This is just a soft question asking for people's opinions on a certain situation.
This afternoon I lost 38 reputation, and I had no idea where it went. I started typing a question to ask about it, actually, when I found a duplicate and someone suggested looking at removed posts. So I clicked "show removed posts", and low-and-behold, it shows that I lost 38 because a post that I had answered had been closed. My question is this:
Is it fair to remove the reputation from answers when a question is closed?
I wasn't the only person that lost reputation. My answers had had four upvotes and one downvote (I think) - everyone's got downvoted at the same time due to some very friendly person... There were other answers on there with 7 or more upvotes. These people will have lost a lot of reputation. For someone with 21k rep, doesn't really matter, but there could have been someone who's trying to get their rep up, and 100 rep really makes a difference. (I noticed because earlier today my reputation was over 1k, now it's back under 1k.)
What do people think on this?