This meta-query discusses the following question:
Q1: How can I create a specific mathematical expression in a mathSE query?
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Much of the information that a user would want is contained in the following links:
In fact, this link provides an umbrella for the next link.
However, I feel it is important to go beyond the information included in these links. I think that many new users are going to shy away from delving into the MathJax links, when all they want to know is how to format a specific symbol.
I expect a new mathSE user to opt for the path of least resistance. By providing the information in a consolidated manner to the new user, mathSE has:
discouraged the new user from creating a mathSE query re MathJax, as has been done
provided information re shortcuts that will be very attractive re the path of least resistance
related to the previous point, these shortcuts could actually discourage new users from posting poorly formatted queries. Admittedly, this particular point is very iffy.
contrasted MathJax against Latex to give the new user the opportunity to understand (somewhat) the website's formatting process
provided definitive native Latex information re the Tex forum, the CTAN pdf, and simply googling.
End of Insert
This query was inspired by a first query. Because my query focuses on the use of mathJax, I feel that it is more appropriate that this query be posted on meta-mathSE, rather than mathSE.
As in the first query, I am going to start the discussion with my own answer.
I favor the approach from the first query, which I am excerpting:
I will provide an answer below, but feel free to edit my answer or provide your own answer. Initially it will be a short list, but maybe it will grow over time. Please regard this question and its answers as a community resource.
for line break. Or the use of$\underline{\text{my underlined text}}$
for underlining. Or, if the use of\;
for spacing doesn't seem to be working correctly, you can substitute~
. $\endgroup$