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Questions tagged [unanswered-questions]

Unanswered questions are those questions which have neither an accepted answer nor answers with positive vote count. Note that our definition is strict!

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-11 votes
1 answer

Why Am I Not Getting Any Answers or Comments to My Question?

It has been $2$ weeks since I asked this question, but I haven't got any comments or answers. The number of views has stagnated at $110-115$ for the past few days. I don't think I have asked a bad ...
Math Guy's user avatar
  • 4,160
-1 votes
1 answer

Can I recycle deleted questions?

Context I wanted to completely empty the list of questions I had deleted but I realized that it is not possible to delete them permanently (or at least... I didn't find it). Question I was wondering ...
Math Attack's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why do I get a down vote when asking for clarification about notations and explanations about proofs?

Recently in some of my posts, also here, and here, I have been getting down votes. The latter two, others have voted back up to make it zero. I am just wondering if people on MSE don't like questions ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 3,785
26 votes
4 answers

Treatment of comment-answered questions: what is the current policy as of February 2023?

I have noticed that quite a few questions tend to be answered in the comments. This was apparently observed $12$ years ago to a similar extent. These questions (unsurprisingly) tend to be on the ...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

What to do about a user repeatedly posting incorrect answers to the same question?

(This question is probably hard to engage with without rep privileges to see deleted answers or mod privileges to see deleted comments - sorry about that!) A while ago, I posted this question, which ...
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How improve the quality of my question (without answers)

I would like to understand how to improve the quality of my question:Doubts on asymptotic criterion for $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_n=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n^{a}\tan^{-1}\bigg(\frac{1}{n^a}\bigg)-e^{1/n}$ with ...
lay's user avatar
  • 85
-6 votes
1 answer

How do we know if there's someone working on my question?

I'm just curious (and sometimes annoyed) that, it's sometimes really hard to tell whether a question is being solved by someone, or just forgotten by the community. Especially, when a problem is hard ...
atzlt's user avatar
  • 562
3 votes
1 answer

Unanswered Question on Which I Would Like Help

I am currently trying to solve a problem which has already been posted once here: Compute the Hilbert-Samuel function However the above link does not have any answers or comments at all, and I am far ...
user940160's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Adding a bounty to an unanswered question, then copying an answer from another SE site. Is this allowed?

I wanted to start a bounty and I thought of getting to the unanswered ones. This one in particular is where I placed it. I waited for a while and no one still answered, so all that was left for me to ...
user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Is there a 'polite amount' to put up as a bounty for someone else's question?

Every now and again I see a question that I would like to know the answer to but don't know how to solve. I don't mind offering bounties but since I don't have a ton of rep, I'm wondering if a bounty ...
Integrand's user avatar
  • 8,214
-5 votes
1 answer

Answering my own question to attract attention. [duplicate]

Sometimes I have a question and have an idea how to answer it. I'm pretty sure (see edit 1) the idea is correct but not so sure (see edit 1). However, I do want to be so sure (see edit 1), so I ask ...
BCLC's user avatar
  • 14k
9 votes
1 answer

Is it allowed to repost?

If I have a question no one answered or comment to ever, since 2 months. Is it allowed to delete it and repost it, or is this abuse?
mag's user avatar
  • 2,414
0 votes
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Unanswered Questions and chances of Decreasing Unanswered

Hello fellow stack members I have been trying to decrease the unanswered questions for this website, and even map out duplicates in the math that I know. You could look at my recent answered questions....
Jose M Serra's user avatar
  • 2,741
4 votes
2 answers

List of answer templates

I've created this post with the same purpose as the List of comment templates post, although I imagine it'll be far less useful. There are a few questions on the Unanswered Questions Queue only ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Can we have a partial answer checkbox?

I recently posted a partial answer to this question. It was too long to post as a comment. Would it be a good idea to have a 'this is a partial answer' checkbox underneath the 'post your answer' ...
Angela Pretorius's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Should MSE send reminders to users listing questions with no selected answer?

Many, many questions have good answers, ignored or forgotten by the OP. A significant part of the issue comes from users unfamiliar with the site and the basics of accepting an answer. Could MSE ...
dantopa's user avatar
  • 10.6k
4 votes
1 answer

Can we include a random button for the unanwered rubric?

When I go to the unanswered section I see "smart" Questions with high votes what I want to say is that those question actually don't lack an answer they are just appealing. With a random button one ...
RM777's user avatar
  • 1,007
61 votes
2 answers

Is this site overloaded?

I'm a fairly new user to this site. I asked my first question a few days ago here: Question about characteristics and classification of second-order PDEs it received a few views; however, no-one as ...
Time4Tea's user avatar
  • 625
9 votes
2 answers

Should "background" be deleted from a question if it is not logically necessary?

I have this question in mind. I included the "standard" way to solve the problem in a "background" section as well as the general approach to solve these types of problems. While writing the question,...
Andres Mejia's user avatar
  • 21.2k
16 votes
1 answer

The unanswered questions ordering seems wrong

If you go to Unanswered Questions you'll see several highly voted questions that seem like no one will ever post an answer to. The top one, because someone answered it on MO already. The second one, ...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is double posting allowed if a question is not answered after some time?

I've asked questions in the past that have gone unanswered or have not had sufficient answers, would it be unethical to repost my questions to try to get an answer another time?
Aaron Quitta's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to get people to respond to an edit made to a question?

I asked a question here regarding pythagoras' theorem and the multivariable chain rule. I received some responses and edited my question to better reflect my new understanding. I commented on the ...
Meep's user avatar
  • 3,237
10 votes
1 answer

Why does the Unanswered Question count drop on Saturdays?

Scrolling up through the Crusade of Answers chat room and looking at the Unanswered Tracker, there are about two to three hundred new unanswered questions on this site every day … except for on ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes
0 answers

Closing a question which is answered in a comment? [duplicate]

Sometimes a question is answered already in a series of comments. In this case the OP got the information needed and often that is the end of it, that is, there is no explicit answer which can be ...
Moritz's user avatar
  • 1,992
0 votes
1 answer

Why is nobody answering my question [closed]

About a week ago I asked this question. I have edited the question several times and have started a bounty. So far it has received more views than any of my other questions, but it has only gotten a ...
cpiegore's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Can anything be done if a question doesn't get any answers?

This may be a noob or stupid question, but still: I asked a question like 12 hours back on Maths SE and didn't receive any answer. Now that many hours has passed, I am sure that it will never rise to ...
user2617526's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Unanswered questions that aren't [duplicate]

I hereby submit a proof that 0=2. It has to do with the following question which I saw in the Unanswered queue: Locus of centers of circles tangent to a given line and a given circle I went to ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Old user's good questions

What happens to users who have not seen their accounts for more than a couple of years? Do their accounts remain intact? I wanted to know so because, there are often a few questions with about 7-8 ...
Qwerty's user avatar
  • 6,253
1 vote
0 answers

Questions that don't need an answer

Sometimes the original poster asks for proof verification, and when the proof is flawless, people comment with something along the lines of "it's fine". The question is answered from the point of view ...
Gabriel Romon's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Too "difficult" for MSE and too "easy" for MO questions

The title is not very precise. I usually come up with the following situation. I come up with a question after reading some materials and put it on MSE. Several days later, I get no answers and then ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I get answers to my earlier questions?

I've some unanswered questions, these are following Overlapping of unit length real lines? How to draw DPDA for language $L = \{a^ncb^{2n} | n \geq1\}$over the alphabet $\Sigma =\{a,b,c\} ?$ ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

What's to stop someone asking the same unanswered question again and again?

What's the thing to do in a situation where rather than improve their question someone has just asked the same question again lightly disguised? The case in point is formed by these two: https://math....
Rob Arthan's user avatar
  • 50.3k
16 votes
0 answers

Is bad form to answer a question that would probably be closed for lack of context?

Sometimes I see a question from a new user, the sort of question that's followed by a "What have you tried?" comment. I suspect that if it were flagged, it would be closed. Is it considered to be ...
MathAdam's user avatar
  • 3,387
1 vote
1 answer

There was a post that was recently voluntarily deleted, but I want to answer it. Can anyone help find it?

There was a question trying to find a closed form solution for, $$F(n)=\sum_i^n \lfloor i/5 \rfloor$$ I got that for $n$ in the range $[5 \cdot k-6,5 \cdot k-1]$, where $k$ is a positive natural ...
Zach466920's user avatar
  • 8,411
20 votes
1 answer

Sudden jump in the number of unanswered questions by 2000 in a day

On July 21, there were 92572 unanswered questions on Math.SE according to the unanswered questions statistic (and not the ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
  • 93.5k
2 votes
0 answers

Question with an accepted and upvoted answer in 'Unanswered' tag

I have detected what seems to me a bug: I have repeatedly clicked on the tag 'Unanswered' but the first question is still there and seems very much answered (and upvoted). What's happening?
ajotatxe's user avatar
  • 66.3k
9 votes
2 answers

Unanswered proof verification questions

I've seen many related questions including: Best way of asking "check my proof" questions What to do with a "check/simplify my proof" type question? What Do We Do About Comment-...
user21820's user avatar
  • 59.8k
1 vote
0 answers

Why are there answered questions in the unanswered question section? [duplicate]

When I click on the UNANSWERED tab in MSE next to the BADGES and ASK QUESTION, I am finding that many of the "unanswered" questions indeed are actually answered. Can anyone please explain the theory ...
anonymous's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What to do with unanswered questions?

I have some questions on MathSE that does not have actually any answer. What is the best to do other than bounty ? Asking the same question for a second time or trying to edit the question ?
optimal control's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why some questions are unanswered yet?

I am not new here. Well... I see here some questions in "unanswered" category that have gained many votes but are unanswered yet. As far as I know, the site has many outspoken members viz., some them ...
Sufyan Naeem's user avatar
  • 2,388
18 votes
2 answers

Newest unanswered questions with my tags

Is there a way (or can I suggest making this possible) to show questions with "my tags" sorted in order of newest to oldest... instead of most votes to least votes? The reason I ask is that it seems ...
TravisJ's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Basis for unanswered questions

In math SE for what reasons do questions normally meet with nil responses, subject-wise? Could it be so for being outside normal limits of some feature, in some manner...lack of clarity, topic too ...
Narasimham's user avatar
  • 41.6k
20 votes
2 answers

Proving that $e^\pi-\pi<20$ Without Using a Calculator

No, I did not mistake the meta for the main site. :-) I'm just curious how you would recommend to approach such utterly intractable questions. Apparently, simply answering them in the negative is not ...
Lucian's user avatar
  • 48.8k
5 votes
2 answers

Why in unanswered questions there are answered questions?

Is it really normal to find answered questions here ? Look at this :this Shadock
ParaH2's user avatar
  • 1,682
3 votes
1 answer

Why are we proudly displaying the number of questions without upvoted or accepted answers?

Every time I open MSE I see that there are 72,000, and counting, questions without upvoted or accepted answers. Why are there so many? Most recent unanswered questions I've seen can be answered. There ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
  • 58.8k
24 votes
3 answers

Answering a (Seemingly) Unanswerable Question

Suppose that someone on Math.SE posts a questions that is, shall we say, difficult. After spending a lot of time on the problem, seeking help from both Math.SE and MathOverflow, I find out that no one ...
daOnlyBG's user avatar
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2 votes
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What's up with the unanswered list?

There seems to be something strange going on with the highly voted unanswered list. The first couple of hits seem fine, although I have a vague recollection that there were more very highly voted ...
Daniel R's user avatar
  • 3,230
28 votes
4 answers

Is it bad form to answer a question using someone else's previous comment(s)?

I am sifting through some of the "Unanswered" and "No Answers" list, and — like so many before me — am finding that many of the questions have apparently been answered to the OP's satisfaction in ...
Kieren MacMillan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to filter questions on waiting time?

I was wondering if there is a way to filter questions on waiting time, i.e. searching for the oldest non-answered questions. Is there an open database on Math SE which can be analyzed to get this kind ...
marco trevi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Questions that have been answered in comments [duplicate]

I have noticed an abundance of questions on the main site that have no answers, but have been answered in comments, often "accepted" with a comment such as "Thanks a lot!". Such questions bog down the ...
Aidan F. Pierce's user avatar