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Being able to easily distinguish when one is commenting on their own question

I've been having this problem on Math Stack Exchange — and it has to do with the fact that I can't really tell when somebody is commenting on their own question, usually in response to another comment,...
The_Animator's user avatar
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Suggestion for dealing with a comment if it contain the Answer to the question (w/o other answers)

Suggestion for dealing with a comment if it contain the Answer to the question (w/o other answers) If I try to flag a comment there are the following alternatives: harassment / unfriendly / obsolete / ...
Joako's user avatar
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Writing answer on behalf of someone else

Assume a post on MSE is answered by someone in comment section and alternative approaches to solve the problem are not provided . There are two senarios: First: Nobody will convert that comment to an ...
Soheil's user avatar
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Do we really need time limit on editing comments [duplicate]

I find time limit on editing comments annoying and doubt that it is needed at all. My problem is typos that I can't fix if I noticed them too late. If my comment is not answered I post the corrected ...
kludg's user avatar
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Should we be able to downvote comments?

Let's imagine a situation: Mr. X posted a question in Math SE. He's a beginner, and the question may seem naive for many of us. Let's suppose his question still meets the rules of MSE. Now, Mr. Y ...
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How to copy page content including all TeX commands

I posted an answer to this question, and a commenter suggested an alternative. The commenter answer was simpler, more elegant than mine, and I would have upvoted it ... except he had posted it in the ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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Flagging comments in mobile version of the site

When I was using the mobile version of the site, I did not find an option to flag comments. Why flagging comments in the mobile version is not possible? Any particular reasons?
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Improving MathJax experience for beginners

I don't know if this has already been discussed here on the meta, but since most of these 'MathJax Tutorial' have been meant for beginners, wouldn't it make sense if they could comment asking their ...
Adil Mohammed's user avatar
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Marking a comment as resolved?

The problem Sometimes someone comments on a question suggesting that some aspect of the question be clarified or otherwise changed. Then the OP changes the question accordingly, sometimes including ...
Smithey's user avatar
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Improved wrong comments written with MathJaX? [duplicate]

Sometimes I see that some comments are written with command or syntax errors. In fact they are displayed in red (for example $\gama$ instead of \gamma ($\gamma$)) ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Notice when an answer you commented on gets deleted

I posted an answer to a question but it turns out I had a major error in it. Another user posted a comment pointing out the error. I agree with the comment and so I deleted the answer. For SE in ...
quarague's user avatar
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In the StackExchange iPhone app, how do I get MathJax to work in comments in the Math StackExchange section?

I’m not sure this is the right place to ask but it seemed like it is. I don’t get this problem for other sections of StackExchange. Just the “Mathematics” section.
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
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Auto-delete a comment in reply to a deleted comment

It has happened to me many times that I posted an answer and a user found a minor or major flaw in my answer, commented it and I fixed it. Then after, I thanked the guy for his helpful feedback and ...
Mostafa Ayaz's user avatar
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Is there any way to have comment templates whenever we are typing comments?

We already have a comment template thread but oftentimes it takes a long time to open meta, go to the question, wait for the page to load, scroll down to the correct comment and copy it, especially if ...
For the love of maths's user avatar
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Having a check sign for questions addressed but not answered?

Recently I've been seeing some questions where the user wants people to check their solution or proof, and there's usually one comment that says "that's correct" and nothing else (no answers, etc). ...
D.R.'s user avatar
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Copy my original MathJax from my comment into paste buffer? [duplicate]

How can I copy one of my comments which is MathJax format and paste it in the solution since nobody answered my question? I have developed the answer in a comment.
John L Winters's user avatar
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Feature request: LaTeX preview in *comments*

I would like to request that a preview be generated when writing comments, the same way that one is generated when writing a question. This is particularly relevant in math forums where LaTeX ...
phaedo's user avatar
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Possibility to access the code of people's comments

Very often I enter the edit mode of a post just to copy-paste some parts of it, often to get a sample of some MathJax complex syntax. It may happen every once in a while that you want to do that with ...
Arnaud Mortier's user avatar
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Posting a graphic in comments.

This post is in reference to this comment . The sentiment which both I and the user who commented (and a few others in the MSE community perhaps) share is the possibility of being able to post ...
The Integrator's user avatar
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Keyboard shortcuts in comments

I personally like to use shortcuts such as CTRL+I or CTRL+B to toggle italics or bold when writing answers. It turns out that when writing down a comment, they don't work and bring out something else ...
Arnaud Mortier's user avatar
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Latex format in comments on iOS app Stack Exchange

I can't correctly view formulas in comments on SE app for iOS. I've an iPhone 6 with iOS 10.3.3.
Spaggy's user avatar
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Possibility to copy content of comment that was posted longer than 5 minutes ago.

I sometimes write a comment which I realize would fit better as an edit, adding context or examples or better explanations to a question or answer. Or for that matter to make an edit with the content ...
mathreadler's user avatar
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Deleted comment tab and notification

After a few months on this website, I have had a few of my comments deleted. As it happens, I agree with the deletions in all of those cases. However, there was no notification that they were deleted, ...
mrnovice's user avatar
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Moved Discussions in Chat don't show all Comments

I noticed that not all comments are taken over to a chat discussion, but only those with whom you were chatting last. Discussions might be interesting with all comments. Can we have a full transcript ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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Couldn't there be a standard comment that is added to new users' questions automatically?

Couldn't there be a standard comment that is added to new users's questions automatically? Many of us have seen how most of the new users of this forum format their question. Not making use of LaTeX, ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Only one additional @user can be notified...

I wanted to give the update part of this question, as a comment. It is impossible, and I see the following: "Only one additional @user can be notified..." So I add that comment as the update part ...
user 1's user avatar
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Avoiding obsolete comments

One particular problem is that when you point out a mistake in someone's answer, you have to check several times until he fixed it so you can delete your initial comment. Otherwise your comment will ...
E. Joseph's user avatar
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Two Notifications Suggestion

Sometimes I find some interesting questions That I like to read their answers. But I lost the question and forget the title of it. So I can't access it anymore... I Suggest that M.S.E notify users (...
MR_BD's user avatar
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Load latex in comments on mobile app? [duplicate]

I have the SE app on Android and latex loads great for questions and answers but never on comments. I figure someone would have mentioned it by now but it's been probably a year or two and I've ...
khaverim's user avatar
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An auto-comment on first questions that motivates sharing doubts and thoughts

Very often I see a user's first question getting down-voted and eventually it ends up being closed. Usually I find this to be too rough of a treatment, as the user is not accustomed to the site. I ...
Mankind's user avatar
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Why is it needed 50 reputation points in order to have the privilege to comment? [duplicate]

How do I make a comment? Well, this is easy, a user must have at least 50 reputation points, and comments are a privilege... wait, why is it? How to make a remark when reputation is under 50 ? One ...
CvZ's user avatar
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Is it possible to automate posting certain comments?

I find myself frequently posting "Hi. Since this is your first post..." comments in first-question posts where I link to the help pages. After a few different variations, I've settled on "Hi. Since ...
wltrup's user avatar
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Well-phrased Suggestions for Editing [duplicate]

When I see a question that is not posed well or not written in MathJax, I try to give the OP suggestions on how to improve the question (such as providing context or showing work). I'd like to ...
Michael Burr's user avatar
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Why can I not edit a comment after 5 minutes but can just replace it?

It is not possible to edit a comment after 5 minutes. But I can simply delete and reinsert the comment instead. Isn't that a bug? If someone adds a post in between then the order of the comments ...
emcor's user avatar
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Can we have *temporary comments* that can be read and deleted?

There could be a check-box when you post a comment that says 'temporary'. It must be mandatory for you to ping someone in the comment to use this feature. You must also require a certain rep threshold ...
ghosts_in_the_code's user avatar
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Why doesn't adding 2 "space" characters work when attempting to create a line break? EDIT: Because we're children. [duplicate]

I've tried it repeatedly in comments and for the life of me I cannot get it to work. I've even tried just manually adding a "<"br/">" (Of course it works in the actual question field, but I'm ...
Theo's user avatar
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Notification upon editing comment

The following situation has happened to me several times: Someone writes a comment tagging me with the @, I read the comment, and shortly after the comment is edited in such a way that the nature of ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Why do we have "See more comments"

I recently up-voted a savvy comment which implied that the OP should take a fresh look at his question. Then I noticed that there were more, currently hidden, comments. Only after I clicked to reveal ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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New users should be informed to use @ when replying

It's getting silly how many times I notice people not using @ when replying to someone. This is very concerning since the one who replies never gets an answer. It should be written somewhere near the ...
user26486's user avatar
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could WDYT? acronym be listed as common acronym?

Very often I notice that homework questions are accompanied by a very low OP effort in trying to figure out by him/herself what the possible answer might be. When I see such questions (which usually ...
marco trevi's user avatar
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Allow an anonymous comment when voting

The problem: When up/downvoting a post (particularly for downvoting), it is often useful to leave a comment explaining why you are doing this so that the post can be improved, or so that the poster ...
Mathmo123's user avatar
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On mutual tactical serial upvotes and unconstructive comments

I notice that there is a group of users on this site who like to leave unconstructive comments on each other's posts. For example, A writes "Great answer, +1" on B's posts and B writes "Short and ...
please delete me's user avatar
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Comment notifications by edit?

When starting a comment with @Username, the referred user gets a notification message (red flag in his postbox). 1) If not starting a comment with @Username, and subsequently editing it with @...
emcor's user avatar
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can we remove the enter working as submit in comments? [duplicate]

Aan we change the working of the enter key when busy writing a comment At the moment it works like clicking the "add comment" button, and I rather would not like that functionality.
Willemien's user avatar
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automatic comment help

I was reading a question on aviation.stackexchange that had a number of comments. When I clicked on add/show comments to read the rest a small help window came up on the miniformatting in the comment ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
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Lower bound on comments

I wish the comments didn't have a lower bound for characters.Many times all I want to say is "yes". Can someone explain me what is the purpose of this l.b.?
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Should we really have a reputation requirement for commenting?

It's been my experience that this is damaging to the functionality of the site. Example. Say there are two answers to a question. The answerer pertaining to one of them misses something subtle but ...
G. H. Faust's user avatar
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What Do We Do About Comment-Answered Questions?

There is a number of 'unanswered' questions which are not going to generate any further discussion because they have been answered succinctly in the comments. This is irritating when browsing the list ...
Newb's user avatar
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Hide comments section [duplicate]

I want to bring up this discussion again with a possible solution, since nothing has happenend since July. If a 'hide comments'-button is not available, it would be pretty nice to have the answer box ...
BIS HD's user avatar
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Try to comment: Fail review audit

I know the review audits aren't without their flaws, but with this review: it should be clear that something is not right. As usual, the vote ...
Lord_Farin's user avatar
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