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Questions tagged [feature-request]

You have an idea for a new feature on the site, or for a change to the existing functionality.

304 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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13 votes
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Stop the decay of closing votes when a bounty is set

Some week or so ago I answered a question, after some comments with the OP it became my suspicion that the question was not made in good faith, but rather to "confirm that they are correct", rather ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 401k
12 votes
0 answers

Ask Question app should have side-by-side view option

Though I have long grown accustomed to the vertical layout of the "Ask Question" app. I realize now, that it is probably a great bug to request be fixed. You notice, right, when you're working on a ...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Place to ask for feedback on questions

I am pretty new here. Sometimes I ask a question and it's pretty successful, but sometimes I get barely any upvotes and no answers. The problem is, I'm not sure what I'm doing right when it works and ...
Henrique's user avatar
  • 828
12 votes
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Review: why is there highlight only on suggested edits?

When a suggested edit can be reviewed, we can see this: However, it seems we don't have anything similar of other kinds of reviews, like "First posts" or "Close question". Why this? Can we do the ...
Davide Giraudo's user avatar
12 votes
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Feature request: Save Question (and Answer) as Draft option

Sometimes a question pops into my mind a mere 5 minutes before I have to run an errand. In that situation, I can either: (a) write the question down on paper and ask it later, or (b) ask the question ...
Jesse Madnick's user avatar
12 votes
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List earlier display names for an account

Every so often I'll notice that a user with an unfamiliar name begins posting good answers and insightful comments about topics that interest me. Most of the time they are new users, but sometimes ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Should there be a model question tag?

Given the amount of material on the site now, I have previously asked questions about curating content better so it is more accessible. So this is an idea that may not work, but is designed to think ...
Mark Bennet's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Is there a notification of "on hold" and "closed"?

Perhaps I am mistaken but I think there is no notification of these events when they occur. Should there be one in the notification area?
Maesumi's user avatar
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11 votes
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A completely wrong answer "looks ok"

Normally when we review low quality post, some wrong answer will show up (I guess that's because someone has flagged it as "very low quality"?). And I am a bit unsure what to do. Obviously I will ...
user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Provide \degree symbol in MathJax

A while ago I posted an answer to the MathJax tutorial meta question about the right way to write a degree symbol. The latest edit (with which I'm not really happy) discusses, among other things, the ...
MvG's user avatar
  • 43.5k
10 votes
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Meet users located in the same geographical region

I am new to MSE, and I do appreciate the good attitude of (almost all) the users. However, I really miss the personal interaction, possibly with the assistance of a blackboard. Therefore, I wonder ...
user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Edited-and-Reopened Questions Should Ping Downvoters

A somewhat common pattern on this site seems to be that a new user will post a poor question, receive a bunch of downvotes and have their question closed. If we're lucky, they'll (or someone) improve ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar
  • 61.6k
10 votes
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Do spam-only posting users get deleted?

Often spammers, or drunk people who feel the need to post racist/sexist/otherwise offensive content come to the site and post something spammy or offensive. The good folks of this community usually ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 401k
10 votes
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Flagging Archaeological Edits

The Archaeologist Badge requires one to have edited 100 posts that were inactive for 6 months. Now, I have no objection to people trying for this badge, but it can be slightly frustrating when someone ...
user1729's user avatar
  • 31.6k
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user on an editing spree

One of us has edited over 50 old questions in the last 50 minutes, mostly just retagging them. Is there any way to stop this? [note --- I have flagged one of the questions for moderator attention, and ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
10 votes
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Feature request: review edits without diffs

I request that the review edits page allow the option to simply preview the original and edited versions side by side. I've found the review suggested edits tool unhelpful because it only shows diffs;...
user avatar
10 votes
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When will Math.SE support the `\begin{xymatrix}` environment?

I have seen the following two questions on meta:
user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

A possible solution to reduce answering of duplicate questions

The whole point of people answering duplicate questions which are duplicates without checking if similar queries exist before are because they will get points if they do so. So, the reason why people ...
Brian's user avatar
  • 13.2k
9 votes
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Weird citation of stack exchange question

I want to cite a question and its answer in my paper in IEEEtran format. However, citing the question gives me this weird result: The URL of my account is broken and the author name is just the ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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Notice when an answer you commented on gets deleted

I posted an answer to a question but it turns out I had a major error in it. Another user posted a comment pointing out the error. I agree with the comment and so I deleted the answer. For SE in ...
quarague's user avatar
  • 6,257
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Organizing The MathJax Tutorial

There is a wonderful post dedicated to MathJax code found here: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference The only problem I see with this post is that the additional contents below the original ...
GrayLiterature's user avatar
9 votes
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Database of abstract duplicates displayed when asking question/clicking on tag

The following question came up today: Prove $5a^2 ≠ 3b^2$ for all non-zero rational numbers $a$ and $b$ This is surely an abstract duplicate if not an actual duplicate. Yet as I intended to indicate ...
Arnaud Mortier's user avatar
9 votes
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Notification when questions/answers will be or are deleted

I just realized that one of my question was deleted by Community. I can't remember being been notified about that. And since happens already at least the second time, I would be nice if SE could ...
draks ...'s user avatar
  • 18.6k
9 votes
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What is the average time it takes before a question is answered?

How long is the average wait time to have a question answered? I know that most people have lives outside of this forum so I know people may not have time to skim through the current unanswered ...
Aethelred's user avatar
  • 105
9 votes
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Add give references to "how do I ask good questions page"

On the page I would suggest to change Be specific If you ask a vague question, you’ll get a vague answer. But if you give us details and context,...
Willemien's user avatar
  • 6,652
9 votes
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Edit couldn't be submitted -- how to finish review? Load title and tag edits asynchronously

I was reviewing a possible "Low Quality Post" and decided to edit it. I completely revised title, body and tags to contain proper English, describe the post and improve the MathJax. Then, I tried to ...
Lord_Farin's user avatar
  • 17.9k
9 votes
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Ability to Vote Down Comments

It would be nice to be able to vote down comments. Sometimes I find users leaving very unhelpful one sentence complaints about questions and/or answers, but it is not nearly serious enough to warrant ...
Jared's user avatar
  • 31.9k
9 votes
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context menu should allow easy copying of $\TeX$ commands

In more than $99\%$ of all cases in which I use the context menu option "Show Math As", I select "TeX Commands" and then press the keyboard shortcuts for "Select All", "Copy" and "Close". This takes ...
joriki's user avatar
  • 241k
8 votes
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No community promotion ads any longer?

It seems there is no community promotion ads from 2021, so our community won't have that any longer? Different from some irrelevant commercial ads from the SE network, I in fact would like to see some ...
C. Ding's user avatar
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Should MSE send reminders to users listing questions with no selected answer?

Many, many questions have good answers, ignored or forgotten by the OP. A significant part of the issue comes from users unfamiliar with the site and the basics of accepting an answer. Could MSE ...
dantopa's user avatar
  • 10.6k
8 votes
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Searching for text in questions I have answered

The question pendulum modeling is essentially a duplicate of the question mathematical model of a pendulum. I had supplied an answer to the older one and wanted to find it. I searched on my user ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
7 votes
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Mathoverflow links

Sometimes, I would like to reference a link from MO and it would be helpful if it got immediately turned into the title without having to type it and then include the hyperlink i.e. https://...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
  • 6,900
7 votes
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Closing a post with multiple duplicates

Many questions posted on the site are duplicates, but sometimes it's not easy to identify the most perfect match. Frequently, for instance, there is an older question, itself a closed duplicate, that ...
lulu's user avatar
  • 75.1k
7 votes
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Audit on demand for review queues

I have just gained queues access privilege (500 reputation), so I can review First Answers, First questions and Late answers on main website. I'm willing to help these queues alongside the community ...
MathStackExchange's user avatar
7 votes
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Not having pure Latex as titles

A few times I have been told to not to turn the titles to Latex only as that stops them from being indexed by search engines. I see two problems with that : 1.What seems natural humans behaviour ...
jimjim's user avatar
  • 9,793
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Enable FAQ sidebar on the meta

A little known feature of meta sites is that they can have a sidebar with a few most frequently asked questions: for example, Programmers Meta does. For a description of how it works, see FAQ ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Appropriate way to place sound arguments when reopening a duplicate marked question

The possibility to reopen a duplicate marked question is a nice feature. This action is usually based (at least I do hope so) upon sound arguments. Is there a way to attach or combine these ...
Markus Scheuer's user avatar
7 votes
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Customized newsletter

Being a mathematics website, the questions asked here are on pretty diverse areas. However, the weekly newsletter is the same for everyone. I believe that being able to receive customized newsletters,...
Hippalectryon's user avatar
7 votes
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Voting hover text on meta is misinformative

As I understand, voting on the meta is supposed to be fundamentally different than voting on the main. By this I mean on the Main: Upvotes mean: well researched, clear etc. Downvotes mean: badly ...
Ali Caglayan's user avatar
  • 5,775
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Proposal: Make "Featured on meta" a link to meta

As the title says. The bit of text "Featured on Meta" makes for a reasonable and unobtrusive place to have a link to meta on the main page. And on that note, it would be reasonable to make "Hot Meta ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Enable safe `\href` in MathJax

As a follow-up to this discussion, I would like to request the activation of MathJax-safe \href to allow similar URLs to those allowed in ...
AlexR's user avatar
  • 25.1k
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Turn off MathJax noErrors extension during preview

The MathJax noErrors extension causes $\rm\LaTeX$ expressions that contain errors to show the original $\rm\LaTeX$ code rather than an error message. That is certainly appropriate for viewing ...
Davide Cervone's user avatar
7 votes
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Changing reason for close votes

I accidentally retracted my close vote on this question. How can I (have this) reset? Also, I think there should be a grace period (say 5 minutes, like with comment editing) for that, since the error ...
AlexR's user avatar
  • 25.1k
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Indicate the presence of an image in the Tools > Flags tab

In the Tools > Flags tab of the 10k tools, all images are silently suppressed: For some posts (particularly proofs-by-picture and containing scans), this can easily lead to wrong flags. So please ...
Lord_Farin's user avatar
  • 17.9k
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A step-by-step unhiding "tutorial mode" for equations

One very nice MathJax example shows means to only show parts of a formula (e.g. as hints) and unveil them one by one (see $\ref{screenshot}$ below). I think a similar feature (not restricted to ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
7 votes
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search among formerly featured questions

As far as I know, there is no “been formerly attributed a bounty” tag in the search options? I tend to like featured questions even when the bounty is no longer active and such a feature would be ...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
  • 62.5k
7 votes
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Would it be possible to allow editing or formatted preview of bounty text?

Would it be possible to allow editing - or at least a preview - of bounty explanations? It is not clear when writing the text if the markup rules are different, but I rely so much on previews that I ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
7 votes
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Couldn't we have a neater election post on meta?

I was checking how was elections on other SE sites and found this one. Couldn't we have a neater page there so that all candidates could answer questions and others could follow more easily? I'm lost ...
Gigili's user avatar
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Table of Contents on the FAQ

Could anyone with sufficient powers edit the FAQ so that it has a TOC on top, as MO's does? Changing the formatting so each section stands more separated from others would also help making it less of ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
7 votes
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Comment editing boxes

It would be awesome if the textarea elements one uses to create/edit comments on M.SE were larger and allowed for more characters. The ones on MO are perfect, for example. (Why do I want this? Well, ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar

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