This seems to be a phenomenon:
- Someone posts a question.
- Others ask them what they've tried / put the question on hold.
- The OP simply deletes the question, and re-asks it as a new question (and gets an answer).
Example 1: This question asked on 14 at 08:44, put on hold at 12:01, edited at 18:41, deleted on 15 (a day later) at 18:43, and re-asked as this question at 18:43.
Example 2: This question asked on 15 at 06:04, deleted at 07:03, and re-asked as this question at 07:04.
In both cases, the questions are the same (verbatim) before and after.
How should one react to these? Is it even a problem?
(Note that despite 20k reputation it's not easy / possible to look at deleted questions: it's only by coincidence that I happened to have looked at both "before" and "after" versions, and had them in my history.)