I have come across this [answer][1] which begins with "This is not an answer". [remark: the post has now been edited and the phrasing has been changed] The answer with pictures is posted as an answer because we can't post a comment with a picture. So now the question is should we leave the post and other future similar posts there. If so, for how long and do we wait for an event to happen such as when the comment has been fully addressed. If we wait for the event that comment has been addressed, how do we agree on whether that event has occured. Pro: Leaving the post there leaves a copy of evidence that someone indeed made such a comment / clarification. Cons: Are we willing to accept more such posts in the future? Whenever someone want to post a picture as comment, it is posted as the answer. Complication for this particular case. I have no idea how did this happen, but a non-answer received a bounty. Would your answer be different for this particular case? Additional remark: What you can do is flag the answer to add it to a review queue, upvote, downvote, discuss, ignore, or delete. Do what you think is the right thing to do. [1]: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/2353752/306553