This post is to accompany:

If you want to discuss the merits of a word please create an answer for it yet write up your thoughts as a **comment** there. The answer post should be neutral (see the template at the end). (Note the thread is CW and owner-ship of answers posts is unclear; comments stay with the author.) If an answer for the word already exists you can contribute a comment there. 

It can make sense to link to that answer as a comment on the other thread. 

**Only** provide the link and the remark discussion should happen there. Always link to the answer. 

Also include the word in the list here and add a link to the answer. 

If any of this should be tricky, leave a comment and I'll take care of it. 

List of discussions. 

* [advice](
* [confused](
* [tricky](
* [help](
* [this](
* [please](
* [question](

For general discussions you can also use chat:


`This answer was created to discuss reasons for or against the inclusion of **{insert word}** in the HNQ block-list. Please leave your opinion in a comment.`

**Note:** While everybody can do as they please, I would like to state that I don't see much reason to downvote answers in *this* thread here. One could also say that this cuts both ways and there is no reason for me to bring it up, **but** at score -3 answers get grayed out and things become hard to read so there is some practical disadvantage to having low-scoring answers.