Hi, welcome to my profile!
I'm an undergraduate in Mathematics. I use Math Stack Exchange to help myself learn LaTex, further my understanding of maths , and try to help some other people!
I joined the website after answering many questions on in-class forums, which it turned out I enjoyed thoroughly. Now, I try to replicate that for the plethora of topics which come up on MSE.
It is truly an honour to share a website with some of the super intelligent minds from universities across the world; but my mentality is that no question should be "too simple". As long as you attempt to follow the site policy , one shouldn't look down on someone for asking a "obvious" question.
Please don't hesitate to correct me if I get something wrong!
YearlingJul 30
CriticMay 31
SupporterApr 18
AutobiographerFeb 11
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