> ***Moderator's Note:*** I am (at least) temporarily closing this thread.  New suggestions should be made in the current [Winter tag cleanup](https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/12485/8348) meta-thread.


This is half a question, half an announcement.  I will be going through the list of tags and merging particularly bad ones (e.g. ones that aren't mathematical or are too specific) into the tag [tag-removed].  I will also be creating tag synonyms.  Any suggestions for mergers or synonyms should go into this thread.

Roughly speaking, here is my general policy: if I can't imagine a person classifying a tag as either interesting or ignored, I'm getting rid of it.

**Edit:** This thread and the tag changes archive have been merged for simplicity. 

**Edit2:** I've started a new summary thread. Moderators: please allow sufficient time (at least 1 day) for discussion on "non-trivial" proposals, before actual implementation (some of such "non-trivial" ones are still not yet resolved, see the list below). After implementation please first *comment* to indicate implementation (to get a date stamp), then *delete* the answer to unclutter, and *add* a line to the summary thread.