Generated by @MartinSleziak's answer highlighted below.
Here is the relevant link:
Simply click and drag the desired link to your bookmarks toolbar.
It is a duplicate indeed. Although it feels a bit weird to click "Thanks, that solved my problem", because it really doesn't, the accepted answer is what I already do and would like to avoid. But thanks. @user357151 -- Arnaud Mortier
Comments are deliberately light on features, ostensibly with the intent of limiting them to their intended purpose -- e.g. to discourage their use as a medium for discussion or for providing content -- so this is unlikely to change. (to the best of my knowledge) -- Hurkyl
@Hurkyl Thanks, that makes sense. -- Arnaud Mortier
Since you mention that you are not satisfied with the accepted answer in the currently chosen duplicate target: Did you look also at other answer and also at other posts linked there. In the comments, there is also link to the question on Meta Stack Exchange: Is there a way to view a comment's source? -- Martin Sleziak
Personally, I often use the bookmarklet linked in this answer (see comments there for a working link) - although it only works for comment on a question; not for comments on answers. I will add also link to a related question on Meta MathOverflow (specifically because of the SEDE query linked there): How to cut and paste -- Martin Sleziak
@MartinSleziak It's really sad that the question is already closed, because the bookmarklet trick is brilliant, and I could have actually tried my hand on it to make your comment into an answer and accept it. That would have been awesome. -- Arnaud Mortier
:-) then let's try and do that. Or, you could post the answer at the linked question... -- Simply Beautiful Art