In good faith, I posted a question about a paper which was published in an online journal, claiming to have proven a result about a well-known theorem. I naturally linked to the paper in question, which was on a site that I assumed to be peer-reviewed (eventually that assumption proved false).
The post generated a fair bit of discussion (e.g., the principal/accepted answer currently has 29 upvotes), much of which was critical of the paper and its author.
I have recently received an email (privately) from the author, who has asked for the post to be deleted, or the link to his paper removed. I notice that the original post had several recent edit attempts.
QUESTION: Is it appropriate for me to either delete the entire post or remove the external link at this point? I have no interest in contributing to a “public” (i.e., on the wider internet) shaming of the author, which is probably a result of the link-back to the paper. But I also don’t want to eliminate the stated [negative] opinions of experts, if that’s the ultimate effect of deleting the thread.