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Questions tagged [down-votes]

Downvotes are the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Downvotes on meta may have different meanings.

35 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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39 votes
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Nearly all frontpage questions downvoted

Of the 50 questions on the front page a few minutes ago, all but 4 have downvotes. (Many also have upvotes, of course, and many have more upvotes than downvotes.) This doesn't seem normal to me. Is ...
user avatar
27 votes
0 answers

A certain kind of serial downvoting?

I apologize in advance if this seems like whining. I have, however, observed someone - I think - systematically downvoting each new answer I provide. It would seem to me that this sort of downvoting ...
Ron Gordon's user avatar
  • 139k
18 votes
0 answers

A very small favor to ask re downvoted answers

In this question, I initially messed up and put in an incorrect result. Blindingly fast, the answer was downvoted. I raced to correct the result, but by then there was already a correct result. So I ...
Ron Gordon's user avatar
  • 139k
15 votes
0 answers

Why was my question down voted and deleted, even though I mentioned my level (learning on my own in the Internet) and showed source and my reasoning?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Can a residue class $(a \textrm{ mod } n)$ have a negative $n$? My question is: could someone provide me feedback on why this question was ...
Gandalf The Manifold's user avatar
15 votes
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Not sure why there is a huge number of downvotes on my question?

I don't understand the downvotes on my question here: Make $2$ cubes out of $1729$ unit cubes, expected number of times you have to paint I had shown my work so far, and was not asking for a complete ...
Emperor Concerto's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Negative votes on meta should not be migrated as well

Do negative votes on questions that were incorrectly posted in meta and then being migrated to the main site, like this one (the main question here), carry over their reputation malus for the main ...
draks ...'s user avatar
  • 18.6k
11 votes
0 answers

What about this question earned some quantity of downvotes?

I'm new to the Math StackExchange, but I am puzzled by the downvotes on this question: Am I properly simplifying this geometric progression? I tried to be as clear as possible, to show that I had ...
Bryan Porter's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Feedback on downvoted question

Yesterday, I asked the following question on conjectured values of certain factorial rational zeta series. It was downvoted twice, and upvoted once. I'm wondering where the downvotes have come from. ...
Max Muller's user avatar
  • 7,316
9 votes
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Edited-and-Reopened Questions Should Ping Downvoters

A somewhat common pattern on this site seems to be that a new user will post a poor question, receive a bunch of downvotes and have their question closed. If we're lucky, they'll (or someone) improve ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar
  • 61.3k
9 votes
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Ability to Vote Down Comments

It would be nice to be able to vote down comments. Sometimes I find users leaving very unhelpful one sentence complaints about questions and/or answers, but it is not nearly serious enough to warrant ...
Jared's user avatar
  • 31.8k
9 votes
1 answer

How to respond to newbie answer.

I came across a late answer by a new user to a question, which I link here; and I have a dilemma how to respond. The formatting was pretty bad (read: non-existent), so I edited it and commented, ...
insipidintegrator's user avatar
5 votes
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How to explain this string of downvotes?

This is the first time I met such phenomenon. At the same time two old questions Is there a $2 \times 2$ real matrix $A$ such that $A^2=-4I$?
Widawensen's user avatar
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mysterious down-votes on Fourier analysis question about normalising factors

Can someone explain why this question got three down-votes? It seems like a good-faith attempt to get information. (And while explaining, can they abstain from expressions of how appalled they are ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
4 votes
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To edit or delete an answer you wish to re-answer after a downvote?

I am asking this as I recently answered a question badly, and on going back to redo it from scratch it had got a deserved downvote. I have two questions: 1) I first deleted my post as my new answer ...
Daniel Buck's user avatar
  • 3,598
4 votes
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Why is there a decreases in number of upvotes and increase in downvotes?

$$\begin{align}&\left(\frac{du}{dt}\approx0\right)_{\text{Jul,2014}}&&,\text{$u=<$no.of up votes$>$}\\&\left(\frac{dd}{dt}\gg0\right)_{\text{Jul,2014}}&&,\text{$d=<$no....
RE60K's user avatar
  • 17.8k
3 votes
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What if an answer is downvoted, but later corrected?

Recently I wrote an answer here. Initially it was incorrect, but now I feel that I have corrected it to the best of my knowledge. There is no other answer on the question either. Another answer was ...
FreezingFire's user avatar
  • 1,091
2 votes
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Understand downvotes on my initially well-received questions

Good afternoon, Since I started using this website I've always tried to make my question better to satisfy the generous members sharing their knowledge. Usually, I don't ask big questions, but short ...
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2 votes
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What should I do about answers/questions in other languages?

I stumped upon this answer not in English by a new user. Using Google translates, it seems the user is answering some irrelevant stuffs, so I think it would be safe to down vote. But what should I do ...
edm's user avatar
  • 5,690
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My Mathstack reputation decreased without any reason.

My Mathstack reputation decreased without any reason. Can anyone explain this action? A reason of this would be very much appreciable!!! before after reputation page
MAN-MADE's user avatar
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Should computational questions that can be easily solved with a calculator be downvoted?

Many questions are purely computational and can easily be solved with a calculator. The downvote tooltip says: This question does not show any research effort; it is not clear or useful Questions ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 311
2 votes
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Should a not well received answer be deleted?

A answer that is not that well received or the one that got tonnes of downvotes, should it be deleted by the answerer ? As such answers don't add any value to the question for the future visitors! ...
brainst's user avatar
  • 269
2 votes
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why downvoted in this question?

Anyone have an idea Why I was downvoted in this question? I really don't know. How can I prove $\pi_1(M)=\pi_1(M-\{q\})$? Thanks
user42912's user avatar
  • 23.8k
1 vote
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Feature: options for downvoting an answer similar to the options for closing a question

For the most part, users give very useful comments that help improve the question/answer. But I am sure many of you too must have come across sometimes the mysterious offshoot downvote and then spend ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
  • 6,572
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I want to understand as to why my question was downvoted.

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Need to compute the conditional expectation I have received two downvotes for this question. I am a new user to this platform, and this was ...
Kanishk Alok Banthia's user avatar
1 vote
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If I ask a question and it gets a lot of down votes, should I delete it or leave it up?

If I have 3 downvotes on a post should I delete it or should I edit it? What should I do?
Isaiah Stuart's user avatar
1 vote
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Did I make a mistake in my edit? (specific question)

I recently posted this question. It was closed shortly after posting for being opinion based. I tried to edit the question to make it clear exactly what I was asking, and the question was downvoted ...
R. Burton's user avatar
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2 answers -- different reactions.

The following question: Regional Mathematics Olympiad 2018 Question has received two answers. One, by @HagenvonEitzen, got 4 upvotes (I have upvoted it myself) and 1 downvote; and the other one (by ...
Wlod AA's user avatar
  • 2,152
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Is there any obvious reason why my very old answer was downvoted?

I have an answer here from 4.5 years ago that just got downvoted. Not a work of genius I admit, but workmanlike I'd say. I didn't directly answer the questioner but rather, in the spirit of the site ...
TooTone's user avatar
  • 6,383
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Why does my question get down voted? Should "simple" questions get voted down?

My question: What possible values of $a$ lead to the inequality $|f(x_1) - f(x_2)| \gt |g(x_1) - g(x_2)|$. I don't understand why I get voted down and there are even people suggesting that it should ...
Yuxiao Xie's user avatar
  • 8,694
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Why is my question getting downvotes, an unclear vote but no explanations? How can I improve this question?

The question: Show the equivalence of these definitions of independence of random variables Two books give two different definitions of independence of random variables, and I am trying to show that ...
BCLC's user avatar
  • 13.8k
0 votes
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What is wrong with my question on the definition of tangent plane?

I asked this question yesterday, and edited it today to include clarification. It is - I think - a fairly honest and straightforward question, and I have provided a detailed explanation of my thinking ...
R. Burton's user avatar
  • 5,070
0 votes
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A sudden string of downvotes

All of a sudden, I've lost nearly 56 points, if not more, what can be the explanation for this? Or is this a troll? Is this due to an account deletion?
math and physics forever's user avatar
0 votes
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Unfair downvoting of question?

Today, there was this question posted on the main site asking about the probability of passing a genetic disease expressed by a dominant allele. However, as soon as it was posted a few users came ...
user0's user avatar
  • 1,352
0 votes
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Why has this question so many downvotes?

I just found a question Example of map from commutative ring to another commutative that preserves multiplicative identity and addition but NOT multiplication. that has 4 downvotes and is closed as ...
TStancek's user avatar
  • 1,025
-11 votes
1 answer

Can we limit downvotes without justification to -2

I can understand why folks downvote and I respect the reasons for doing this. It seems to me that when a question is at -2 and someone downvotes it further, that this down vote is crossing a line. ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar