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Questions tagged [reputation]

The reputation tag will be used to ask questions dealing with reputation.

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1 answer

How to find out one's all-time ranking, percentage-wise?

This may be a bit of a petty question (and I'm usually not too concerned about rankings) but I wonder how to find out what one's all-time ranking is, percentage-wise. Currently I can see what my ...
Max Muller's user avatar
  • 7,316
2 votes
0 answers

Why does an upvote to your question earn you 10 rep but a downvote only takes 2?

Whenever someone's question gets upvoted, they earn 10 reputation. But when their question gets DOWNVOTED, they only lose 2. Why is this imbalance in place? For example, if one of my questions gets ...
The_Animator's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Writing answer on behalf of someone else

Assume a post on MSE is answered by someone in comment section and alternative approaches to solve the problem are not provided . There are two senarios: First: Nobody will convert that comment to an ...
User's user avatar
  • 7,014
4 votes
0 answers

Reputation tab bug misreports numbers first time

I've seen this a few times recently. The first time I load the reputation tab, if there is reputation change today and yesterday on the same question, it (sometimes?) counts the today number wrong. ...
Thomas Andrews's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Editing reputation anomaly can generate unbounded reputation?

Background: I was editing an answer given to my question. Edits included some Latex notations. Edit was approved and I got a reputation of $(+2)$. Later, there were some incompleteness in the answer ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
  • 2,857
-12 votes
1 answer

How to increase your 'mathStack' reputation quickly? [closed]

I ask this to gather ideas and advice on how to increase your reputation in a constant and sustainable way. And would you necessarily need to be a professor or a post-doc to have more than 10k ?
NotaChoice's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Does MSE discourage users to edit new users' or "low quality" posts? [duplicate]

Does MSE discourage users to edit new users' or "low quality" posts? This seems to be a bit counter-intuitive but I'm unable to think otherwise. So, we know that when a user below 2000 rep ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Drop in reputation from question that has no downvotes

I got this notification on this question. However, this question did not receive 4 downvotes, as can be seen here so I'm curious what the notification indicates.
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

No record of change of 2 rep

I'm just curious and not particularly concerned to know that when my rep changed from 2005 to 2003, I went to check the rep tab, and there I could see no reason for that happening which is the first-...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

A Beginner and the Problem with the 50 Reputations Requirement

I have just started studying calculus and sometimes have questions which are super easy for the most members of the site. I had a question and did not want to ask it because a similar one was already ...
Kaveh Rad's user avatar
  • 133
0 votes
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Looking for stats on relation between rep, number of questions, and number of questions downvoted is

I'm looking for some following stats: A detailed histogram depicting for a given amount of rep, what the average number of questions asked is Conversely, a detailed histogram depicting for a given ...
Pineapple Fish's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

About removing the reputation of suggested-edits and put that reputation to find duplicates

In the context of the current situation, and also, time ago situation, in part for the duplicate-questions on math.SE, Could it be that, perhaps temporarily, the +2 reputation for the suggested edits ...
Weronika's user avatar
  • 534
1 vote
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Reputation change bug

I recently answered this question (Simple quadratic function, but can't understand the question).I got 24 upvotes as well as my answer(edited by @Dan) was accepted; but my reputation change due ...
user avatar
2 votes
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What fraction of users gained the established user privilege over the years?

I want to know, out of all the users who joined MSE in a year, what amount of users gained the privilege of becoming an established user from one year of that account plotted as a function of time (...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

How I can Get reputation?

I used to write my answer in image, But when I want to post it, it said need 10 reputations How do I must write?
yoga mulyadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

A lot of upvotes in a single day?

I know someone upvoted for here, but someone new did it. Here is my strange string of upvotes which I am sure has been asked about, but would like to know if it is “real reputation”: I woke up today ...
Tyma Gaidash's user avatar
  • 12.6k
-1 votes
1 answer

User removed along with link OR how to find out which of my postings' points were affected by the deletion of a user. [duplicate]

At 19 hrs-02 mins yesterday a user was removed with points 2-10=-8 net on it. If clicked on the link it does not link to the question/answer. How to obtain the reference? Thanks.
Narasimham's user avatar
  • 41.2k
4 votes
1 answer

"You can only post once every 40 minutes."

Dear all friendly mathematicians, When I tried to post my question on this site - I saw "You can only post once every 40 minutes." Is there a restriction on that in general? Or is that due ...
Марина Marina S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why do I have a mysterious reputation change on my profile?

I had $256$ reputation on MSE till yesterday. But today when I checked my account, it had decreased down to $216$. I did not post any question or answer in the past few days and there is no new upvote/...
RiverX15's user avatar
  • 886
3 votes
1 answer

Why I recently lost lot of reputation?

Recently, I got lots of negative reputation. Why? I guess, I earned all those reputation by accepting answer. But, some answers were written by me. Although, I lost reputation. But, I didn't get ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Why don't we have a Reputation per Number of Posts statistic in our profiles?

Wouldn't a "Reputation per Number of Posts" stat on our profiles, and a possible badge for some minimum amount of the same, discourage low-quality and/or spam posts? The reason I ask for ...
Ritam_Dasgupta's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Hide reputation and badges

The greatest tension in this website is that StackExchange is designed to be "gamified", rewarding users who answer questions well with little positive reinforcements that they helped people....
user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Why did I lose 40 rep overnight?

Yesterday I had reputation 7098, and now I it is 7058. What happened? Is it connected to the ongoing personal baiting campaign on me?
Anixx's user avatar
  • 9,301
-5 votes
1 answer

Transferring reputation between different SE sites [closed]

As someone who has accounts on multiple Stack Exchange sites I am wondering if there is a means by which reputation between accounts can be transferred. This may be useful, for example, to offer a ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 469
-4 votes
1 answer

Putting special Tags by spending reputation?

Are there special tags that can be put on a post but will cost reputation? What I mean by this, I have seen tags that can be put by anyone. I have also seen moderator only tags. But I have never seen ...
Kripke Platek's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Migrating a question to Meta doesn't decrease reputation

Recently, a question about the irrationality of $\pi + \mathrm e$ got migrated from Main to Meta. While on Main, that question had obtained a total of 5 - 1 = 4 votes, for a total of 50 - 2 = 48 ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 35.5k
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Association bonus given without point requirement reached

This user has only one post, with only two upvotes, and $121$ reputation. I was wondering how that could be, so I looked at their reputation tab, which says that they received the association bonus. ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 79.8k
9 votes
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A possible solution to reduce answering of duplicate questions

The whole point of people answering duplicate questions which are duplicates without checking if similar queries exist before are because they will get points if they do so. So, the reason why people ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the point of restricting people from seeing upvote/downvote ratios?

I notice that on many StackExchanges, you can't see how many upvotes or downvotes a post got, only the net total. I needed to get to $1000$ rep on MSE to be able to view the upvote and downvote counts....
Some Guy's user avatar
  • 2,685
3 votes
1 answer

Why does the type (or the scale) of rating statistics change?

There is a little line showing users' ranking on the Reputation board that is at the Activity page (marked with red): $\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad$ Sometimes it shows the year rank ...
VIVID's user avatar
  • 11.6k
4 votes
1 answer

Discrepancy in reputation change between reputation league and user list

When I click on the users tab, it gives me a list of people who gained the most reputation in the last week: However, when I look at the weekly leaderboards, it seems to say something completely ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 21.4k
3 votes
1 answer

Mysterious loss of reputation

I have recently noticed that I lose some 2-10 reputation points every day (been going on for about a week). I disregarded it because it was a very small amount and I used to think that my edits would ...
DatBoi's user avatar
  • 4,065
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"User was removed" statistics

I periodically lose points because a "user was removed." I've often thought, "Wait...what? The questions I answered recently were all benign, and there's no way that the OP would have ...
John Hughes's user avatar
  • 94.6k
1 vote
1 answer

Total reputation > total reputation

The page contains infomation about the rep number of me ( user JCAA). It says that the total reputation is ~$12200$ and the ...
markvs's user avatar
  • 19.7k
13 votes
1 answer

Are there any users who have invested more than what they presently have?

Are there any Mathematics SE users who have invested more reputation points in bounties than what they presently have? How can one find out?
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

What is just happening to my reputation?

I was at 1080 today in the evening and I suddenly saw that my reputation dropped down to 784 without any notification. I have been active only for 7 days. And even my individual daily reputations add ...
Soumyadwip Chanda's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why has my post been downvoted for no reason, and can moderators investigate posts that have been downvoted? [closed]

In one of my posts under Timeline, there are 4 upvotes and 2 downvotes, and the score of the post is 2. My reputation increased +36 by these actions. What happened? How many users have voted for my ...
C.F.G's user avatar
  • 8,609
0 votes
1 answer

Comment deleted and reputation loss

I made a comment in a post several minutes ago. Very soon, before I had the time to edit, it got deleted and I also noticed that I lost about 40~50 reputation, without any notification. Nothing is ...
WhatsUp's user avatar
  • 22.4k
2 votes
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Why don't we get reputation points on Meta?

This is a weird question but I can't resist. I had to ask. Why don't we receive reputation points when some posts get upvotes in Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange?
ShBh's user avatar
  • 6,165
-1 votes
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Why do I get a "-1" when I downvote others' answers? [duplicate]

Well, in How does reputation work? post, I've read that if you put a downvote on others' answers you'd get "-1" on your reputation. Yet, I cannot think of a potential reason for this as long ...
VIVID's user avatar
  • 11.6k
2 votes
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Average reputation on the site

I've been for a while in the Mathematics site, and I'm curious about the high reputation some people have. I like the feeling of being proud about a number representing how much you've contributed to ...
Alejandro Bergasa Alonso's user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

Should users that by now, should already have +2k but due to some reason have less than 2k, be suggesting edits?

I was observing that some users, by now, should already have 2k points or more, but due to say bounties here and there, have less than 2k.
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rationale and need for rule barring low-reputation users from inserting images

Occasionally, a new user will ask a question for which a picture is required. Sometimes it's because they don't have the time, energy, or knowledge to convert a handwritten or typeset equation (often ...
Brian Tung's user avatar
  • 34.6k
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Answers being unaccepted

I'm fairly new to (Math) Stack Exchange, so I am hoping the community could shed some light on this: I answered a user's question, in a comprehensive manner, and the user up-voted and accepted my ...
ccroth's user avatar
  • 916
2 votes
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If I post a question or an answer, which gets upvotes, and I delete said post do I lose reputation?

My Question (most likely a duplicate, but I couldn't find such): If I post something (i.e a question or an answer) and it gets say 2 upvotes, and I delete said post do I then lose all the reputation ...
Tauist's user avatar
  • 545
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3000+ reputation - what can I do now?

I would like to read the 3 paragraphs what I can do now after having achieved 3000+ reputation. I was offered to read them as I reached 3k rep, but now I cannot find it.
user122424's user avatar
  • 3,944
2 votes
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Weird data in reputation leagues

I was looking at the reputation leagues for this site, and I saw something a bit odd: Notice that the number of users who have a reputation change of 10000+ is the same as the number of users with ...
Rushabh Mehta's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What happened with the PDE tag?

When you click on the "PDE" tag, you're redirected to a new tag "PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS". And you find all the old questions that were tagged as "PDE". Except that when you open the page of ...
user577215664's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Reputation numbers and the meaning of some items in my control panel.

[I know I can't control anything in that panel but I had to choose a name for it.] When I enter I can see a page (I'll call it p1) with a bar on the top containing, on the right ...
stf91's user avatar
  • 813
9 votes
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Does reputation change if an answer gets deleted due to deletion of original post by vote(s)?

I recently found that the following post $\lim_{x\rightarrow +\infty}\sqrt{x}e^{-x}\left(\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{x^{k}}{k!\sqrt{k}}\right)$ was deleted by vote(s) and as a result my answer also got ...
r9m's user avatar
  • 18k

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