Since you quote my comment, let me elaborate my thought I little bit.
After I saw your post I actually went and checked some of the "hot" question in Math SE with the tag philosophy. After that I am more convinced that your question is better suit to Philosophy SE. There are basically two reasons:
Quite a lot of questions misuse the tag "philosophy". "intuition" might be a better tag. For example: Is 10 closer to infinity than 1?, Why can't differentiability be generalized as nicely as continuity?, asks questions within mathematics, and are looking for answers within mathematics. This hottest one Do complex numbers really exist? even explicitly stating that the OP is not looking for a philosophical answer (Why the philosophy tag then?).
Some others questions are sort of philosophical in nature, for example these two Is math built on assumptions?, Is mathematics one big tautology? asks about foundations of mathematics, and this How is a system of axioms different from a system of beliefs? can be thought of as a question in epistemology. However the answers provided is still mathematical, and has nothing to do with philosophy. For example, the top answer in the last question only state the state of the art of mathematics, and bypass the philosophical question of how to relate belief and axiom, by saying "that a modern mathematician's attitude towards mathematical words is very different from that of a non-mathematician's attitude towards ordinary words".
Now if we take a look at your question, it is obviously philosophical in nature, and are looking for philosophical answer. It is very likely that you do not get a good response here.
That being said, your question is actually on topic, according to the excerpt of the tag philosophy: It explicitly said that tags are for questions in philosophy of mathematics..... I suggest that we should do something to it, as stated, quite a lot of questions with the philosophy tag should have that untagged.