I'm reading this post about enforcement of quality standards, and it puzzles me.
I feel like most of the time, it a user were able to ask a question that follows the quality standards, they would actually have enough knowledge to answer their own questions. A lot of the activity in the first phases following the asking of a question are actually about rephrasing the question and better understanding what the asker means.
A typical example :
OP : help me prove X, i tried this and that.
Comments : several people try to understand the question better
Answ 1 : X does not hold, here is a counterexample
OP => Edit question, realizing there was a caveat, rendering Answ1 moot
Answ1 gets deleted by original poser (no longer relevant), finds a new caveat and posts it ans Answ2
OP does not reply. End of day, Answ2 does not get upvoted or downvoted in the following ~ 2 hours
Next morning : Answer2 was heavily downvoted by community and closed, probably because most of those who voted to close did not read the discussion in the comments (especially those of the already deleted Answ1), and could not keep up with the edit timeline.
Final results : the people who took time to help OP are left disappointed as they feel MSE does not reward their efforts appropriately.
I personally think that this process is most valuable to the OP (since the process itself helps the OP, not the actual anwser), even though it is completely against the new policy, so here are my questions:
Is my analysis "correct", in the sense that I am not alone in feeling this way ? Am I way off, and if so, why and how ?
Isn't "helping the OP" just as important a concept as "keeping long term good quality standard" ? Especially knowing that if the OP could frame the question in a quality standard compliant way, then they could probably answer it themselves.
Should this kind of low quality posts be "translated" afterwards into a clear "good question / good answer" type interaction, somehow "rewriting history" ? If so, who would do it (especially when OP has had its answer and is not interested in the question anymore).