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Questions tagged [editor]

For questions both about the built-in editor for this site and also for questions about preparing posts using different programs.

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Click-to-Navigate while editing questions

When editing long questions, it would be helpful to be able to click on the render answer and have the cursor appear in the corresponding place in the editing text box to ease searching. Are there any ...
vallev's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why is SE editing suddenly going haywire?

I haven't used SE in several months, and suddenly editing is completely haywire. Has something changed? I updated Chrome, cleared cookies, and restarted my laptop. And I'm running Windows 10.0....
Jerry Guern's user avatar
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2 votes
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Double column when editing a post

I'm still not clear on the use of this part of Stack Exchange but since there is the "feature-request" tag I think this is the right place to ask this question (which is actually not a ...
Math Attack's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is possible to use a spoiler for a list in a question of a proof?

I would like to use a spoiler in this post of the the proof of the point $1$-$3$ but unfortunately I was not able: so is it possible use a spoiler?
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
-5 votes
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Request for changing post edit rules. [duplicate]

I have noticed that correcting a mathematical mistake in post editing is not allowed; only minor changes are allowed. It is preferable to write a comment explaining the mistake. The thing that ...
moqui's user avatar
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Side by side editor that supports LaTex or Mathjax or similar **and** Markdown?

Writing and editing long entries in stackexchange can be cumbersome. I recently found which is great way to write and edit the longer entries. It has: side by side editor/preview ...
joseville's user avatar
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7 votes
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Mathjax rendering incorrectly in edit preview.

Update: I later found that anything I edited on Main didn't render properly in Preview. On a whim, I de-activated the LocalCDN plugin I installed after seeing a-super-easy-way-to-speedup-mathjax-...
Peter Phipps's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Proposed new solution to having unwanted noise and unfairly exposed questions again after editing on this site as to not decrease the site quality.

It has been noticed that when editing my own posts, that I sometimes get annoyed with a small wrong detail in a post that I then do a 5 character or less edit. Here is proof of this causing trouble ...
Тyma Gaidash's user avatar
73 votes
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Concerns about MathJax in proposed new SE editor

Over on Physics.SE, Emilio Pisanty has pointed out that the proposed new StackExchange editor (currently in alpha testing) would present major difficulties for MathJax-heavy Stacks such as this one. ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
0 votes
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Bringing the new feature to MSE in order to make writing formulas easier

There is a site for searching formulas on stack exchange called SearchOnMath. On the site you can see an option called "Add Formula" click on that, then you can choose any symbol you want ...
Soheil's user avatar
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1 answer

Is anyone else having trouble adding/removing tags to questions?

Normally you just start typing and after a few characters it autocompletes and you can see the suggestions. But now I can't see the drop-down bar. Anyone else experiencing this?
Integrand's user avatar
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11 votes
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Button for citation helper in the editor

The icon for citation helper in the editor Window used to be hyperlink in a speech bubble, see here: Let's get MathOverflow's “Citation Helper” here, too! At the moment the icon is a letter B - very ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
4 votes
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Finding MathJax mistakes (or general mistakes) in your (soon to be posted) question/answer more easily

Often when I post a question or answer which gets a little bit longer and I make a mistake somewhere in this post, I tend to find it fairly difficult to find the spot in the text/code where I want to ...
Cornman's user avatar
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Live preview is not available

A few minutes ago, I posted a question on MSE and noticed that live preview is not available when writing a question. I would like to ask if other users have encountered this problem too. Thanks!
Akira's user avatar
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Firefox plugin to show edit and preview panels side by side

I have installed a Firefox plugin many years ago that used Greasemonkey to allow to show editor and previewer panels side by side on MathExchange (maybe other Exchanges as well). After I reset ...
Kay K.'s user avatar
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Bug in math.stackexchange MathJax editor

When answering a question the editor sometimes pops up an image which covers the line one is trying to edit as seen in the image below. Has anyone else encountered this problem? My usual fix is to ...
John Wayland Bales's user avatar
1 vote
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How to write question on MSE offline?

I have recently downloaded MathJax-2.7.4 and successfully render test htmls in folder test. Then I save the webpage offline to write question. But when I ...
Akira's user avatar
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MathJax bug in tag wiki edit

I have suggested an edit on the tag wiki of circulant-matrices, based on a related tag wiki for hilbert-matrices. While typing the code, I observed that \\ is ...
GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會's user avatar
2 votes
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Integration support for Mathcha

My current workflow is: looking up symbols through detexify typing math expressions into this editor scrolling up and down between the editor and preview box to make sure output looks good. I think ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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Auto MathJax Code Generator on [duplicate]

Is there is any websites or software which is used to auto generate Mathjax code which helps in writing on or any other StackExchange websites?
user avatar
4 votes
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How can I deactivate the Ctrl+M shortcut in the editor?

On my keyboard, I programmed CTRLM to be something special, and always when I press CTRLM when I ask a question on Mathematics Stack Exchange, an "Insert Citation" appears! How can I deactivate this "...
user330587's user avatar
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Where I can keep a draft

I need to make private drafts, so I can post a question after I have it chewed, clarified. The question: Is here a way to make a draft, and keep it private? If the answer is no, then I ask for that ...
cezudidu's user avatar
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Double mathjax when asking

I have been getting double mathjax recently when asking questions, and only when asking questions. It renders correctly on the preview but just makes my input box look weird. I use the latest version ...
suomynonA's user avatar
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26 votes
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MathJax editing updates beta

There have been a lot of complaints and bug reports about the state of the $ MathJax $ editing experience all around SE lately. We've heard you, and with a lot of help from the kind folks from $ ...
m0sa's user avatar
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When asking/answering a question on this site; Is there a way to fix the page in place so that you only see the displayed output as you type?

I am a touch typist and would like to know if there exists a way to type a question\answer with all the necessary formatting without the page automatically scrolling back up to where you input the ...
BLAZE's user avatar
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2 answers

Let's get MathOverflow's "Citation Helper" here, too!

MathOverflow recently received a brand-new toy: a citation helper that adds a new button to the post editor to allow references to journal articles (and more?) to be added to posts quicker and easier. ...
GEdgar's user avatar
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Introducing a delay for updating the post preview box

When typing up or editing a question the completed version is shown in the box below. When editing this means that the whole text is constantly being refreshed which is just plain annoying. Would it ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any plug-ins or software programs (preferably free) that you use to generate MathJax equations and edit them? [duplicate]

It's taking me a very long time to ask questions and respond on here, just because I'm having a hard time figuring out the syntax... Do any of you have suggestions?
Keenan's user avatar
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16 votes
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I'm not shouting, I'm just easily distracted

This site has a warning about all-uppercase posts, which works for both question titles and post bodies. The problem is that on the body of a post it is triggered prematurely, even by the first ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using LyX to write answers for posts

Whenever I want to write a solution to a question I write it in LyX. Then I go the the code (I can see it in the bottom of the page) and I copy-paste it into the site. There are small problems with ...
Belgi's user avatar
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MathJax snippets for editor?

Often when typing lengthy equations in answers, I want to align them properly. This can be easliy achieved with a \begin{align*}...\end{align*} block, but typing ...
AlexR's user avatar
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3 answers

Programs that display maths symbols like this site to type a maths assignment

I am searching for a program that uses the same sort of language as this site that I can type up maths assignments on. I downloaded MikTex (once I installed it, the only program I could find was ...
user88720's user avatar
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8 votes
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MathJax WYSIWYG Editor

I originally enquired about this at but misconstrued Bakoma-TeX as a Mathjax editor. Please advise if anyone objects to this question. Barring Bakoma-TeX, are ...
user avatar
15 votes
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Can we have the suggested questions' titles parsed by default?

The suggested questions' titles here are not parsed: I find this a bit odd, because they are indeed parsed in other scenarios, like this: Why aren't the titles parsed when suggesting questions? I ...
Saturn's user avatar
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Feature request - but it woudn't be a feature, it'd be a blessing - editing panel and preview side-by-side - fighting lag on large answers!

I've only done a few questions here but already it's grinding on me. Why can't we have the writing-answer panel and the preview panel side by side, rather than below, this means for big answers I can'...
Alec Teal's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Latex editor suggestion

It takes me lot of time to type problems and answers directly. It would be of great help if anyone can suggest me any good latex editor so as to type answer and problems faster. Thanks in advance!!
Aang's user avatar
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23 votes
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MathJax: better way to prepare a Math.StackExchange question?

So right now, to write up a question for Math.StackExchange, I use Firefox to come here, say I'm going to ask a question, and start typing in the box (like I am now). The only way I have to test ...
MikeC's user avatar
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How to increase service/traffic, a set of suggestions

(1) Make it possible for a teacher to register and monitor a class. As a teacher if I could find out the activity of my students on this site then I could encourage them by giving extra credits etc. ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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WYSIWYG for math formulas?

Is there any website or tool that allows you to create math formulas visually which can then be pasted on this website? I'm looking for something like the equation editor in Microsoft Word or Google ...
Senseful's user avatar
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