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Questions tagged [down-votes]

Downvotes are the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Downvotes on meta may have different meanings.

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-2 votes
3 answers

Is downvoting without comment a common and/or recommended practise?

I am a new user on Math.StackExchange. So far, I've asked 3 questions, and submitted one answer. Of the questions I asked, two were down-voted, and one was subsequently deleted. All these actions were ...
Andrew Bayly's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

MSE's policy on restricting the use of downvotes for answers: Targeting a member or ANY non-scientific reasons? [closed]

I recently received the following public comments on how to use down-votes from a senior diamond moderator, Dr. Xander Henderson, who patiently explained me the policy of the site on how to use down-...
Amir's user avatar
  • 10.2k
-12 votes
1 answer

Is it correct a member or moderator who wants to close a question uses Down Votes to force MSE members to not answer that question? [closed]

This post pertains to this question: Does convergence of measures, with respect to the KL-divergence, imply almost sure convergence of the RN-derivatives? using down-votes by a member or moderator to ...
Amir's user avatar
  • 10.2k
1 vote
0 answers

Feature: options for downvoting an answer similar to the options for closing a question

For the most part, users give very useful comments that help improve the question/answer. But I am sure many of you too must have come across sometimes the mysterious offshoot downvote and then spend ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
  • 6,587
1 vote
0 answers

I want to understand as to why my question was downvoted.

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Need to compute the conditional expectation I have received two downvotes for this question. I am a new user to this platform, and this was ...
Kanishk Alok Banthia's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

When is it appropriate to retract a downvote?

I was idly looking through a list of questions that I had downvoted. Some of those questions now looked OK, and I wondered why I had downvoted them. In one case I investigated, the explanation was ...
John Bentin's user avatar
  • 19.6k
0 votes
0 answers

What is wrong with my question on the definition of tangent plane?

I asked this question yesterday, and edited it today to include clarification. It is - I think - a fairly honest and straightforward question, and I have provided a detailed explanation of my thinking ...
R. Burton's user avatar
  • 5,070
15 votes
0 answers

Why was my question down voted and deleted, even though I mentioned my level (learning on my own in the Internet) and showed source and my reasoning?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Can a residue class $(a \textrm{ mod } n)$ have a negative $n$? My question is: could someone provide me feedback on why this question was ...
Gandalf The Manifold's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why do I get a down vote when asking for clarification about notations and explanations about proofs?

Recently in some of my posts, also here, and here, I have been getting down votes. The latter two, others have voted back up to make it zero. I am just wondering if people on MSE don't like questions ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 3,757
11 votes
1 answer

What should I do with my downvoted duplicate post?

My post has been downvoted, and I'm not sure what the appropriate action is for me to take. On the one hand, there's contribution from other users so the post can't and shouldn't be deleted. On the ...
George's user avatar
  • 846
-10 votes
1 answer

Request to add a new privilege on MSE - the right of reply

It should be only fair that, when someone casts a downvote on MSE, the recipient of the downvote had a chance to respond. This is known at large as the right of reply or "the right to defend ...
dxiv's user avatar
  • 76.9k
7 votes
0 answers

Do we downvote all PSQ? Also a few questions about comment-answers and comment-hints [duplicate]

At the time of writing, this post has 28 views and no downvotes (or upvotes). I see it simply as a PSQ (Problem Statement Question), and it is quite possible it will be closed soon. I didn't downvote ...
D S's user avatar
  • 5,406
36 votes
2 answers

How to deal with the negativity of a power user that picks on you?

For a while, I've been having my suspicions about a certain power user that often downvotes my questions - both here and on MO. Now, I know for certain this user has downvoted a question of mine at ...
Max Muller's user avatar
  • 7,316
-4 votes
1 answer

Asking and editing good questions, but still receiving more downvotes than upvotes [duplicate]

Not a duplicate of I have been banned from asking questions, what should I do? I edited and improved some Math StackExchange questions as much as possible, but I'm still receiving more downvotes than ...
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

A sudden string of downvotes

All of a sudden, I've lost nearly 56 points, if not more, what can be the explanation for this? Or is this a troll? Is this due to an account deletion?
math and physics forever's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Should we be able to downvote comments?

Let's imagine a situation: Mr. X posted a question in Math SE. He's a beginner, and the question may seem naive for many of us. Let's suppose his question still meets the rules of MSE. Now, Mr. Y ...
user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Don't understand why there are downvotes for my question [closed]

I asked this question here: Expected number of rounds in dice game for player who wins And it already has $2$ downvotes. Why? My probability professor didn't know, and I even showed my work in ...
user1013124's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Answer downvotes: should the downvoters be warned when the answer is corrected?

I wrote an answer to a question on MSE. At first, I messed up and went to the wrong direction. Noticing this, I urgely edited my post, changed my development, added a new picture and my answer is now ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Understand downvotes on my initially well-received questions

Good afternoon, Since I started using this website I've always tried to make my question better to satisfy the generous members sharing their knowledge. Usually, I don't ask big questions, but short ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

The downvoting system is toxic. [duplicate]

I was told to ask here. Here I am! Does anyone else have the same feeling? Sometimes some questions are downvoted because it seems trivial. But to be honest, as a person first seeing some maths ...
enihcamemit's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Drop in reputation from question that has no downvotes

I got this notification on this question. However, this question did not receive 4 downvotes, as can be seen here so I'm curious what the notification indicates.
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Can we limit downvotes without justification to -2

I can understand why folks downvote and I respect the reasons for doing this. It seems to me that when a question is at -2 and someone downvotes it further, that this down vote is crossing a line. ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Feedback on downvoted question

Yesterday, I asked the following question on conjectured values of certain factorial rational zeta series. It was downvoted twice, and upvoted once. I'm wondering where the downvotes have come from. ...
Max Muller's user avatar
  • 7,316
1 vote
2 answers

Why was my question downvoted, and why won't people give advice when they downvote?

I was working through Griffiths' for quantum mechanics, and I came across some problems where we have to calculate expectation values. This motivated me to ask the following question: https://math....
Relativisticcucumber's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't downvoters undo their downvotes to questions which are later edited and improved?

Downvoters should necessarily review the downvoted question once the question has been revised/improved and the new version of the question meets MSE guidelines. It is very common that someone ...
math-physicist's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why was this q downvoted?

So here is my question - my question I can see it's been downvoted. I do not understand why. Is there some further detail I need to add? Downvoted questions tend to never get answers, and i do want ...
bharal's user avatar
  • 321
9 votes
1 answer

How to respond to newbie answer.

I came across a late answer by a new user to a question, which I link here; and I have a dilemma how to respond. The formatting was pretty bad (read: non-existent), so I edited it and commented, ...
insipidintegrator's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Better attitudes towards voting

Introduction: From all my experience on this site, I've concluded that the act of voting is something of emotional value. Some say it is simply an indicator of quality , but I feel the most relevant/ ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why did this answer get downvoted? [closed]

The user Bill Dubuque posted a great answer to a question I asked, but it got SIX downvotes, despite it clearly answering my question (I accepted the answer) and it is clearly a well constructed ...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Why was my question on the objectivity of math heavily downvoted?

I posted the question Is math truly objective? which has been heavily downvoted (a score of $-9$ at the time of posting). I have requested the downvoters to comment on the rationale behind their ...
user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Which posts have a high value of $\min(\text{upvotes, downvotes})$?

I am curious to see posts that have polarized readers; that is, posts with many upvotes and many downvotes. So, Which posts (question or answer) on Math Stack Exchange have a high value of $\min(\...
Dan's user avatar
  • 26.1k
-7 votes
2 answers

I don't like the way my current question was treated. [closed]

Update: the main post is reopened. I don’t like the way my last question was treated. All terms I used are standard and I got downvoted to -4 with no relevant answer.
user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Not sure why there is a huge number of downvotes on my question?

I don't understand the downvotes on my question here: Make $2$ cubes out of $1729$ unit cubes, expected number of times you have to paint I had shown my work so far, and was not asking for a complete ...
Emperor Concerto's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why has my question gathered so many downvotes?

My question: I am not upset or angry that my question had been downvoted but just ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
  • 1,193
-5 votes
2 answers

The community need to make a good decision regarding closing/downvoting good questions/answers

The most common problem I see on this site is that many poor questions/ solutions are highly upvoted and many great questions/ solutions are downvoted. I have no problem with the highly-upvoted poor ...
Ali Shadhar's user avatar
  • 26.3k
-7 votes
1 answer

Is there anything to improve in this post which is about ambiguity in question about field axioms?

Can you talk about (the rest of the) field axioms when the operations are not closed? Check out this deleted post if you want if you can:
BCLC's user avatar
  • 13.8k
30 votes
3 answers

Why are clumsily formulated questions downvoted & closed so much?

Regularly, I feel that a significant part of the community closes or downvotes question because they don't fit neatly into the category of "well-presented question", while the question is ...
Vsotvep's user avatar
  • 6,203
3 votes
1 answer

Why I recently lost lot of reputation?

Recently, I got lots of negative reputation. Why? I guess, I earned all those reputation by accepting answer. But, some answers were written by me. Although, I lost reputation. But, I didn't get ...
user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

When do we upvote or accept an answer?

So I posted my first question here on the math stack exchange here: Choosing functions so $p'(r) = g(r) \cdot (1- \frac{p(r)}{k(r)})$ is solvable And I am wondering how I should vote on the answer,...
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

A Meta Thread for Requests for Upvoting Posts Treated Unfairly

Preamble After I asked an unpopular question on Meta, my inactive question on the main site received some downvotes; it seems that the downvoters wanted to remind me of the fact that my post was too ...
Later's user avatar
  • 750
0 votes
0 answers

Possibility of intentional downvote sabotage? [duplicate]

Sorry if this is off-topic but this is my first question and I haven't been around the meta page very much. I checked my daily reputation gain today and I found three new downvotes on my answers. The ...
Stephen Donovan's user avatar
77 votes
1 answer

Downvoting newbie user's questions

I found this post today. Yeah, I agree that this question has been asked many times before but isn't 9 downvotes for a new user a bit too intense? I think mass downvoting newbies will only harm the ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Can anything be done if a single user is downvoting several posts in a row? [duplicate]

I’ve taken a look at my reputation and believe a single user is downvoting several of my posts in a row. Normally I would ignore this but my reputation is low. (I wish to place a bounty on a recent ...
Arbuja's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

Glitch Discovered During Downvote. I Gained the “Critic” Badge for Upvoting and then Downvoting my Own Question on my Own Account. Second Time.

Here is proof that I downvoted my own question, and now have the critic badge, even though for a split second, the vote goes down, but then the background code makes it impossible for this occurrence: ...
Tyma Gaidash's user avatar
  • 12.6k
41 votes
2 answers

How to avoid downvotes for beginner's questions?

I just asking this because of a question I asked a couple of minutes ago. I am still new to sequences and series, just started to study the subject today on my own and I tried to solve some exercises. ...
欲しい未来's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Downvoting posts that are very popular but not especially good - is this an acceptable way to vote?

This post is an extension of a related thread on meta: Does your decision to upvote/downvote depend on the current score? The above discussion mostly focuses on the phenomenon of upvoting questions ...
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

Instead of downvotes of academic discuss why not encourage contest response allowing fair and valid explanations? [duplicate]

Concepts and proofs are contestable in Scientific discuss and academics but the practice is usually supported by references (usually peer review, and known authorities in the discipline). I do notice ...
Ibiloye Abiodun Christian's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

What is the most downvoted question on MathStackExchange or Math Meta? [closed]

I saw this post on MSE, which I thought was pretty funny. Then, I realized the ridiculous amount of downvotes it got within an hour. So, that made me think, what is the most downvoted question in ...
Some Guy's user avatar
  • 2,685
7 votes
0 answers

Downvotes after comments on a post [closed]

So like any other normal day, I was going through posts and found this one. I found that the answer posted by the user DMcMor was lacking a proper explanation to the question. So I downvoted it and ...
DatBoi's user avatar
  • 4,065
1 vote
0 answers

If I ask a question and it gets a lot of down votes, should I delete it or leave it up?

If I have 3 downvotes on a post should I delete it or should I edit it? What should I do?
Isaiah Stuart's user avatar

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