The tag [tag:gcd] is already
[synonym]( of [tag:divisibility]. 

It seems logical that the tag [tag:least-common-multiple] should also be a synonym. (And maybe also [tag:lcm] could be created and added to the synonyms; so that some user does not create this tag as a separate tag in the future.) As I do not have sufficiently high score in [tag:divisbility] to suggest a synonym, I am posting this suggestion here.

The recent revisions of (least-common-multiple) [tag-excerpt]( and [tag-wiki]( specifically mention that the notion of lcm exists not only for integers but also in rings. (And that the tag is also suitable for this usage.) I don't think this should cause a problem, since rings are also mentioned in the [tag-wiki for divisibility]( (Although it not explicitly mentioned at the [current version of tag-excerpt]( Note that the tag-wiki for divisibility explicitly mentions both gcd and lcm.

EDIT: [quid added this]( to the suggested synonyms. So it is now possible to vote on these synonyms [here](