Why this was closed as "unclear what you're asking" ?
The comments indicates that all but two person could perfectly understand the question, and two persons even found the question to be interesting.
Shouldn't it be unclosed ?
Why this was closed as "unclear what you're asking" ?
The comments indicates that all but two person could perfectly understand the question, and two persons even found the question to be interesting.
Shouldn't it be unclosed ?
I'm going to try to answer it ( I wasn't one of the close votes), when you could use citation etc. in you posting you could be more specific about which part of the whole page ( or 12 pages if you copy the full text into wordpad and print preview) you want something like, instead of making a math community navigate to another site (or open another tab to view it) just to answer something that may be easy for them to answer with a quick quote like:
This, being a quadratic in u, can be solved. Using this value of u one obtains a cubic in y that can be `completed'. This gives a solution of y. Then x can be worked out from y by solving a further quadratic.
though these appear in a different color on this meta area. Mathematics is a Science, and is very much based on definitions, and proper wording. In every day language we might say group, to mean a set of things. In math a group is a set, equipped with two binary operators, that follow the group axioms. One complaint in the comments is that anything and this are too broad ( there's also at least one typo that hasn't been fixed but that's not relevant right yet). This site uses MathJax to present mathematics, you could make all the equations on the page if needed. Also that question seems more of one about algorithms, and could have been tagged as such, and listed the steps of the algorithm given. That could have brought in a more appropriate audience to your question. So in short you want us to follow links like:
instead of being specific in your question about what you want specifically on this site itself. EDIT: another tag you could put the question under ( instead of what it has and along with algorithms is reference request)