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56 votes

Rejected into a tiny edit

Like Clayton (in comments) I don't see any problems with the proposed edit, and I think it should have been accepted. Usually when reviewing proposed edits it takes two reviewers with the same vote ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
32 votes

Someone edited my answer. Now it is wrong.

You can reject the edit, as the author, or it rollback. You can leave a comment explaining why you've undid the edit, and if the problem persists (i.e. edits get reapproved), flag the post for ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 399k
31 votes

Was this edit acceptable?

The idea behind rejecting an edit as it "[d]isguises the author's non-fluency in English" is others could take the fact that the poster is not fluent in English into account in their interactions. For ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
31 votes

Why was my suggested edit rejected despite correcting a calculation error?

Your edit was perfectly fine and should have been accepted. Sometimes reviewers simply make mistakes, especially when understanding the reason for the edit involves some nontrivial mathematics. You ...
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
29 votes

Deleting 'thanks for help' from posts

The general policy is that edits, especially suggested edits, should be somewhat complete. For "thanks" specifically here is an old post Is it Discouraged to Write 'Thanks' at the ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
25 votes

Someone edited my answer. Now it is wrong.

Many thanks to @azimut for notifying me of this discussion, and apologies for the inconvenience. I wrongly assumed that the proof contained a simple typo, and I suggested an edit believing that this ...
Aurelio's user avatar
  • 414
24 votes

Are edits removing tags frowned upon?

Edits removing tags are not generally frowned on. If a question seems to you to be incorrectly tagged, edit it to correct the tags. This includes cases where you add new tags, remove existing tags, ...
22 votes

Isn't changing $\sum_x^y ...$ to $\displaystyle \sum_x^y ...$, 8 times, an improvement on an answer?

No. $\displaystyle\sum_{x}^{y}$ is not an improvement over $\sum_{x}^{y}$. Display style mathematics should be used in displays, and in a diminishingly small number of other circumstances. Display ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
  • 30.3k
20 votes

Why we need more than one review to accept an edit?

An experience I recently had might answer this. I was so misled by a question title that I went ahead and spent half an hour writing an answer to the wrong thing, which I then had to discard. So I ...
timtfj's user avatar
  • 2,952
20 votes

How to make or suggest good edits

When Editing Consider the age of the post. Whenever a post is edited, it is bumped to the top of the Active Questions list on the front page. This crowds out other posts which are also deserving of ...
17 votes

Edits Take Place Immediately for Verified Users

First, as a moderator I would not be too happy about vetting such applications. Beyond just the added workload, there will be clearly good cases like yours, but then there will be other cases. ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
17 votes

Many of my recent edits have been rejected. Any particular reason or just a coincidence?

This is a comment, not a answer, but is too long to fit into the comment box. Like you, I am mostly active on other sites. When I was busy as an edit reviewer on SO, I was fairly strict: "approved ...
Joseph Quinsey's user avatar
15 votes

Does a poor edit summary reduce chances of acceptance?

I guess it was I that enticed this question, by a comment on your earlier question, so maybe let me clarify what I meant. Here is what I do, when I review an edit: I focus on the edit, with ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
15 votes

What is the reason for this change of reputation? Reputation tab says "-2" and "removed".

You had gotten +2 yesterday for an accepted suggested edit on "Is the following a valid proof that shows a limit does not exist?" This post you had edited, then got deleted for some reason. As a ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
15 votes

Unreasonable rejected edit suggestion?

The edit goes too far for an edit. You could have proposed the inclusion in a comment. If the author of the answer does not want it in their post, you could then write your own answer. Note that if ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
15 votes

Abuse "Reject-and-Edit" to reject singlehandedly

First, I agree with the previous answer concerning this issue. From the number of up-votes it gets and the fact that those posts are still recent, you can assume that the answers reflect how the ...
Arctic Char's user avatar
  • 16.4k
14 votes

Is my workaround for the minimum character limit okay?

Yes, it's fine to suggest edits to a post's author via comments - the purpose of comments is to improve answers and this behavior falls within that purpose. The minimum character limit is mostly a ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar
  • 61.3k
14 votes

Why were my suggested edits rejected? Posters failed to transcribe book's question accurately. Omitted book version, exercise, page numbers

I think several of your edits were useful and should have been approved. I think edits that add more information about the source of the problem are useful -- especially the edits of yours that added ...
D.W.'s user avatar
  • 5,525
12 votes

Abuse "Reject-and-Edit" to reject singlehandedly

The answer by Arctic Char makes some good points, but let me add two things. Moderators can and do act on irregular or otherwise poor reviewing. Indeed, for this type of problem it is relatively ...
quid's user avatar
  • 42.4k
11 votes

Why don't I get reputation points for edits anymore?

It is possible to earn at most 1000 reputation points through suggested edits. See: Why is there a limit on edit reputation reward? "Can I earn reputation?" section in: How do suggested edits work? ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
11 votes

Is it possible to take back my suggestion on edit an answer or (question)?

This is not possible: How can I cancel an edit I made on another user's question or answer? What I usually do is change the edit summary to include something like 'PLEASE REJECT', to help the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 3,955
10 votes

Editing non-SE links with HTTPS?

I'm that user, so let me chime in here. I'm not sure why this process isn't automated like with questions and answers. As a few of my edits were approved by a Stack Exchange employee, I don't think ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 3,955
10 votes

Why are points given for editing?

There are several badges involving post edits: - Editor - Strunk and white - Copy-editor - Excavator - Archaeologist - Explainer - Refiner - Illuminator From the main meta (emphasize is mine): ...
Surb's user avatar
  • 56.4k
10 votes

Why was my edit rejected?

It may be more common to write $\int A(x) {\rm d}x$ especially when we learn about integrals in school. Yet some disciplines prefer the notation $\int {\rm d}x A(x)$, emphasizing on the fact that $\...
Florian's user avatar
  • 2,640
10 votes

Community makes content edits?

The edit was suggested by an anonymous user, i.e. a user not logged in (usually because they don't have an account). If such an edit suggestion is approved, the edit is "credited" to Community♦.
Daniel Fischer's user avatar
10 votes

Valid edit suggestion to a post was rejected.

Some thoughts in point form Personally you are not that far from 2000 rep, at which point you will be able to unilaterally make edits. So the most practical advice IMO would be to get to 2000 rep, ...
Calvin Khor's user avatar
  • 35.4k
9 votes

Why have I been banned from suggesting edits to posts?

This was something automatically done because a large percentage of your recent suggested edits were rejected. By my count 9 of the 15 edits you have suggested in the last 24 hours have been rejected. ...
user642796's user avatar
  • 52.6k
9 votes

I suggested an edit, title, tag and body on a 5 years old post and was rejected, Why?

I am not guessing why the two users rejected your edit. I just point out one problem that I see: you changed $$\forall \epsilon>0 \ \exists n_0 \ \forall n\geq n_0 |a_n-L|>\epsilon,$$ to the &...
Arctic Char's user avatar
  • 16.4k
9 votes

Vandalizing question posted by others

I think the most irritating part of this vandalism is due to a copy-paste error. Indeed, on the same day, the user Learningmaths also edited this question, in which the formula $$ \int_{-a}^af(x^2)dx=...
J.-E. Pin's user avatar
  • 41.4k
9 votes

About editing the prominent mistakes

editing should not conflict with the author's opinion or something else of him Mathematics itself is not about "opinions and personality". Unless the question is "opinion based" ...
fedja's user avatar
  • 19.1k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible