My background and research is in mathematical logic. I have been trying, when I can, to remove the "set theory" tag from questions that are not actually about set theory. Here is my motivation. This is, of course, my opinion, but I think it's the right one.
What is set theory? It's the subject that is covered in books by that title. So it includes the study of well orderings, ordinal numbers, and cardinal numbers; axioms for set theory; formal set theories such as ZFC; and more advanced topics. It includes more basic topics such as cardinality, the uniqueness of the empty set, etc.
What is not "set theory"?
- Venn diagrams.
- "Prove that if two cosets of a subgroup have nonempty intersection then they are the same set."
- "Prove that if $f \colon A \to B$ is any function then $f^{-1}$ commutes with the union, intersection, and relative complement operations."
These things mention sets, but that does not make them set theory. The best evidence that they are not set theory is that they are primarily studied in other areas of mathematics. The second is a common exercise in abstract algebra, the third is a common exercise in real analysis or measure theory.
Similarly, not every question involving polynomials is "abstract algebra", and not every question about continuity is "topology".
If I had enough rep, I would write something like this in the "tag wiki". Since I don't, I thought I should at least start a discussion here, because the issue has come up on at least one question.