Sometimes I come up with and solve cute math problems that I then want to share with others. These are problems that don't involve any advanced math, just arithmetic and logic, maybe a touch of algebra, but they do require creative thinking and some effort. I already know the answer, I'd just like to share it with the community because I think others would enjoy it. I'm not alone in this - I've seen plenty of such questions from others on this site.
As a matter of policy, should all such questions be posted to Puzzling from now on?
To be clear, I'm talking about questions that satisfy they following criteria:
The answer, or at least an answer, is already known to the question asker. The question serves more to share the problem rather than check their answer or learn more about the problem.
The question is elementary, using only every day ideas and notions. These are not interesting propositions in complex analysis, difficult diophantine equations, old math competition problems, and so on.