's user avatar
  • 8,776
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User name incorrectly linked to revision history

The link on the author's username in this post incorrectly points to the revision history of the post instead of the author's user page. Ditto for other answers in this thread with no revision ...
Bill Dubuque's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My answer was upvoted and accepted, but nothing happened with my rep. What can be the reason of that?

My answer was upvoted and accepted, but nothing happened with my rep. What can be the reason of that? This is my first quesetion on 'meta' and I would not be surprised if this is not the right place ...
drhab's user avatar
  • 153k
-2 votes
2 answers

Should my question be CW? I have not received any answers yet.

I am trying to get answers for my question using the standard MSE way, which is letting users receive a reputation award if they post a quality answer. But by making it a CW within minutes, it appears ...
grayQuant's user avatar
  • 2,669
2 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of the community wiki?

There seem to be 2 conflicting ideas about community wiki Questions and answers: They are low value questions: you don't earn any reputation for answering / editing they are difficult to find (more ...
Willemien's user avatar
  • 6,652
1 vote
1 answer

Wrongfully tagged as community Wiki?

I recently encountered some answers that were made into community wiki by their authors for no apparent reason. There are no visible revisions, and it's the only answer, so: Why would someone make ...
Nathaniel Bubis's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is Community Wiki for and how does reputation work on Community Wiki?

This question may have been addressed in another post but I could not quite find what I was looking for. My question is what exactly is Community Wiki and how does reputation work on Community Wiki? ...
RDizzl3's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it possible to regain ownership of a post I edited more than 10 times?

I was wondering if I could regain ownership of the following post from last week. Evaluating the log gamma integral $\int_{0}^{z} \log \Gamma (x) \, \mathrm dx$ in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function
Random Variable's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Rationale to convert a question to community wiki

Some weeks ago I asked this big-list question. It was converted into community wiki only 6 minutes later, without giving any notification or comment. Frankly speaking, I wasn't too enthusiastic about ...
azimut's user avatar
  • 23.4k
10 votes
2 answers

Should any question that is [big-list] be community wiki?

This issue came up in comments to Are there any open mathematical puzzles? which asks for a list of such "puzzles". Due to the big-list nature I thought it would naturally have better been marked ...
Marc van Leeuwen's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Badge for making answers CW

I'd like to propose badges for using the community wiki feature. Two ideas: Bronze badge: made first CW answer. Silver badge: made answer with at least $n$ upvotes CW.
dfeuer's user avatar
  • 9,239
6 votes
2 answers

Community Wiki: why is it a thing?

I've been on this site for a bit now, and I think I'm getting the hang of things, but one thing I don't really get is all this stuff with the Community Wiki questions and answers. I think I ...
Ben Grossmann's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

"Answers to non-wiki questions" on user profile page are actually "non-wiki answers"

The tags page of user profile displays additional statistics on mouse-over. For example, hovering over number $3$ in 3 linear-algebra × 29 brings up the following: ...
ˈjuː.zɚ79365's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Community wiki: really?

The 'community wiki' tag on the sister question doesn't seem to be appropiate by its definition, since neither the questions nor given answers are suitable for multiple editors - not at all. Is this ...
Ronald's user avatar
  • 1,343
2 votes
1 answer

My answer not showing my name

I wrote an answer to this question but now it is not showing my name it is showing community wiki and its upvote is also not add in my reputation.
iostream007's user avatar
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9 votes
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Community Wiki answers to avoid reputation

Sometimes, one comes across questions on the main site that facilitate very easy answers. For example, "Is this solution correct?" or "Is my understanding of definition X correct?", but also questions ...
Lord_Farin's user avatar
  • 17.9k
5 votes
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Upvotes and post-community wiki question deletion

Recently an answer of mine was subsumed by community wiki. A point was awarded during wikification that I think was not tallied. Then when my answer was de-wikified and I was able to delete the ...
daniel's user avatar
  • 10.4k
4 votes
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Potential Bug in Stack Exchange: Username changes after editing a wiki [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Old usernames and names of deleted users in CW-mode See this answer for reference: Advantages of IMO students in Mathematical Research Note that the last edit shows up as "...
apnorton's user avatar
  • 17.8k
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Answer made community wiki

My answer here was made into community wiki. I flagged for moderator attention to undo it, but nothing has happened. Can a moderator please undo the CW status of it? Thanks.
user avatar
12 votes
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CW answers considered harmful?

Not really a discussion, more of a cautionary tale: I sometimes write answers that are basically just compilations of facts that have already been noticed in comments to the question, but which I ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to filter only posts that are community wiki?

How to filter only posts that are community wiki? I got aware of the existence of the community wiki today, but I don't know how to filter only CW posts. I'm in need of some help because I'm searching ...
Red Banana's user avatar
  • 24.5k
7 votes
2 answers

Should questions about book recommendations be CW?

The questions about recommendation of books/texts/lecture notes for some topic are to some extent subjective and they will often be left without accepting an answer (since among several good ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Edits and Community Wikis [duplicate]

How many times can I edit a question/answer before it automatically gets turned into a community wiki? Thanks
Eugene's user avatar
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reputation points

This question has almost certainly been asked. Since I couldn't find it, I'll ask it and maybe be rewarded with a link to a prior question. Would it be possible and/or desirable to lessen reputation-...
daniel's user avatar
  • 10.4k
1 vote
2 answers

Should we have "Why is X Important?" or "Why do we study X?" in Community Wiki FAQ?

If this question is a duplicate, I apologize and please close it accordingly. I saw a question Should I study algebra more? and got answers. Recently, someone asked a question https://math....
Nobody's user avatar
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4 votes
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Helpful but ignored flag about a question in need of CW

I believe this question: Examples of apparent patterns that eventually fail should quite clearly be CW, as I have stated in the comments (with three upvotes hitherto). I flagged the question for ...
Bruno Stonek's user avatar
  • 12.8k
3 votes
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Do I get my question back from CW status when I rollback?

I tried to show what I have already done and so I kept on editing my own question. I turned CW after 13 edits or so. Since it's a quite special question, I don't think it should belong there, but I ...
draks ...'s user avatar
  • 18.6k
19 votes
2 answers

Why is "infinity minus infinity" a Community Wiki question?

I have an inquiry on the grounds of curiosity. The following question has been marked Community Wiki on August 31st: What is the result of infinity minus infinity? From my understanding, you have a ...
Grace Note's user avatar
  • 101
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RFC: Social norm about 'not an answer, just too long for a comment' and community wiki

Suppose you see a question which is very interesting and you spend some time thinking about it, and you have something to say about it. You start writing as an answer, because you have several points ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 401k
14 votes
4 answers

CW-ikification: why?

An important number of flags that are raised in the main site asks mods to turn questions into CW mode. This is usually due to the fact that those questions do not have one answer, but many. Two ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Old usernames and names of deleted users in CW-mode

I noticed this several times already: In CW-questions e.g. here (active user) or answers e.g. here (deleted user) not the current (or anonymized) user name but rather the one that was active at the ...
t.b.'s user avatar
  • 79.8k
13 votes
2 answers

Community Wiki?

Every so often I run into a question which I think should be community wiki. I am usually not sure about flagging since some of them have been around for a while and the question of why did noone ...
Eric Naslund's user avatar
  • 72.8k
5 votes
2 answers

My question was turned into a community wiki - should/can I still pick a best answer?

A question I asked yesterday was recently turned into a community wiki question. Ok, no problem. I understand why that decision was made. Before that was done however, I was contemplating which of the ...
Joshua Carmody's user avatar