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73 votes

Why do we need to avoid to thank somebody?

The comment you sketch is fine. This is not what is meant. What is meant is that one should not post "Thanks!!!!!!!!!!", "This is so interesting.", "Best answer ever!" on every other good post one ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
58 votes

What to do when someone tells you something like this in her/his comment and then deletes the comment?

You should flag for moderator attention and explain what's up. Mods can check the history and see even those things which have been deleted. You should absolutely not engage with that user in any ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
  • 92.9k
35 votes

Why do we need to avoid to thank somebody?

Let me begin by saying that I'm not disagreeing with quid. Generally, comments with "Thanks!!!!!" are entirely useless. The "guideline" that you cite, is a network-wide guideline, and the MSE culture ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
35 votes

Is it rude to tag someone in the comments of an old post and politely ask them to check out your new question related to another post?

"Rude" is maybe a strong word, but it is certainly discouraged. If you do it once, likely nothing much negative will happen. But as a rule please do not do this. An exception might be if the ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
30 votes

negative comments on trivial answers

Unfortunately, I think that some appropriate uses of CW is lost on a lot of users who are reviewing CW posts flagged, inappropriately, as NAA or "this is at most a comment....", and on the flaggers as ...
amWhy's user avatar
  • 211k
28 votes

Is there any point answering/commenting/voting on old posts?

The whole point of stack exchange is to build a high quality collection of questions and answers for a given subject. If you think of things in these terms, it is irrelevant how old a question is. If ...
asmeurer's user avatar
  • 9,842
28 votes

showing gratitude for a very helpful / detailed answer?

Also when writing a comment it explicitly states to avoid comments like "thanks" or so. Based on what I've seen, it's more a warning because some popular questions would net hundreds of such comments ...
PrincessEev's user avatar
  • 47.5k
26 votes

I voted mistakenly to close as duplicate. When I realised my mistake, my comment explaining why was deleted.

Your Comment contained a link to an older Question. Although this Question was not the final target chosen by voting to close-as-duplicate, someone may have voted to consider that target the ...
hardmath's user avatar
  • 37.2k
23 votes

Comment etiquette: Should one delete a comment about a minor error after correction has been made?

Delete your comment, flag any associated comments for deletion. A toy example: User 1: "I think there is a mistake on the third paragraph. Not every $X$ is a $Y$!" User 2: "Sorry, I don't ...
Aloizio Macedo's user avatar
  • 34.7k
21 votes

Is it no longer considered OK to post a comment of more than 600 characters as an answer?

In the spirit of the question: This started life as more of an extended comment than an answer. I think it has morphed into an answer now though. Math.SE seems to be based around the idea that every ...
user1729's user avatar
  • 31.4k
21 votes

How should I (nicely) tell people they should answer my question rather than giving the answer in comments?

What I do: I leave a comment asking them to write it as an answer, so people can upvote and accept their answer. Hopefully this gives them some incentive to do so. If you want, you can also let them ...
D.W.'s user avatar
  • 5,535
20 votes

Dealing with answers in comments.

If you answer a few questions that get closed, you get a note from the Moderation Team, telling you to stop doing that. If you answer a few more questions that get closed, you get suspended. If, ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
20 votes

Etiquette for flagging a comment that points out a (corrected) typo?

The typo-comments you mentioned fall precisely under "no longer relevant." Please do flag them. It is also appropriate to flag comments that had asked for clarification that was later provided. ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
20 votes

When should one not edit their own questions?

Here are three options. Just make the edit. Better: make the edit, and leave a comment thanking the other user for drawing your attention to the problem. Best (in my opinion): make the edit, and ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
20 votes

Let's discuss this in chat ...

The "Let's discuss this in chat..." invitation is a "canned" line that the Stack Exchange software produces automatically when the exchange of comments between two users passes a ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 35.5k
19 votes

Is undelete of comments already deleted.. possible?

Moderators can undeleted comments that were not deleted by the users. Namely, if you posted a comment and you deleted it, then moderators cannot undelete it. If, on the other hands, a moderator ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
18 votes

Copy and pasting answers from comments

If it is a pure copy-paste of someone else comment, I think one should usually do all three of the below (although I personally do not care much for it being made CW), and at the very least one of ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
18 votes

Prompt OP to answer their own question?

To quote user Arctic Char: Yes, and many users do that often. Indeed, we have made a comment template for such a situation. The following can be directly copied and pasted. ...
17 votes

Flagged duplicate "Does this answer your question?" text is misleading

In principle, I have no issue with the new language, i.e. "Does this answer your question? [link]" The premise is that the asker is the best qualified person to determine whether or not their ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
  • 30.3k
17 votes

Can users not call another anonymous user a "nut-case" due to said anon-user's upvote or a downvote?

The post raises a valid concern. Some users have the habit of complaining rudely about unidentified other users, e.g., "the downvoter", "those that upvoted this" etc., in ways they might not ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
17 votes

Treatment of comment-answered questions: what is the current policy as of February 2023?

TL;DR: please flag answers in the comments for moderator review. The assumption of the answer which was written 12 years ago is that the question itself is welcome on the site, and that the commenter ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
  • 30.3k
16 votes

Why do people answer the question in the comment section?

I largely agree with everything Hurkyl said. Since people have asked me why I do this let me add a few points. When I do this, often it is because I think the question is total turkey shoot. If I ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
16 votes

List of comment templates

Gender Neutral Language Not everyone who does mathematics is a man. Consider using gender neutral language such as "they" and "person" instead of "he" and "sir" when talking about other users. <...
16 votes

What does "Comments may only be edited for 5 minutes" mean?

Comments are second-class citizens on the StackExchange network. As such, they are only allowed to be edited in a short five minutes window. If your edit was submitted outside this window, you will ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
16 votes

Editing comments to remove references to gender

No, this isn't a general SE policy at work. It's the result of flag handling. There was a party that found the answer offensive, and while I didn't particularly find it offensive myself, I could see ...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
  • 27.3k
16 votes

Treatment of comment-answered questions: what is the current policy as of February 2023?

Anyone who sees such a thing may copy the answer into an Answer box (with credit, we hope) and thus reap the reputation points awarded to it. Or the downvotes, if appropriate.
GEdgar's user avatar
  • 114k
15 votes

List of comment templates

A more constructive comment for promoting better questions. I would like to inform you that while Stack Exchange is a Q&A site, more than just a question is expected from the asker. Try to focus ...
15 votes

Requesting for like or best answer

It depends. I've seen some occasions where a user posts a 'thank you, this helped' comment under my answer. If it's a user who is new to the site, and hasn't accepted any answers yet, I usually reply ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 3,955
15 votes

Why community in SE deleted my comment related to the below duplicate question?

I am sorry for the frustration, but it is of nobody's doing, specifically. The automatic comment posted upon a vote to close as a duplicate or also a flag as duplicate, the current case, gets ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
15 votes

Has the notification system for comments changed?

Could you be a bit more specific about the situation in which you expect to get a comment. In the current revision you write: "I do not get a notification when someone writes a comment under an ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar

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