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Questions tagged [voting]

Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.

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6 votes
0 answers

What are "voting irregularities"?

I found a user that was answered several of my questions suspended for "voting irregularities" ... is there any information what "voting irregularities" means?
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why does an upvote to your question earn you 10 rep but a downvote only takes 2?

Whenever someone's question gets upvoted, they earn 10 reputation. But when their question gets DOWNVOTED, they only lose 2. Why is this imbalance in place? For example, if one of my questions gets ...
The_Animator's user avatar
161 votes
2 answers

It’s become difficult to see visually if I’ve upvoted a post

I suppose this isn’t such a big deal, but it seems to have become difficult to see visually if I’ve upvoted a post on math.stackexchange: Compare this with the clear coloring on stackoverflow: Has ...
littleO's user avatar
  • 52.7k
7 votes
0 answers

Do we downvote all PSQ? Also a few questions about comment-answers and comment-hints [duplicate]

At the time of writing, this post has 28 views and no downvotes (or upvotes). I see it simply as a PSQ (Problem Statement Question), and it is quite possible it will be closed soon. I didn't downvote ...
D S's user avatar
  • 5,416
-2 votes
1 answer

Should we be able to downvote comments?

Let's imagine a situation: Mr. X posted a question in Math SE. He's a beginner, and the question may seem naive for many of us. Let's suppose his question still meets the rules of MSE. Now, Mr. Y ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Understand downvotes on my initially well-received questions

Good afternoon, Since I started using this website I've always tried to make my question better to satisfy the generous members sharing their knowledge. Usually, I don't ask big questions, but short ...
user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Question about bounties and serial votes. [closed]

Can I see the question that I put a bounty on (I am not the OP of that question) in the “bountied questions” list? I can’t seem to be able to see it and am freaking out, thinking it’s not getting ...
insipidintegrator's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Better attitudes towards voting

Introduction: From all my experience on this site, I've concluded that the act of voting is something of emotional value. Some say it is simply an indicator of quality , but I feel the most relevant/ ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Which posts have a high value of $\min(\text{upvotes, downvotes})$?

I am curious to see posts that have polarized readers; that is, posts with many upvotes and many downvotes. So, Which posts (question or answer) on Math Stack Exchange have a high value of $\min(\...
Dan's user avatar
  • 26.1k
15 votes
0 answers

Not sure why there is a huge number of downvotes on my question?

I don't understand the downvotes on my question here: Make $2$ cubes out of $1729$ unit cubes, expected number of times you have to paint I had shown my work so far, and was not asking for a complete ...
Emperor Concerto's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Displaying total number of up-votes and down-votes together

I observed a nice feature in the MSE and here in meta site too. If we click on the place where votes are shown we can see the total number of upvotes and downvotes together. Like this But I did not ...
Infinity_hunter's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the most upvoted comment?

You can see that the most upvoted question in the main Math Stack Exchange site also has many upvoted comments with one even having over 200 comment upvotes. So then what is the most upvoted comment ...
Tyma Gaidash's user avatar
  • 12.6k
10 votes
4 answers

When do we upvote or accept an answer?

So I posted my first question here on the math stack exchange here: Choosing functions so $p'(r) = g(r) \cdot (1- \frac{p(r)}{k(r)})$ is solvable And I am wondering how I should vote on the answer,...
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Why is it allowed for users to delete questions that others created?

I opened a question and was marked as duplicate. But what I find surprising is that some users actually deleted my question! Why is this allowed? From my perspective the linked question does not ...
Jim's user avatar
  • 1,629
0 votes
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If your network is slow and you keep trying to upvote one of your answers just continuously clicking on it again and again your answer get upvoted

So I have discovered a bug or hack whatever you may call it. So today morning my network was bit slow ($<5$ MBPS). So I answered a question and I wanted to answer more question but slow network ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Accidentally editing without knowing a question was closed in the review queue made a question unable to be reopened. New feature to prevent this.

I have seen this large issue with this website which can endanger the new user: It was accidentally done that one edited the question of another user whose question was already closed, but then had ...
Tyma Gaidash's user avatar
  • 12.6k
1 vote
0 answers

What is the point of restricting people from seeing upvote/downvote ratios?

I notice that on many StackExchanges, you can't see how many upvotes or downvotes a post got, only the net total. I needed to get to $1000$ rep on MSE to be able to view the upvote and downvote counts....
Some Guy's user avatar
  • 2,685
-5 votes
1 answer

What is the most downvoted question on MathStackExchange or Math Meta? [closed]

I saw this post on MSE, which I thought was pretty funny. Then, I realized the ridiculous amount of downvotes it got within an hour. So, that made me think, what is the most downvoted question in ...
Some Guy's user avatar
  • 2,685
-3 votes
1 answer

Dark/ light color of up/down vote arrows

I noted that some arrows are darker than others. Could there be a problem in my computer?
Narasimham's user avatar
  • 41.2k
9 votes
1 answer

Should I up-vote to a useful question/answer that has received enough up-vote? [duplicate]

Should I up-vote to a useful question/answer that has received enough up-vote? My argument is this: Almost all posts were posted around the birth of the MSE, has received more up-vote. but a new good ...
C.F.G's user avatar
  • 8,609
-2 votes
1 answer

Can we know who voted on our answer?

Just curious: can we know who voted on our answer in Mathematics Stack Exchange?
Sunaina Pati's user avatar
  • 4,165
16 votes
1 answer

Why is the number of required close votes constant?

How do high traffic questions survive without any system in place to prevent them from being closed too easily? It seems strange to me that the number of votes required to close a question is a ...
user10478's user avatar
  • 1,964
24 votes
11 answers

Why do simple answers get more positive feedback?

Consider these answers (vectors, inequality) on one hand and these (Coupon Collector's problem, angles, arithmetic-geometric series sum, and even alternative CRT approach) on the other. Why do ...
Alexey Burdin's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why did this answer get an upvote?

On this question: What set is this?, a user posted a clearly incorrect answer. It almost immediately got an upvote even though I posted a comment very quickly proving that it was wrong. It seems ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How could a user with a single point cast votes?

This user has not been more than at least $15$ reputation. Why can they cast votes?
Culver Kwan's user avatar
  • 2,785
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to downvote a deleted post?

I happen to notice that someone seemed to be able to downvote a deleted post. How could this be possible? Or is it a system bug?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reputation for attention / replies? (When your questions aren't upvoted).

I hope this is the right place to post this question, apologies in advance, if not. Would it be possible to adjust the reputation system so that answering a question would either [edit:] for example: ...
Rax Adaam's user avatar
  • 1,206
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to retract a mistaken vote? [duplicate]

I upvoted an answer too hastily. When I realized that the answer was wrong, I tried to cancel my upvote with a downvote. However, that simply replaced my upvote with a downvote (at a cost to the ...
John Bentin's user avatar
  • 19.6k
8 votes
1 answer

Is $-706$ points for "user was removed" a new record?

I occasionally lose $10$ or $20$ reputation points for "user was removed", and maybe sometimes it's been as high as $50,$ but this time it's $706.$ Is that a new record? Is it said that if the user ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

want other person to receive credit for their answer

Someone answered my math question, re zero area of a graph. I think their answer is brilliant and should be given points. However, after I "accepted" the answer, I found that my reputation was ...
user2661923's user avatar
  • 38.1k
8 votes
1 answer

Cancelling an Upvote (Downvote)

I just voted mistakenly up-voted an answer, then tried to cancel it by clicking on the down arrow. Of course, that changed my a down vote, which wasn't I wanted even less. So I changed it back to an ...
saulspatz's user avatar
  • 53.3k
3 votes
0 answers

How to handle downvoting sprees [duplicate]

Are there any systems in place to combat down-voting sprees? Presumably I offended someone (I really don't know how or whom) so they went to my page and downvoted every question I ever asked back-to-...
Albert Renshaw's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Few views in an upvote question

I'm new in stackexchange and usually my questions have no answer at all, and few viewers, I can't understand why. For example: my question I think here I wrote the question in a good way (in fact I ...
lgndrzzz's user avatar
  • 197
1 vote
0 answers

Going over the voting limit cap [duplicate]

I realized that I voted 41 times today (see this picture taken from my profile) while the limit is supposed to be 40. Just by curiosity, is there an explanation to that?
Davide Giraudo's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

What does users mean by voting as off-topic? [duplicate]

I have seen too many questions, more than hundred, marked as off-topic; but I am sure that we can not put most of them in this category: This question does not appear to be about math within the ...
accursed's user avatar
  • 3,645
23 votes
2 answers

How many upvotes are too many?

I frequently read other's answers by topics and I have a list of users who usually give high-quality answers I would like to read in some topic. It is totally possible that I would read (more than) 10 ...
user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

How do some seemingly easy questions get hundreds of upvotes?

I was going through the 'frequent' section in "All Questions" on MSE, and I was surprised that some questions like [How to prove that $\lim\limits_{x\to0}\frac{\sin x}x=1$? ] has around $300$ upvotes ...
john doe's user avatar
  • 1,075
48 votes
2 answers

Has the upvoting really gone down?

For past few days I feel as if upvoting an answer and "answer accepting" (the green tick) has really gone down. I saw many questions with multiple answers with lot of explanation and none of the ...
Vikram's user avatar
  • 5,738
-3 votes
1 answer

Reputation without upvote

HypGeomUpvote How did it add to reputation without upvoting in answer?
Narasimham's user avatar
  • 41.2k
2 votes
1 answer

Click on "This comment adds something useful to the post"

I like to see that a comment I wrote is marked by somebody as useful. In the overall of my make comments it serves as a feedback (and it's nice to read something equivalent to "good point"). But apart ...
Rafa Budría's user avatar
  • 7,364
-2 votes
1 answer

Upvoting a question because it has too many downvotes

Sometimes questions which aren't appropriately formed according to the site guidelines get a lot of down votes. I would not normally up vote these questions - but I don't feel they are necessarily ...
mrnovice's user avatar
  • 5,771
3 votes
1 answer

How do I go about determining if downvotes are serial?

Forgive me - I am sure this is addressed elsewhere on this meta site, but I am not not familiar enough with Meta.MSE to know. I noticed that four of my questions were downvoted in a very short time ...
Brevan Ellefsen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"Popular Question" Badge and Upvotes

I recently received the popular question badge for this question. I was surprised to learn that it had been viewed 1,000 times, given that that would mean that about one in fifty people to view the ...
Stella Biderman's user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

Unfair up-voting of high reputation, not having a special answer

I have this situation: There was an easy question posted (why $19 \mid 5^{2n+1}+3^{n+2} \cdot 2^{n-1}$ for every natural $n$), and I knew the answer [which is quite obvious]. I posted my answer, and ...
Emax's user avatar
  • 1,689
4 votes
1 answer

Casting votes to old posts

To be honest, I want to obtain the electorate gold badge. Some people in this site commented to do 40 votes/day in 15 consecutive days. My question is, can I vote to questions being posted long time ...
Juniven Acapulco's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

About the badge Vox Populi

My case is opposite to the one post in here. I have used the 40 max votes yesterday and until now I have not received the Vox Populi badge. Are there any rules on how to distribute our votes per day? ...
Juniven Acapulco's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Where can one find data on users' voting?

I suspect, but it's only a suspicion, that I more frequently up-vote, and less frequently down-vote, questions and answers on "main", than does any other user with a substantial "reputation". Where ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Why favorite but not upvote?

I've noticed in a few of my own and others' questions that the number of favorites exceeds the number of upvotes. I don't have enough rep to actually view upvotes/downvotes, so when I talk about ...
Gabriel Burns's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"you can't vote to delete/undelete this post"

In the "review > Tools" page (available only to users with at least 10000 reputation points), in the list of posts to delete/undelete, some titles are displayed in a light color and I cannot cast ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 35.5k
11 votes
1 answer

The difference between "Delete" and "Recommend Deletion"

Until reaching the threshold of 20000 reputation points, during the review process I was presented with the option to "Recommend Deletion". Now that I have reached it, this has turned into "Delete". ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 35.5k