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Robert Soupe's user avatar
Robert Soupe
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Why has the number of profile views been removed from MSE?
I didn't even notice. This happened recently, not during my "sabbatical"? I do look at profiles, but mostly I'm interested in the questions or answers someone has posted. Speaking only for myself, I find the number of profile views not very meaningful or interesting.
Are soft questions allowed on MSE? I see there is a tag for it but I'm scared I will be downvoted for it.
Speaking only for myself, the thing I care about is that I can see that you have made a good faith effort to figure out the answer yourself. But of course that applies more to a question like "how do I solve a quadratic equation?" than to a question that might be off-topic, like "how do I increase numeric precision in MATLAB?" I think your question about Leibniz integrals would be on-topic, but others here might disagree with me.
Are soft questions allowed on MSE? I see there is a tag for it but I'm scared I will be downvoted for it.
Your fear is quite understandable. But what do you care more about: having lots of Internet points, or getting your question answered? Besides, if your question gets downvoted into negative territory and no answers nor even useful comments, you can withdraw it.
Deduction in rep for downvoting
@Mirko I think you meant "penalty," not "punishment." The latter carries the connotation that it's for something that is wrong regardless, while the former suggests something that is generally discouraged but might sometimes be necessary. As to your point that "there is much that could be done in finding the right balance," well, I disagree, but if you post in your own answer to this question some of that much that could be done, you might convince me to agree with you.
Negative answer to "does there exist a proof not using this general result"
I was thinking more of elementary number theory questions that are like "prove it without induction" or "prove it, but not by contradiction."
Negative answer to "does there exist a proof not using this general result"
What is your opinion of the cases where a proof is possible without the classic and obvious method, but the alternative proof is so complicated that it validates the classic "boring" solution?
Is it okay to give an answer with only "Yes" or "No" with no further details supporting the conclusion?
As soon as I saw this question on Hot Meta Posts, I knew someone else had already given this answer.
"Strategy" for voting to close
When you find yourself feeling burned out, take a break. There are always plenty of things for review on this site, and you can never predict when you'll come across the more interesting items.
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