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-1 votes
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Why do I get a down vote when asking for clarification about notations and explanations about proofs?

Recently in some of my posts, also here, and here, I have been getting down votes. The latter two, others have voted back up to make it zero. I am just wondering if people on MSE don't like questions ...
Seth's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Answering my own question to attract attention. [duplicate]

Sometimes I have a question and have an idea how to answer it. I'm pretty sure (see edit 1) the idea is correct but not so sure (see edit 1). However, I do want to be so sure (see edit 1), so I ask ...
BCLC's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is double posting allowed if a question is not answered after some time?

I've asked questions in the past that have gone unanswered or have not had sufficient answers, would it be unethical to repost my questions to try to get an answer another time?
Aaron Quitta's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get people to respond to an edit made to a question?

I asked a question here regarding pythagoras' theorem and the multivariable chain rule. I received some responses and edited my question to better reflect my new understanding. I commented on the ...
Meep's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Too "difficult" for MSE and too "easy" for MO questions

The title is not very precise. I usually come up with the following situation. I come up with a question after reading some materials and put it on MSE. Several days later, I get no answers and then ...
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How do I get answers to my earlier questions?

I've some unanswered questions, these are following Overlapping of unit length real lines? How to draw DPDA for language $L = \{a^ncb^{2n} | n \geq1\}$over the alphabet $\Sigma =\{a,b,c\} ?$ ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
2 votes
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What to do with unanswered questions?

I have some questions on MathSE that does not have actually any answer. What is the best to do other than bounty ? Asking the same question for a second time or trying to edit the question ?
optimal control's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Can I ask the same question twice?

I asked a question but since it was very long, nobody answered me. I'm wondering if I should ask it again as a new question again (Of course I will make it much simpler than before) or should I just ...
Tengu's user avatar
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