I have seen discussions where some users explicitly mentioned that they tend to go back to questions and answers they downvoted (or voted to close) and if they were sufficiently improved, they retract their downvote and perhaps upvote (in the case of closed/on-hold questions they vote to reopen). Some discussion about this was also in comments to this recent posts: Why doesn't voting to close or downvoting encourage follow-up? - it is a feature request which suggest some changes which (maybe) might make this easier or motivate more users to check on their past downvotes/close votes.
Perhaps various ways to do this would be more visible in separate post than in comments on a different (albeit related) discussion. And if they are posted here as answers, we can also discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
Here I would like to ask about methods which are already available, without adding new features to the site?
- If you try to follow up on your past down- or close-votes, what methods do you use to check on them?
- Even if you don't do this, have you some suggestions on what can be used for this purpose using the tools already available?
DISCLAIMER: When composing this question, the system suggested this among similar questions: Checking your old downvotes. Basically the difference is only that the older post only asks about downvotes. OTOH the question is more than 5 years old, probably there were changes on this site since then which might guarantee a new discussion.
I will leave for others to decide whether the posts should be considered duplicates. (And maybe there are more candidates for duplicates which I did not notice.) Depending on whether this question remains open, we can than continue the discussion here or in some of the duplicate questions.