In MathJax it seems that \smallsmile
and \smallfrown
render identically to \smile
and \frown
respectively (on my computer at least). If other people confirm this issue I'll submit a bug report to the MathJax maintainers.
Consider the code
$$\begin{array}{cc} \smallsmile & \smallfrown\\ \smile & \frown \end{array}$$
Here it is as rendered by the site (this is not a screenshot): $$\begin{array}{cc} \smallsmile & \smallfrown\\ \smile & \frown \end{array}$$ Here it is as I see it in Chrome 26.0.1410.64 m (zoomed in 250%):
Here it is as I see it in Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16540 (zoomed in 250%):
Here it is as I see it when compiling it in my LaTeX editor (zoomed in 250%):
I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
and the\frown
look the same made you\frown
or just a\smallfrown
? Or maybe it actually made you\smile
? :-) $\endgroup$