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20 votes

How to get back my hard-earned tag badges

It appears that you had a couple accounts merged very recently, on 2017-03-25 at 07:23:40Z to be precise, which is less than an hour ago as I am typing this. It appears that the account that got ...
user642796's user avatar
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15 votes

What is a positive question record?

It is determined based on how many, or rather how few, of your questions get closed, deleted, and have negative score. You do not need to do anything in particular, it's a side-effect. Specifically, ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.5k
15 votes

Requesting for like or best answer

It depends. I've seen some occasions where a user posts a 'thank you, this helped' comment under my answer. If it's a user who is new to the site, and hasn't accepted any answers yet, I usually reply ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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15 votes

Change in computation of "Announcer" badges?

Some people wondered about the same question also on Meta Stack Exchange: What's going on with the Announcer badge?, Suddenly getting “Announcer” badges every few minutes? Recently, some bug was ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
15 votes

The Unsung Hero badge

Your thinking is not wrong. The problem is that those badge description are not complete in all details. Specifically: There is a lower limit on the age of an answer to qualify (ten days). Several ...
quid's user avatar
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13 votes

Can I forsake my superpowers?

First and foremost: You are not alone feeling/thinking that on some occasions you would prefer only to cast an ordinary vote! I don't think you can forsake the superpowers, but you can use them ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
13 votes

Do the Lifejacket and Lifeboat badges encourage bad behaviour?

The StackOverflow blog post containing details on the introduction of these badges, is here. As the writer Jon says, These badges reward reversing the score of a negative question by answering it in ...
Sarvesh Ravichandran Iyer's user avatar
12 votes

Why were all the "triangles" bronze tag badges "Awarded Mar 25 at 4:00"?

As mentioned in the comments on 24 March triangle has been renamed as triangles, so all the badges that the users previously had in triangle were awarded simultaneously on the next day as triangles ...
Zacky's user avatar
  • 28.2k
11 votes

Difficulty of getting review badges

I will point out that badges should be secondary, primary concern should be doing things that are useful for the site. So from this viewpoint, if you find the review queue empty, that's a good thing. ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
11 votes

Badge for editing 80 posts is not functioning?

I've looked at your recent edits, and it appears that many are tag-only edits. Tag-only edits don't count. For a related question (that also contains the details of how to check your count, and a ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
11 votes

Why don't my gold badges show up in my profile?

You can't track the Famous Question badge; basically, you cannot track badges which pertain to a single post. Some others might be too expensive (in terms of system performance) to track. See this ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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11 votes

Earned Steward badge twice for the same queue

This is not a bug; it's part of an update to the review queues. You now get one Steward badge for every 1,000 reviews in a single queue. For more details, see Steward badge can now be awarded multiple ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the name of the (now removed) tag for which this Taxonomist badge has been awarded?

My best guess would be fubini - which was later renamed to fubini-tonelli-theorems, see the revision history of the questions 3251436 Why this function is not integrable and the details below. These ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
9 votes

How to search for users based on reputation and badge?

We can go to stack exchange data explorer. There is a script for top users without gold badge. Below is the list of top users without gold badge on our site as of September 24, 2017.
Siong Thye Goh's user avatar
9 votes

There should be a badge for sufficient number of accepted answers

When proposing a new badge, it's always a good idea to check which kind of good behaviour it promotes that currently is not sufficiently awarded. I don't see any; the answer being accepted already ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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8 votes

How to earn the bronze "Tag Editor" badge

Every tag has an info page that you can get to by clicking on the tag name. Such as this one: calculus. You will be taken to a page that looks like this (If the tag doesn't have information the page ...
user642796's user avatar
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8 votes

How to earn the inquisitive badge?

Yes, but this is not enough. Indeed, a well-received question is one with positive score; it also has to be open and not deleted to count. However, and possibly counter-intuitively, for a day to ...
quid's user avatar
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8 votes

What are the Moderation/Editing/Participation badges?

All the details can be seen in Shog9's answer on Meta Stack Exchange: What are the details on the “candidate score” which shows during an election? I will just add that if you look at a specific ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
8 votes

Badge award reason

I believe this wording may be better: Edited after comments: "For 50 questions, edit and answer each question within 12 hours (answer score > 0)"
Alex Scruton's user avatar
8 votes

Why am I not getting the Inquisitive badge

To get the inquisitive badge, you must have asked a well-received question on 30 days and maintain a positive question record. You don't have a positive question record. To calculate your question ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
7 votes

Clarification of meaning of $3$ badges

A full list of badges with clarifications can be found here: What are the badges I can earn on each site, and what are the exact criteria for earning each badge?, but let me answer your specific ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it possible to lose the electorate badge?

The only badges that can be awarded and later taken away are the tag-badges. For more details see: Is it possible to lose the Electorate badge? on meta.SE Is it possible to lose badges? on meta.SE ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
7 votes

How to get Citizen Patrol Badge

The Citizen Patrol badge description states it is awarded for First flagged post. According to your flagging summary*, you have not flagged any posts, only comments. * Get to it by clicking on ...
user642796's user avatar
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7 votes

Glitch Discovered During Downvote. I Gained the “Critic” Badge for Upvoting and then Downvoting my Own Question on my Own Account. Second Time.

The badge was awarded for a vote you cast for someone else's answer. You removed the vote literally one second after you cast it, which might be the cause for your confusion, though — as that means it'...
JNat's user avatar
  • 101
7 votes

Hide reputation and badges

Since the question is bumped, let me just mention that this is actually already implemented on MathOverflow. They are only now testing it out, so it may change back. They have a special agreement with ...
Calvin Khor's user avatar
  • 35.4k
7 votes

Is it possible to not accept a badge?

No, it is not possible to not accept a badge. As far as I am aware, there is no functionality that would prevent you from getting the badge.* As I mentioned in the comments, maybe just move on. It is ...
Pedro's user avatar
  • 123k
6 votes

"Popular Question" Badge and Upvotes

You found the correct resource regarding the technical aspect, which is: How are the number of views in a question calculated? I would say the tracking is not very rigid but rather inflates the ...
quid's user avatar
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6 votes

About the Excavator Badge

It refers to the first time to edit a post that was inactive for 6 months. It doesn't need to be someone's first post. It really means that you get the badge the first time you do that, and only that ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
6 votes

How many of the steward medals are for reviewing each type of review?

The list of people recently awarded the Steward badge is here. I used this list and some quick-and-dirty use of ctrl-F to count the number of Steward badges of each type. Here are the results. (Note: ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible