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32 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

CRUDE, as described in its description, is an incredibly helpful tool. There is nothing unhealthy about "feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Reopen/Undelete/Delete/Edit for questions and answers on ...
Aloizio Macedo's user avatar
  • 34.9k
21 votes

Are my serial downvotes inappropriate?

In my mind there are at least three sides to this, in general not only for this particular case. At one level the votes are appropriate. They are based on your best judgment of the post. To ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
18 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

Updated: put this suggestion at the top, since I felt it became important. Original answer follows below that. My challenge to anyone who "doesn't like CURED": Join the room and take actions at ...
rschwieb's user avatar
  • 158k
16 votes

Are there often serial upvoters on the site?

Is this frequent? The yearly moderation report (e.g. 2020: a year in moderation) does not contain that information. I don't know if a count of voting corrections is kept somewhere, perhaps a ...
Martin R's user avatar
  • 121k
14 votes

How many upvotes are too many?

Agree with everything quid said. Just adding a few observations. Voting old answers is very much ok. As long as you find them during "natural" browsing of the site, like following an interesting ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
14 votes

Question regarding the standards of the site. Need help. Someone mass downvoting my posts.

First, let me stress that indeed the down-votes seem not good. It is basically never alright to down-vote in a string. (It is not even advisable to do this when each post does merit a downvote; I do ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
11 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

Is CRUDE healthy? You mean right now!? I dunno. Heck, I don't even know when right now is! Perhaps the more important question is Can CRUDE be healthy? Certainly. Though it would probably be more ...
Lääne-Viru's user avatar
  • 6,858
11 votes

A user has downvoted me many times

We the diamond moderators have access to some aggregate voting statistics. I had a look. The total number of downvotes from any single user to you is so low that there is nothing actionable. Some ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
10 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

I was going to write just a comment, but there are several points to be made here so I decided to promote my 2 cents to an answer. My observations regarding CRUDE, the state of MSE, and this topic: ...
Lord_Farin's user avatar
  • 17.9k
10 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

No, it's not. Cranks, nuts, newbies, PSQ-askers, PSQ-answerers, rep-farmers, donut-eaters, people making wrong assertions. How can we make them stop doing those things, or get them to leave? A self-...
Dan Brumleve's user avatar
  • 17.9k
10 votes

How many upvotes are too many?

How many upvotes are to many? The details of the script are not public, to avoid users working around it. If I write a comment to every answer upvoted about why I think it good, would the system ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
9 votes

What is the Solution to CAREFUL Serial Down-voting?

If you suspect someone is targeting you and serially downvoting you while not triggering the script, flag one of the posts for moderator attention and explain the situation. They can investigate.
Matt Samuel's user avatar
  • 58.8k
8 votes

How do I go about determining if downvotes are serial?

If the votes come together, at the same time (more or less) on different posts, they are probably serial. If they are part of your breakfast, then these are cereal downvotes. In any case, there is a ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 401k
7 votes

What to do about one or two downvotes received daily?

It is best to bring this up via a flag 'other.' Flag one of the affected posts and describe the situation briefly; to flag one post suffices, we can see which other posts were downvoted then. (I see ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
6 votes

Serial down-voting

Someone is likely downvoting answers to low-quality questions. Often, even if the answer is well-written, people will downvote to discourage answering questions that should be closed instead of ...
xxxxxxxxx's user avatar
  • 13.4k
6 votes

Can we have a smarter serial voting detection?

Such things are supervised to the extent possible (it is not always possible though) and actions are taken (in the form of warnings or suspensions). However, even when we identify the source and take ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
5 votes

What is just happening to my reputation?

The top menu bar does not notify you of reputation losses by design. You may argue that this should be different, and indeed there is a feature request on global meta for this.
KReiser's user avatar
  • 71.1k
4 votes

Are my serial downvotes inappropriate?

I think the community's overreacting on this one. The user under question seems to be basing their viewpoint on calulcus on this book. I haven't looked at the arguments too carefully, but it's not ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
  • 68.7k
4 votes

Is CRUDE healthy?

The room CRUDE is relatively tightly overseen by per-site moderators. The activity that happens there has my full support, and if I am not all that active there myself, it is on the one hand for ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.6k
3 votes

What should one do if one thinks that someone is mass-voting them?

In most cases, you shouldn't need to worry about anything. The system has a built-in vote correction script that runs periodically, and catches most types of serial voting (you may notice a "...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 101
2 votes

Is there some way to trace the downvoter?

I recommend waiting a full day, to see if the system software mechanisms for rolling back serial downvotes will catch anything. There can be borderline cases, and I'm not terribly familiar with ...
hardmath's user avatar
  • 37.4k

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