Some recent events have raised the question as to who is best equipped to be a moderator. It has become clear to me that some hugely valuable contributions are being lost to the site over concerns about moderation. Moderators here are elected by the community. What we mainly see when we vote is the contribution made in various ways. But the skills of contribution which are most valued on the site are not necessarily the skills required by a moderator - who has to make fine judgments about the behaviour of others, work constructively with other moderators, and continue to command the respect of the community as a whole.
There are some tools - badges etc - which indicate potentially positive moderator behaviour. But are there other things which ought to be rewarded, and is there a way in which the "potential moderator behaviour" of those who put themselves forward for election could be highlighted (as opposed to the basic business of asking and answering questions)?
I guess this is potentially a request for a feature to be added (moderator skills, at least at election time), or for some consideration of whether new badges might be desirable.