`\implies` requires the AMSsymbol extension which is not enabled. But many symbols have a reasonable replacement, or you could directly put a Unicode symbol. The following shows a list of unsupported AMSsymbol symbols, and their replacements, \digamma = ϝ or ϝ \varkappa = ϰ or ϰ \varGamma = \mathit\Gamma \varDelta = \mathit\Delta \varTheta = \mathit\Theta \varLambda = \mathit\Lambda \varXi = \mathit\Xi \varPi = \mathit\Pi \varSigma = \mathit\Sigma \varUpsilon = \mathit\Upsilon \varPhi = \mathit\Phi \varPsi = \mathit\Psi \varOmega = \mathit\Omega \beth = ℶ or ℶ \gimel = ℷ or ℷ \daleth = ℸ or ℸ \backprime = ‵ or ‵ \hslash = \unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x210f} \varnothing = \unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2205} \blacktriangle = ▲ or ▲ \triangledown = \unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x25bd} \blacktriangledown = ▼ or ▼ \square = □ or □ \Box = □ or □ \blacksquare = ■ or ■ \lozenge = ◊ or ◊ \Diamond = ◊ or ◊ \blacklozenge = ⧫ or ⧫ \circledS = Ⓢ or Ⓢ \bigstar = ★ or ★ or {\Large\star} \sphericalangle = ∢ or ∢ \measuredangle = ∡ or ∡ \nexists = ∄ or ∄ \complement = ∁ or ∁ \mho = ℧ or ℧ \eth = ð or ð \Finv = Ⅎ or Ⅎ \diagup = ╱ or ╱ \Game = ⅁ or ⅁ \diagdown = ╲ or ╲ \Bbbk = \mathbb{k} \yen = ¥ or ¥ \circledR = ® or ® \checkmark = ✓ or ✓ \maltese = ✠ or ✠ \dotplus = ∔ or ∔ or \mathop{\dot+} \ltimes = ⋉ or ⋉ \smallsetminus = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2216}} \rtimes = ⋊ or ⋊ \Cap = ⋒ or ⋒ \doublecap = ⋒ or ⋒ \leftthreetimes = ⋋ or ⋋ \Cup = ⋓ or ⋓ \doublecup = ⋓ or ⋓ \rightthreetimes = ⋌ or ⋌ \barwedge = ⊼ or ⊼ or \bar\wedge \curlywedge = ⋏ or ⋏ \veebar = ⊻ or ⊻ \curlyvee = ⋎ or ⋎ \doublebarwedge = ⩞ or ⩞ or \bar{\bar\wedge} \boxminus = ⊟ or ⊟ \circleddash = ⊝ or ⊝ \boxtimes = ⊠ or ⊠ \circledast = ⊛ or ⊛ \boxdot = ⊡ or ⊡ \circledcirc = ⊚ or ⊚ \boxplus = ⊞ or ⊞ \centerdot = \cdot or ⋅ \divideontimes = ⋇ or ⋇ \intercal = ⊺ or ⊺ \leqq = ≦ or ≦ \geqq = ≧ or ≧ \leqslant = ⩽ or ⩽ \geqslant = ⩾ or ⩾ \eqslantless = ⪕ or ⪕ \eqslantgtr = ⪖ or ⪖ \lesssim = ≲ or ≲ \gtrsim = ≳ or ≳ \lessapprox = ⪅ or ⪅ \gtrapprox = ⪆ or ⪆ \approxeq = ≊ or ≊ \lessdot = ⋖ or ⋖ \gtrdot = ⋗ or ⋗ \lll = ⋘ or ⋘ \llless = ⋘ or ⋘ \ggg = ⋙ or ⋙ \gggtr = ⋙ or ⋙ \lessgtr = ≶ or ≶ \gtrless = ≷ or ≷ \lesseqgtr = ⋚ or ⋚ \gtreqless = ⋛ or ⋛ \lesseqqgtr = ⪋ or ⪋ \gtreqqless = ⪌ or ⪌ \doteqdot = ≑ or ≑ \Doteq = ≑ or ≑ \eqcirc = ≖ or ≖ \risingdotseq = ≓ or ≓ \circeq = ≗ or ≗ \fallingdotseq = ≒ or ≒ \triangleq = ≜ or ≜ \backsim = ∽ or ∽ \thicksim = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x223c}} \backsimeq = ⋍ or ⋍ \thickapprox = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2248}} \subseteqq = ⫅ or ⫅ \supseteqq = ⫆ or ⫆ \Subset = ⋐ or ⋐ \Supset = ⋑ or ⋑ \sqsubset = ⊏ or ⊏ \sqsupset = ⊐ or ⊐ \preccurlyeq = ≼ or ≼ \succcurlyeq = ≽ or ≽ \curlyeqprec = ⋞ or ⋞ \curlyeqsucc = ⋟ or ⋟ \precsim = ≾ or ≾ \succsim = ≿ or ≿ \precapprox = ⪷ or ⪷ \succapprox = ⪸ or ⪸ \vartriangleleft = ⊲ or ⊲ \lhd = ⊲ or ⊲ \vartriangleright = ⊳ or ⊳ \rhd = ⊳ or ⊳ \trianglelefteq = ⊴ or ⊴ \unlhd = ⊴ or ⊴ \trianglerighteq = ⊵ or ⊵ \unrhd = ⊵ or ⊵ \vDash = ⊨ or ⊨ \Vdash = ⊩ or ⊩ \Vvdash = ⊪ or ⊪ \smallsmile = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2323}} \shortmid = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2223}} \smallfrown = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2322}} \shortparallel = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x2225}} \bumpeq = ≏ or ≏ \between = ≬ or ≬ \Bumpeq = ≎ or ≎ \pitchfork = ⋔ or ⋔ \varpropto = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x221d}} \backepsilon = ∍ or ∍ \blacktriangleleft = ◀ or ◀ \blacktriangleright = ▶ or ▶ \therefore = ∴ or ∴ \because = ∵ or ∵ \eqsim = ≂ or ≂ \vartriangle = \mathrel{\unicode[MathJax_AMS]{x25b3}} \Join = ⋈ or ⋈ \nless = ≮ or ≮ or \not< \ngtr = ≯ or ≯ or \not> \nleq = ≰ or ≰ or \not\le \ngeq = ≱ or ≱ or \not\ge \nleqslant = \mathrel or \not⩽ \ngeqslant = \mathrel or \not⩾ \nleqq = \mathrel or \not≦ \ngeqq = \mathrel or \not≧ \lneq = ⪇ or ⪇ \gneq = ⪈ or ⪈ \lneqq = ≨ or ≨ \gneqq = ≩ or ≩ \lvertneqq = \mathrel \gvertneqq = \mathrel \lnsim = ⋦ or ⋦ \gnsim = ⋧ or ⋧ \lnapprox = ⪉ or ⪉ \gnapprox = ⪊ or ⪊ \nprec = ⊀ or ⊀ or \not\prec \nsucc = ⊁ or ⊁ or \not\succ \npreceq = ⋠ or ⋠ or \not\preceq \nsucceq = ⋡ or ⋡ or \not\succeq \precneqq = ⪵ or ⪵ \succneqq = ⪶ or ⪶ \precnsim = ⋨ or ⋨ \succnsim = ⋩ or ⋩ \precnapprox = ⪹ or ⪹ \succnapprox = ⪺ or ⪺ \nsim = ≁ or ≁ \ncong = ≆ or ≆ or \not\cong \nshortmid = \mathrel \nshortparallel = \mathrel \nmid = ∤ or ∤ \nparallel = ∦ or ∦ \nvdash = ⊬ or ⊬ \nvDash = ⊭ or ⊭ \nVdash = ⊮ or ⊮ \nVDash = ⊯ or ⊯ \ntriangleleft = ⋪ or ⋪ \ntriangleright = ⋫ or ⋫ \ntrianglelefteq = ⋬ or ⋬ \ntrianglerighteq = ⋭ or ⋭ \nsubseteq = ⊈ or ⊈ or \not\subseteq \nsupseteq = ⊉ or ⊉ or \not\supseteq \nsubseteqq = \mathrel or \not⫅ \nsupseteqq = \mathrel or \not⫆ \subsetneq = ⊊ or ⊊ \supsetneq = ⊋ or ⊋ \varsubsetneq = \mathrel \varsupsetneq = \mathrel \subsetneqq = ⫋ or ⫋ \supsetneqq = ⫌ or ⫌ \varsubsetneqq = \mathrel \varsupsetneqq = \mathrel \leftleftarrows = ⇇ or ⇇ \rightrightarrows = ⇉ or ⇉ \leftrightarrows = ⇆ or ⇆ \rightleftarrows = ⇄ or ⇄ \Lleftarrow = ⇚ or ⇚ \Rrightarrow = ⇛ or ⇛ \twoheadleftarrow = ↞ or ↞ \twoheadrightarrow = ↠ or ↠ \leftarrowtail = ↢ or ↢ \rightarrowtail = ↣ or ↣ \looparrowleft = ↫ or ↫ \looparrowright = ↬ or ↬ \leftrightharpoons = ⇋ or ⇋ \rightleftharpoons = ⇌ or ⇌ \curvearrowleft = ↶ or ↶ \curvearrowright = ↷ or ↷ \circlearrowleft = ↺ or ↺ \circlearrowright = ↻ or ↻ \Lsh = ↰ or ↰ \Rsh = ↱ or ↱ \upuparrows = ⇈ or ⇈ \downdownarrows = ⇊ or ⇊ \upharpoonleft = ↿ or ↿ \upharpoonright = ↾ or ↾ \downharpoonleft = ⇃ or ⇃ \restriction = ↾ or ↾ \multimap = ⊸ or ⊸ \downharpoonright = ⇂ or ⇂ \leftrightsquigarrow = ↭ or ↭ \rightsquigarrow = ⇝ or ⇝ \leadsto = ⇝ or ⇝ \dashrightarrow = ⇢ or ⇢ \dashleftarrow = ⇠ or ⇠ \nleftarrow = ↚ or Ûa; \nrightarrow = ↛ or Ûb; \nLeftarrow = ⇍ or cd; \nRightarrow = ⇏ or cf; \nleftrightarrow = ↮ or ae; \nLeftrightarrow = ⇎ or ce; \ulcorner = ┌ or ┌ \urcorner = ┐ or ┐ \llcorner = └ or └ \lrcorner = ┘ or ┘ \implies = \;\Longrightarrow\; \impliedby = \;\Longleftarrow\;