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Questions tagged [meta]

There is no Meta Meta Math.SE, so questions about this very site just get this tag.

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What exactly does 'using artificial intelligence.. not allowed ' or something like that on the math website rules mean?

It is a bit unclear as to what is meant in the math section by using artificial intelligence ... is not allowed. For example does that include using symbolic math tools such as Maple, Maxima and many ...
user158293's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Why many posts here on meta still have links in the old format

Long time ago, the URL for this meta used to be - but it later changed to ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The links on the "How can I format mathematics here" page are broken

On the page, there are two links: https://meta.math....
David K's user avatar
  • 101k
7 votes
1 answer

The [mobile-web] tag info is outdated

The mobile-web tag info For questions about the mobile versions of Stack Exchange sites. You can access the mobile version of a site by clicking the "mobile" link in the page footer. is ...
Martin R's user avatar
  • 119k
7 votes
1 answer

Are `` and `` the same website?

Are and the same website? The order in which the words "math" and "meta" are swapped. math meta meta math
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

The tags (bookmarks) and (saves) on meta - synonyms or not?

Recently the functionality for bookmarks was completely overhauled and they are now called saves: Bookmarks have evolved into Saves. It is expected that eventually there will be some questions about ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why are there required tags in meta?

Every question requires one of the tags [feature-request], [bug], [support], or [discussion]. Why is this so?
mathlander's user avatar
  • 4,057
1 vote
0 answers

Let's downvote our sandbox to prevent edits from bumping it

Our sandbox (with a permanent vote score of 124) is perpetually hogging attention near or at the top of our Meta homepage. In contrast, Physics StackExchange's sandbox's activities rightly occur under ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 40.7k
2 votes
1 answer

My badges showing great fluctuations

Just now I saw the number of the badges go down from 13 to 5 then back to 13 and for now it shows 6. Why is this happening? Also, along with that, the number of people reached and votes cast is also ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Did the user activity page change format?

Here's the sample screenshot from the original announcement (nearly seven years ago) of the (then) new activity page. This is what I remember it looking like as recently as yesterday: Here's what it ...
MJD's user avatar
  • 66.4k
8 votes
2 answers

Why has the meta user option been removed from my profile?

I'm not able to find the meta user option on my profile: I have to type on Google to visit this site.
jasmine's user avatar
  • 14.7k
-10 votes
1 answer

Should “specific-user” tag not be removed from Meta?

It seems that the tag specific-user is almost never used on Meta sites; for example, Meta.SE or Physics Meta does not have such a tag. In my opinion, this tag should be removed because of the ...
Later's user avatar
  • 750
-7 votes
1 answer

How are policies, norms, and rules are determined in this community?

Many people, including some moderators, have expressed to me the following, which is an excerpt from a moderator's comment, many times in many places: ... the guidelines are guidelines and not rules. ...
Later's user avatar
  • 750
-8 votes
2 answers

A Meta Thread for Requests for Upvoting Posts Treated Unfairly

Preamble After I asked an unpopular question on Meta, my inactive question on the main site received some downvotes; it seems that the downvoters wanted to remind me of the fact that my post was too ...
Later's user avatar
  • 750
-2 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to use an alternate account for meta?

I don't like to use my main account for meta because I find that some people like to downvote my stuff (imho somewhat randomly) after I get into some sort of argument on the site. I also don't like ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Where can we find full documentation of Mathjax? [closed]

When you google "Mathjax Documentation", you find documentation of configuring mathjax in browsers/servers not actual commands or reference to how to use it. Here is the documentation of ...
Nikhil Sharma's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Red Colored Tags Showing Up for Certain Tags and Questions is Confusing me. What do They Mean and Why are They Here?

Status-byDesign and faq are both tags that appear completely red when one tries to view them or put them into a question Here is what I mean: These appear to look like this because these tags are ...
Тyma Gaidash's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

What is the most downvoted question on MathStackExchange or Math Meta? [closed]

I saw this post on MSE, which I thought was pretty funny. Then, I realized the ridiculous amount of downvotes it got within an hour. So, that made me think, what is the most downvoted question in ...
Some Guy's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Where does one go to find out the reasons for why a Meta Mathematics Page has been downvoted?

I have been trying to find out why a question I posted was closed. My understanding was to post on Meta Mathematics (which I did). This post was then heavily down-voted (link below). Where does one go ...
David Galea's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why don't we get reputation points on Meta?

This is a weird question but I can't resist. I had to ask. Why don't we receive reputation points when some posts get upvotes in Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange?
ShBh's user avatar
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Shouldn't the "impossible" badges be removed?

You can't set bounties on meta sites So why are there still those 4 bounty related badges!? P.S. I definitely wasn't going to waste atleast 100 reputation points just to get atleast two badges that no ...
UmbQbify's user avatar
  • 889
6 votes
1 answer

Meta Stack Exchange in relationship with the site Meta of Mathematics Stack Exchange

I would like to know what is the relationship of the site Meta Stack Exhange and the site Meta of Mathematics Stack Exchange. I am not member of the community Meta Stack Exchange, I don't know if ...
user759001's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to ask for possible downvote sources on Mathematics Meta?

I recently received a downvote for an answer I gave, but I am unsure of the cause. I would like to ask for a possible explanation of the downvote on Mathematics Meta SE, but I am unsure of the policy ...
user400188's user avatar
  • 1,946
4 votes
1 answer

Some questions look greyed on Meta

I don't know why some questions are greyed on Meta. Is it something I changed in the preferences or a browser (I am on Firefox Linux) problem? I am talking about well received questions, not highly ...
user577215664's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Request: an easy way to access the posts on meta that explain policies or serve as tutorials or lists.

Today when I was going through the questions on our main site, I saw a question that showed absolutely no effort. But the op left a sentence "don't know where to start". Then I remembered I've seen ...
trisct's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why when a user account is suspended, is suspended in both math.meta.stack and math.stack?

Why when a user account is suspended, is suspended in both math.meta.stack and math.stack? That seems like double punishment for only one fault. If you are a good contributor math.stack and for some ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Warning when creating a new tag on meta

When a new tag is created on the main site, you get a warning before you can continue - this prevents creation of a tag by mistake. This was implemented as a result of this feature request: Warning ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
18 votes
0 answers

Redirect issue for Meta

I understand that redirects to to include non-Americans (such as me), but does not redirect to the Meta and ...
Lordology's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes
1 answer

MathJax tutorial for linear programming missing in search results

Background An answer for typing linear-programming questions in mathjax has been added to MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference since one year. Problem I attempted to find it by search on this ...
GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is this not off-topic on meta?

I accidentally clicked into Derivate vs. Derivative and flagged it as "off-topic". From my perspective, it does not appear to be about Mathematics Stack Exchange or the software that powers the Stack ...
YuiTo Cheng's user avatar
  • 4,253
6 votes
0 answers

Editing the list of abstract duplicates

I'd like to add some content to the meta post List of Generalizations of Common Questions. The entry will be under Probability and is going to be titled something ...
Lee David Chung Lin's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Where to report MathJax bugs?

TL;DR: What is a suitable place where to report MathJax bugs? I mean the bugs which seem to be issues with MathJax in general - not specific to this site or Stack Exchange network. Often some ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between "moderators" and "moderation"?

What's the difference between these two tags - moderators and moderation? Should these two tags be merged?
Theo Bendit's user avatar
  • 52.1k
4 votes
3 answers

What's the point of the best-practices tag on meta?

I saw a tag: best-practices Isn't the entire point of meta to discuss what the best practices are? Couldn't we tag just about every meta question with this? What extra information does this provide?
user avatar
23 votes
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How can I help a feature request to get noticed/implemented?

If you look around Mathematics Meta, there are many feature-requests which are marked neither status-completed nor status-declined. In many cases they are probably waiting for further input - for ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What happened to the [support] tag on meta?

The support used to be given in boldface, indicating that it was one of the primary tags. But now it is not boldface anymore, meaning that there was some change in the functionality of meta-sites. ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
-2 votes
2 answers

Why is asking how to make a topic on-topic on the main site being off-topic on meta?

How to ask the question about Poincaré's quote about mathematics? Why is this question off-topic on Math Stack Exchange Meta?
Ooker's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

wears my like clockwork meta hat? [closed]

I have visited Mathematics Meta 10 days on the trot, but I don't seem to have a hat for this. Why is that?
JMP's user avatar
  • 22k
15 votes
2 answers

MathJax Style: It is acceptable to include a period at the end of a block formula?

Is it acceptable practice to terminate a block formula with a period like this... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit arcu orci, gravida accumsan sem ...
algoHolic's user avatar
1 vote
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Updating Vs New Question [duplicate]

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Is my proof flawed or unclear? Someone answered my question and I was still hoping to get help about what my updated proof looks like - ...
Francesco's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Why do we keep meta questions with lots of downvotes open?

I was recently told that meta questions should not be closed because you disagree with them. I then found Downvoting vs voting to close on Meta And have since removed my vote to close. However, I ...
Simply Beautiful Art's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Editing a question after receiving one or more answers

Suppose I have asked a question and I have received answers but none are satisfactory. I get some thoughts regarding the question, including but not limited to a partial solution, later on. In such a ...
Sameer Kulkarni's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why can we vote to close as "primarily opinion based" on meta?

Aren't almost all questions on meta primarily opinion based?
user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Do we want community polls?

I have seen that TeX.SE has community polls on their meta site. Those are polls conducted on their meta to find out various things about user base. Similar polls were conducted on mathematica.SE, on ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
6 votes
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Why I can't edit posts on meta?

Why I can't edit posts on meta? I first thought that because I am a $<2000$ user then my edits will shown in suggested edit reviews and I thought there is no where to review suggested edit in meta....
Taha Akbari's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

When should I ask questions on here (meta math SE) and when should I ask on über meta?

It is my understanding if my question is about math.SE and can't be generalized to other SEs, here is better. If my question is about site functionality then über meta is better. Is this understanding ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why does meta have two additional moderators?

I just noticed that there is a difference between main and meta moderators list. Why is that? Visual aids:
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
29 votes
1 answer

Do we want a new custom meta-close reason "Is intended for the main site"?

One of the most common reasons to close a meta question is that it is just a misplaced post intended for the main site. Since this is an error mainly committed by new users, I think it could make ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
7 votes
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Enable FAQ sidebar on the meta

A little known feature of meta sites is that they can have a sidebar with a few most frequently asked questions: for example, Programmers Meta does. For a description of how it works, see FAQ ...
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to ask here if it's alright to ask a particular question in math.SE?

Let $Q$ be a question. Suppose someone is unsure if $Q$ fits math.SE, and instead of getting negative votes/ $Q$ immediately closed, he decides to ask if it's okay to ask that question, here. Is ...
YoTengoUnLCD's user avatar
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