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(How) Can we make our mobile phone to make a sound when we get pinged in chat?

Sometimes it is more customary to work in chat rooms, and as there are less chances for synchronous conversation we usually ping users. When we are on computer and get pinged, we get a sound like &...
Knight wants Loong back's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Notifications to followers of a question about its status updates (closed / open)

In my opinion, one of the most important functions of following a question should be to notify users its status updates. For example, say I encountered a question in the close vote review queue that I ...
YuiTo Cheng's user avatar
  • 3,803
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Is there a way to enable desktop notifications for answers?

If there is way or if this could be a feature for certain questions would this be possible?
Jose M Serra's user avatar
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9 votes
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Notice when an answer you commented on gets deleted

I posted an answer to a question but it turns out I had a major error in it. Another user posted a comment pointing out the error. I agree with the comment and so I deleted the answer. For SE in ...
quarague's user avatar
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Should MSE send reminders to users listing questions with no selected answer?

Many, many questions have good answers, ignored or forgotten by the OP. A significant part of the issue comes from users unfamiliar with the site and the basics of accepting an answer. Could MSE ...
dantopa's user avatar
  • 10.6k
1 vote
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More Synchronized Mark-As-Read Functionality

When a comment comes in on one of my posts, I get the red inbox showing up on the "Recent inbox messages" icon just to the right of my avatar-plus-stats. That's all very fine. I can click on the inbox ...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
0 votes
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A feature request (notification for favorited questions)

Why don`t I get notifications on the questions I favorited? Like suppose, I like a question but M.S.E never notifies me whether it has been answered or commented upon.
Avnish Singh's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Notifications to participants are needed.

Two persons voted to close this question as "off topic" at a time when its entire content was this: In a graph model like wikipedia, with 5.4 million pages/nodes (a) and 20 links/edges per node (b),...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
2 votes
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Deleted comment tab and notification

After a few months on this website, I have had a few of my comments deleted. As it happens, I agree with the deletions in all of those cases. However, there was no notification that they were deleted, ...
mrnovice's user avatar
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Two Notifications Suggestion

Sometimes I find some interesting questions That I like to read their answers. But I lost the question and forget the title of it. So I can't access it anymore... I Suggest that M.S.E notify users (...
MR_BD's user avatar
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Is it possible to notify when some user edit his/her answer?

It is not uncommon to edit old answers by adding more details among many users. Several times I have noted that when someone edit his or her answer to a my question, it is not inform to me. Can we add ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
  • 18.6k
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Is there a way to get a notification e-mail when a question gets answered?

Is there a way to get a notification e-mail when a question gets answered? Because it's not always easy to keep track of all the forums you are on, especially if answers only come like days after you ...
babipsylon's user avatar
11 votes
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Is there a notification of "on hold" and "closed"?

Perhaps I am mistaken but I think there is no notification of these events when they occur. Should there be one in the notification area?
Maesumi's user avatar
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Notification when questions/answers will be or are deleted

I just realized that one of my question was deleted by Community. I can't remember being been notified about that. And since happens already at least the second time, I would be nice if SE could ...
draks ...'s user avatar
  • 18.6k
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Is there any way by which we get the information if any particular user adds any Q/A. [duplicate]

For the last few days I found that user134824 is dealing with problems which are of my interest. Few more users are there who frequently deals with problems which are of my interest. In this question ...
Singh's user avatar
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Edited-and-Reopened Questions Should Ping Downvoters

A somewhat common pattern on this site seems to be that a new user will post a poor question, receive a bunch of downvotes and have their question closed. If we're lucky, they'll (or someone) improve ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar
  • 61.6k
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New users should be informed to use @ when replying

It's getting silly how many times I notice people not using @ when replying to someone. This is very concerning since the one who replies never gets an answer. It should be written somewhere near the ...
user26486's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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Email notification for new bounty questions

It's a great service to get email notifications in case new questions pop up according to specific tags. Is there also a possibility to get an email notification for new bounty questions? Note: I ...
Markus Scheuer's user avatar
3 votes
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Display reputation decreases in the top-bar indicator

Generally, a reputation increase is indicated by a green indicator. Can there be an indicator for reputation decrease as well? This is because sometimes we don't know, when suddenly our reputation ...
being_hd's user avatar
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Suggestion for removing notification on flags

On the Main site I have the little yellow square with a 5 inside indicating that there are 5 flags that needs attention. I have already "voted" on each of these flags, but every time I come to the ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 44.2k
4 votes
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Why didn't I receive a notification?

The answer to the question I asked was edited by the answerer but I didn't receive any notification. This is a feature that shouldn't be omitted, after-all, the answers to questions are the reason why ...
user2798694's user avatar
-7 votes
2 answers

Sharing a link to a question with another Math.SE user

Currently there seems to be no functionality available to share a link to an unanswered or already answered question with another Math.SE user. Indeed, if the question has no answers, then scrolling ...
Olexandr Konovalov's user avatar
6 votes
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Add "Notify" option

At there is an "Notify" box where you can choose to get emails about any updates on questions you choose. It would be great to have the same thing at MSE.
user avatar
42 votes
1 answer

Notification after a downvoted answer was edited

Is there an option to receive a notification, when a post you downvoted was edited? With a downvote you suggest that something is wrong, after the poster edited it, maybe there is no reason anymore ...
Dominic Michaelis's user avatar
1 vote
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Notifications get UNREAD too early...(?)

Do all notifications lose their UNREAD status right after you click on ? If so, wouldn't it be better, when they turn to UNREAD, when one clicks on the corresponding notification itself? One might ...
draks ...'s user avatar
  • 18.6k
3 votes
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"New answer posted" notification for answerers

I posted an answer to this question on August 19, and 4 days later a great answer has been posted, which I noticed by sheer luck. I wish I was notified when the answer was posted. Please consider ...
Sasha's user avatar
  • 71.2k
13 votes
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Mark problems as "notify me if answer is posted"?

I have found myself often finding interesting questions which I do not have the time to look into myself, but that I would very much like to see the answers to if someone else does. Unless I am ...
nullUser's user avatar
  • 28.3k
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Several @user in the comment

When there is a discussion in comments (especially on meta), sometimes I miss an opportunity to call two users in one comment. Hence, when I need to answer both users and I want to be sure that they ...
SBF's user avatar
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2 answers

Be aware if someone other is writing an answer to the same question while you're doing so

Sometimes it happens that after being writing an answer to a question for some time, the question is answered by another user providing the same information one has written (i.e. the right answer...) ...
Immanuel Weihnachten's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Lack of notification

I would like to ask about two types of problems. One seems to be a bug, the other one - not. When I started using MSE I always receive notifications in my inbox about comments on my questions, ...
SBF's user avatar
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"New comments posted" notification when writing answers?

It has happened to me a couple of times that I've posted an answer only to find that someone has written something similar in a comment meanwhile. I think it would be nice to get a "new comments have ...
Hans Lundmark's user avatar