There are people on this site who will be able to answer pretty much any question related to the course for which you are revising. However, the goal of your course is to enable you to answer the questions yourself.
This is mainly done by the course material, however delivered, and your tutors.
If you need to ask so many questions, it seems to me an indication that you didn't ask them the first time (in class) or the second time (working through problems and having your supervisor/tutor help with your gaps) - and that you haven't got to grips with the course material as you should have done. [Well, I was there once in April for May exams, and I worked 14 hours a day for six weeks - there is no substitute for doing as much as you can yourself]
I do not think you can expect a site like this to provide intensive exam coaching - though you will find people here very helpful in moderation. If you ask too many questions you will simply exasperate the people who might be most helpful to you. After all your tutors get paid; the contributors to this site give their time and wisdom free.
In short - pick your questions for this site with care - the ones which will advance your understanding are good to ask.