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Questions tagged [on-hold-questions]

For questions about the "on hold" status, which used to occur for the first five days that a question is closed.

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Why did my post on Andrew Wiles get put on hold?

For context, I'm referring to this post: My question was about Andrew Wiles' life and specifically his mathematical ...
gtoques's user avatar
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13 votes
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What should I do if I think I have an answer to an on-hold question?

The Specific Problem I saw this question a couple days ago and started writing an answer, but didn't finish. When I came back to it, I reloaded the page to check if anyone else had answered and found ...
R. Burton's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How should I improve my question?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Trouble with complex numbers within a given equation. Two things $1.~$ Is their anyway I can get this question off the "On hold" status ? ...
Ben Madison's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Robotic comments. [duplicate]

Many times I have seen a question put on hold where the stated reason has no relation to the question. It looks like a formula statement. "" put on hold as off-topic by StubbornAtom, Leucippus, ...
herb steinberg's user avatar
10 votes
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How could this question be improved?

Unable to solve $ \int \frac{x + \sqrt{2}}{x^2 + \sqrt{2} x + 1} dx $? The people who voted to close gave the reason that it's missing context. I would like to know what kind of context I could have ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Why was my question put on hold? [duplicate]

Solve for $x^2 + 7x +1 = 3n(x^2 + x +1), n \in \Bbb{Z}$ edit: I want to know what was[is] wrong with my question in the first place. Request to reopen and asking for reasons to put on hold in the ...
user541396's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Editing another users 'unclear what you are asking' question

General question: if a question by another user is put on hold by moderators because it is 'unclear what you are asking' is it ok to edit it to make it clear what is being asked? This came up with ...
quarague's user avatar
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-8 votes
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How can I announce a result I think is new and groundbreaking without being off-topic?

So, a few days ago I posted a result I had achieved about the limit of a complex infinite sum. I wanted to know if my finding was new (not discovered before), but the post was put on hold as off-topic,...
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10 votes
2 answers

Re-asking another user's on-hold question

Looking at my title, this sounds outrageous! But here's what I mean. Situation: A question is asked that I'm interested in. It seems from comments that others are interested too. It's asked vaguely, ...
timtfj's user avatar
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-4 votes
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My question was put on hold, need feedback. [duplicate]

this is a question I asked a few days ago: Lie Group has Euler characteristic zero. And it was put on hold. As I understand it, from looking at the profiles of those who put it on hold, I have (...
Bajo Fondo's user avatar
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Can closed and on-hold questions still be commented on after being put on hold?

If a question is on hold, can comments (not answers) still be posted? For example to help the questioner know what changes their question needs? I'm a bit hazy about this and it's not answered in the ...
timtfj's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Do questions have to be "good questions" to not be put on-hold/closed?

I have seen many questions that have been put on-hold or closed with the message: "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, ...
Joey Kilpatrick's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

On Hold/Closed for broad or unclear, Then edited, then...

Kinda dumb/n00b/challenging conventional wisdom question, but what is the procedure for questions that are on hold or closed for being broad or unclear and then edited to hopefully become less broad ...
BCLC's user avatar
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wrong edit made by a user

I have asked Homotopy invariance of de Rham cohomology question Some user has changed the context from homotopy invariant(by which I mean homotopy equivalent) to diffeomorphic. This is totally ...
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-10 votes
2 answers

On the irrelevancy of putting good questions on hold and later closing them

There is a great problem on this site. I have posted many good mathematics problems on this site but they are usually put on hold and then later closed and now I have reached my question limit not ...
Bingming's user avatar
  • 143
0 votes
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Why is it still "unclear what you're asking"

This question was put on hold five days ago: Is using the twin sieve to find all primes numbers better than the sieve of Eratosthenes? After that I edited the question and tried to resolve all ...
pietfermat's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

What is unclear in my question?

I asked this question yesterday, and it was put on hold because "it is not clear what I am asking". Is it really unclear? How clearer can I be in asking my question?
Omega's user avatar
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-6 votes
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I am a new user and I don't exactly understand your rules. Can someone tell me why this is off-topic? [closed]

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: Phantasmagoric fractals . How is this off topic?
Justuraveragemathsstudent's user avatar
-10 votes
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Real life problem gets banished

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: What are the ways to analyze a random set of instances on a timeline? Two weeks ago I asked this question to get help on the problem I have ...
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-2 votes
1 answer

Though indeed I couldn't try anything, why does my question has to put on hold cruelly?

I asked a question in math SE 2 days ago, which still I'm still trying to solve, but I you can easily see from the comments to the question, some people thought my failure as a lazy person's ...
Our's user avatar
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Is there a way to see all questions that have been put on hold as "unclear"?

Is there a way to see all questions that have been put on hold as "unclear"? (In chronological order with the newest ones first?
Michael Hardy's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I submit the question that's on hold for review again?

One of my questions were put on hold and I was told to edit it so that it fits the website, so I did edit it. Now how do I submit it for review?
brainst's user avatar
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7 votes
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When a question is put on hold as off topic, why isn't there an explanation given in the iOS app?

So I am asking this due to this post This isn't the only post I have seen this in, where someone ...
Sean English's user avatar
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Why was my (topology) question closed

Show that a matrix has strictly positive real eigenvalues topology exercise I don't understand, is the question too trivial? It's always very hard to know whether a question I ask will be well ...
grayQuant's user avatar
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Why are actuarial science questions considered off topic?

I asked a question here which was about the percentile breakdown of global life expectancy. While this question does certainly pertain to topics not related to mathematics, it is very specifically ...
123's user avatar
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-9 votes
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Should we be able to close questions only when we have the tag of field of the question asked?

As far as it may puts users in danger of being blocked from asking any more, shouldn't we be able to close questions only when we have shown to the community we were competent (acquiring the tag ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
11 votes
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Is there a notification of "on hold" and "closed"?

Perhaps I am mistaken but I think there is no notification of these events when they occur. Should there be one in the notification area?
Maesumi's user avatar
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How do I improve this layman question put on hold?

Is the majority of conjectures confirmed or rejected? As a layperson I can think of several cases when conjecture was confirmed but none when it was rejected. For instance http://www....
daniel.sedlacek's user avatar
-13 votes
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I would like to explore the possible uselessness of some research-level math. Should I just do that here?

I tried posting this question in MSE. The first comment that appeared was this: If you used your real name people could attempt to determine whether your opinion on this particular topic was worth ...
user270237's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the difference between "on hold" and "closed"?

I flagged this question for review and suggested it be closed. My flag was declined, but the question was put on hold. So that I can write better flags, I'd like some clarification. It seems to me ...
MathAdam's user avatar
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Why was my Question Offtopic?

I ask yesterday this Question and today it is marked as off-Topic. After that I read the help Center Guidelines, but I miss the point why my question is not in the scope. I hope someone can explain ...
chris's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Why was this question put on hold? [duplicate]

This question was put on hold. That was a most unfortunate decision: the accepted answer makes the unnecessary assumption that the base field is algebraically closed and invokes the absurdly ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
25 votes
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Asked a trivial question, got a simple answer,was put on hold. Should I delete it?

I was sleepy eyed when reading a text and a statement did not register in my mind. Asked it on MSE, and promptly downvoted,but got a detailed answer. It was later put on hold for lacking context. I do ...
Aditya Chintalapati's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Why is this question put on hold? On MO there seems to be an other opinion:
Lehs's user avatar
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I don't understand the motives behind the hold.

I posted this question which was placed on hold. The only person who has even a hint of interest in this type of question is, the others have no ...
Fred Daniel Kline's user avatar
-6 votes
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would like the option to answer on hold questions

I was busy writing a long- ish answer to but the question is on hold, ...
Willemien's user avatar
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My problem with the closing brigade

This question was put on hold 22 hours ago, less than an hour after it was asked; no explanation was given to the asker. More than 12 hours ago it was edited into a decently formatted question, and ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
15 votes
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Should I avoid minor edit of a question which was put on hold? [obsolete] [closed]

There was a recent (end of August 2021) change in the way Stack Exchange handles such edits. When editing a closed question, now there is a checkbox to say whether the edit is substantial - and only ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
0 votes
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Why is this question still "on hold"? [duplicate]

After this question was put on hold, I proposed an edit (which was accepted), clarifying what was presumably the OP's intended meaning. Given that the edit was more than 24 hrs ago, is it normal for ...
r.e.s.'s user avatar
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Question on hold etiquette [duplicate]

Hello folks: is there a polite way to draw attention of moderators that a question should not be on hold? I do not want to appeal to a decision of keeping a question on hold but my impression is that ...
Sergio Parreiras's user avatar
-7 votes
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The Re-Opening Process

EDIT 3: Not to belabor this post, which is obviously inactive, but I have one more related point if anyone is interested: another question of mine was put on hold for being opinion-based, and I have ...
user avatar
-13 votes
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My question was put on-hold for NO reason... [closed]

I recently posted a question about number theory on math.stackexchange. Here's the question: Prove that, if $2^{2^j} a + 1$ divides $c^{2^j}+1$ for fixed integers $a,c$ and all nonnegative integers ...
Is Ne's user avatar
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Why was this question put on hold for off-topic? But it should be put on hold for duplicate. Why on hold for off-topic? It is ...
Don Larynx's user avatar
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After how much time are the on-hold/closed questions rechecked?

I asked physics related question on 28 october. It was put on hold 'cause it wasn't clear. I changed the question context to a very specific example but worthless then I changed the whole question ...
user103816's user avatar
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What's meaning of formula should used?

Today I saw the question Denoting the set of initial segments of a binary sequence, which searches for a formula. It got put on hold as an unclear question. I guess that the unclearness was from ...
Hoseyn Heydari's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the meaning of closed or on hold?

I found in front of some posts are written [closed] or [on hold]. What is the meaning of them and who writes them? Thanks
Sepideh Bakhoda's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What really means "on hold"? [duplicate]

A new feature of MSE is confusing me: this is "on hold". What does this means? For instance, this topic received this label with the mention that the question is a homework. How do the voters know ...
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