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user2661923's user avatar
user2661923's user avatar
user2661923's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
50 votes

How to avoid downvotes for beginner's questions?

15 votes

Recommendation when a duplicate cannot be found

12 votes

What are the reasons that MSE is frequented by professionals?

9 votes

Can I post questions to ask where I am making a mistake?

7 votes

Why image cannot be used for explaining my maths problem?

6 votes

Downvoting posts that are very popular but not especially good - is this an acceptable way to vote?

5 votes

Multirows in MathJax (or native Stackoverflow tables)?

3 votes

How common is it to do a lot of roundabout work?

3 votes

I have a question on how to study maths, is MSE the right place for it?

2 votes

Clarification on Including Solution Attempts in Questions

2 votes

List of Generalisations of Common Questions

2 votes

About editing the prominent mistakes

2 votes

Was My MathSE answer appropriate

2 votes

What are the rules for big edits of titles?

1 vote

MathJax menu obliterates link menu when the entire link is LaTeX

1 vote

What question (or answer) of your own are you most proud of on MathSE?

1 vote

$\sqrt{\text{Nested} \sqrt{\text{root} \sqrt{\text{problem}}}}$

1 vote

Formatting Sandbox

0 votes

How can I create a specific math expression on mathSE

0 votes

What to do when my question has already been asked and answered, but unsatisfactorily?

0 votes

MathJax preview works incorrectly in Google Chrome.

0 votes

Fraction bar too short

-1 votes

How to use the features hyperlink, blockquote, preformatted text, insert citation to make my question more clear

-1 votes

Is downvoting without comment a common and/or recommended practise?

-3 votes

A minor gripe about upvoting things that have been downvoted [pity upvotes]

-3 votes

Should the following question be closed?

-3 votes

My experience with closed questions

-6 votes

How to add ellipsis in enumeration in markdown?