I am currently reading Galois Theory on my own from Patrick Morandi's Field and Galois Theory. There are many statements in the textbook that I do not find to be obvious, which is to be expected from a graduate-level textbook, I think. I would like to post questions to fill in these gaps that I encounter while reading, along with a full solution. I will be posting as and when I encounter an unclear statement and am able to write down a clear explanation, which shouldn't be too often.
I have done this earlier with a couple of question+answer posts while reading Hoffman & Kunze's Linear Algebra, and there hasn't been any negative feedback. In fact, one user commented positively that my posts were quite useful for the community. However, I still thought it would be wise to post this on meta before embarking on a potentially long-term series of posts.
So, will such question+answer posts lie within the scope of MSE, and will I be encouraged? Even after going through past discussions on the subject (for example, here), I have not understood the consensus.