The tag maxima was created in this question; according to tag-wiki it is intended for the computer algebra system Maxima.
I am afraid that a such tag might easily confuse users posting questions; despite the fact that there is tag excerpt, some users might use this tag for questions about finding maxima and minima of functions. This happened here, for example.
Would it be reasonable to rename this tag to macsyma or maxima-software or something similar. (According to Wikipedia article, Maxima was based on Macsyma; so these two programs are probably quite similar.)
Or, perhaps, would it be better to use more general tag computer-algebra-systems instead?
I'll copy here the tag-excerpt and tag-wiki, which were created by Zev Chonoles, so that they are not lost if the tag is deleted.
Tag-excerpt: For questions concerning the open source computational software program Maxima.
Tag-wiki: For questions concerning the open source computational software program Maxima. The website for Maxima has documentation, a wiki, and other useful resources.