Whenever an MSE user posts an answer to one of my questions, I always have a tendency to first post a comment thanking the user for his/her response, and then proceed to discuss the response, and finally thank the user again.
However, rarely does a user respond to such a "thank you". They are mostly ignored, leading me to think maybe they are inappropriate (possibly annoying?). It's not that I'm expecting a "You're welcome!" comment in return, and I understand that any response to a "thank you" comment would only add to the clutter amongst the actual discussion of the mathematics, but the lack of a response has often worried me that I'm annoying them. So I was wondering if this is the case with most users, and hence I posted this question here to get an idea of the general consensus regarding "thank you" comments.
As a user answering questions here, what is your feeling when the OP thanks you? Do you feel it is unnecessary and rather inappropriate?
I've read both the How to Say "Thank You!" and the What is the etiquette about leaving short thank-you comments? posts here and they don't seem to answer my question, as they mainly address the "how" part of it.
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: "Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks"." I think it's clear what the answer to your question should be... $\endgroup$