When I need to discussion to some one about the problem in a detailed way, It seems better to do it in a chat-room instead of comments. But what is the usual way to do this.(I do this once some weeks ago in TeX.StackExchange.com but it was automatically and I want to do this manually.)
$\begingroup$ If the "discussion" tag not need necessarily please someone delete it. thanks. $\endgroup$– Hoseyn HeydariCommented Dec 4, 2013 at 15:27
$\begingroup$ A new post about a somewhat similar issue: Retroactively moving comments to chat, when they are no longer relevant, due to edit $\endgroup$– Martin SleziakCommented Sep 11, 2016 at 6:21
$\begingroup$ There are also these meta.SO posts: How can I move a discussion to chat before being prompted? and Should “move-to-chat” be provided on demand (as a button perhaps)? $\endgroup$– Martin SleziakCommented Sep 11, 2016 at 6:26
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1 Answer
You can't move comments from the main site to chat if the automatic mechanism is not triggered, not even moderators can do that.
You can open a new chat room and invite the other user into it, either use the "invite to room" feature in chat or add another comment with a link to the chat room you created. You could also manually copy the comments into chat.